Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Yuu looked back at her."Right me and Kohaku will leave the room." Kohaku left the room and Yuu was about to follow.
When luka and you left ritsu closed the door and locked. Tears began to burst out of ritsu, she was mad and frustrated. She didn't want to lash out at kohaku and yuu, they weren't brought up like they were suppose to. She sighed and sat in bed and let the tears fall. Luka was worried about ritsu and wanted to enter her room.
Yuu heard the tears and moved Luka out of the way. He slid two of the three daggers under the door. "There...maybe that'll cheer her up?" Yuu said.
Ritsu heard something rubbing again the floor board. She got up amd went over to her door and saw her daggers. She smiled a little and picked them up.
Yuu banged on the door."Well I guess I'll go teach Kohaku some things now." He said walking off grabbing Kohaku's hand about to lead him out the door.
Ritsu' eyes widen. She opened the door and stopped the two " ...please don't...." she sighed and she wipes her tears away ' great...I didn't want anyone to see me like this...'
"I knew that would get you to open the doors." Yuu sighed a bit."You look so pathetic with tears in your eyes." Kohaku looked back at her "Oh, hey Ritsu.."
"I'm going to go teach Kohaku how to mug someone...luka saw me do it last night it went so well." Yuu smiled. Kohaku seemed interested."Sure let's go."
"Ritsu it will be alright I've done it at least just yesterday. I normally just kill them." Yuu said sighting a bit. Kohaku looked at him. "He's so much cooler than you're so strict."
Ritsu sighed " kohaku....." she sighed again not know how to explain that mugging is gonna get him in trouble with the cops and that if leads them here she is honna get in trouble with her weapons and so in and so forth " just trust dont want to learn how to mug someone...and I am not being strict..."
"You heard the lady Kohaku listen to your mommy. Don't go mugging people with me like a weakling." Yuu said trying to taunt kohaku into mugging with him.
Ritsu knows what yuu is trying to do, she sighed again. 'Great now I feel like punching something again....' luka rubbed her head on ritsu to comfort her a little.
"What...I do not listen to Ritsu I'm my own person." Kohaku said defending himself. "Prove it then, come on and come mug with me unless you are scared." Yuu kept taunting him.
Ritsu just gets up and goes to her room again and closes the door . She doesnt want to hear anymore of this. Raze came back and raises an eyebrow when he hears the door slam.
"Alright Yuu let's go mug people." Kohaku said in front of Raze. He grabbed Yuu's hand and they started for the front door.
Raze sighs ' I see....' he goes over and knocks on ritsu's door "'s me...." ritsu opens the door and as soon as she sees raze she starts crying. Raze was surprised and gave her a hug. She kept crying.
Yuu began walking out walk out the door with Kohaku but stopped shortly."I think I'll show you how to kill people instead. That would be more useful of a skill."
Raze glared at and patted ritsu's head. He has never seen her like this before. She usualky so calm and always has a neutral look on her face. He sighed a little.
Yuu quickly looked at Raze."Must have been fun to have your pants catch on fire from your lies." he laughed a bit dragging Kohaku outside with him.

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