Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"Raze come back I have something important to ask you." Kohaku called from the kitchen. Yuu held his stomach a bit."Hungry..."
Raze didn't come back. He sat at the couch and sighed.


After a few minute ritsu finished making the omelet and put it in front of yuu " there you go" she said with a smile.
Yuu ate the omelet placed in front of him."So, good." he said. Kohaku grinned at Ritsu."Hey Ritsu go ask Raze if he had a warm seat last night." he was grinning a bit.
Ritsu smiled at yuu " kohaku please stop harassing raze....he didn't do anything to you..." luka went over to raze and sat down. Raze smiled a little and petted her
Kohaku looked at her."Yes, he did." He yelled at Raze."Ritsu wants to know about your hot seat last night Raze!!" Yuu finished eating."This is so strange."
Kohaku looked at her."He slapped me across the face very hard last with Yuu's help...I set his pants on fire." Yuu didn't even look up from his plate.
Raze got up and left the house. Luka watched him leave. Ritsu blinked " luka!" Luka came into the kitchen " were you up last night watching them?" Luka nodded " did raze slap kohaku?" Luka shook her head. Ritsu sighed and went to her room to clear her mind a bit.
Kohaku went to Ritsu's room slowly."Um...h-hey ...Ritsu." he said slowly. Yuu got up from the tablel and stretched a bit.
Ritsu layed down on her bed amd was looking at the ceiling. Her head was hurting a . She looked at kohaku who entered her room " yes?" Her voice was surprising a little hoarse. Luka went over to ritsu and meowed. Ritsu petted her.
"So...I have a confession to make." Kohaku said kinda weak. Yuu was sitting on the couch looking at the ceiling.
"I may..have...slapped Raze a lot last night...and when he resisted hitting me...I may have set his pants on fire...just maybe." Kohaku said not making direct eye contact. Yuu was kicking his leg around in the air.
" kohaku....why do hate raze?....he didn't do anything to you.....I dont understand...." her head started to hurt mored.
"I don't hate Raze. ....I really really like him. Yuu said that's how you express liking someone new." Kohaku said to her. Yuu was still on the couch.
Ritsu was speechless ".....thats not show that you like someone...." she groaned a little from the pain in her head.


Raze was at his house. He took a shower which calmed him down. He sighed again.
Yuu walked into Ritsu's room pushing kohaku out of the way." Yo Ritsu...what's going on?" he looked at her. "Not feeling to well today are you?"
" my head just hurts a little..." luka came back with some painkillers and place it on a desk next to ritsu's bed, then ran of and came back with a bottle of water. Ritsu sat up and smiled " thanks luka" she ate 2 painkillers and the bottle of water and layed down " ill be fine in a bit..."
"I knew girls were weak." Yuu sighed a bit. "I'm gonna go play with Kohaku then teach him somethings. Maybe how to hold someone up." he said walking out of the room.
"Nah, you aren't getting it back. I'm keeping it forever. And sure I'll teach Kohaku things." Yuu said to Ritsu.
Ritsu clenched her fists and punched the wall ".......fine....keep it" she tried to control her temper, but her knife going missing is really pushing her to her limits.
Yuu looked at her as she punched the wall."Oh, and since you don't mind I'll just keep the other 2 I took last night as well." He said leaving the room.

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