Brightwood Characters

That's going to be great ^_^

I went and looked at the age difference after you guys mentioned the pedo relationship, and I was like, "HOLY F***!"

There is going to be an amazing amount of fun with that ^_^
I just posted.

And yeah, Leah's going to flip when the relationship becomes official, and she finds out just how old he is. Huhuhuhu. I'm very excited about this. ;)

And that song, Centy...interesting... (If I don't have nightmares tonight, it'll be a miracle...)
thanks for the comment on the song i just listened to it on repeat for like 30 minutes

--- Merged Double Post ---

((ohh and rhi next time i plan a kidnapping you can be the victim, seeing as i am usually doing the kidnapping and it seems like everytime sage has been one of them))
Rhi: what being kidnapped in the future? cause it always seem to be fun and chaotic

Sage: i always try to differ my charcters next time i'm making a charcter actually based upon myself
It's even better when it's spontaneously injected. Problem being, two people causing chaos requires planning or mind reading, one power I happen to lack.
True enough. Who's going to be the next to start something odd?

Wait, nvm. I've got chaos to cause still.

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