Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Yuu was kicking his legs in the air. "I lost them...nobody was following me except Luka. As for as I cared to be aware of anyway."
Raze closed the door and sat on the couch and looked at the ceiling " get some sleep..." he yawned a little.
Yuu looked at him. "Yeah, yeah." Yuu went to sleep after hiding the knife somewhere even luka couldn't find it.
-next morning-

Ritsu woke up and yawned. " ahhh..." she smiled her voice came back she stretched and little. She looked at luka who was still sleeping. She walked into the living and saw raze and yuu were in her house. She then went into the kitchen and stard to cook.
Yuu woke up almost instantly at the sound of Ritsu and walked into the kitchen."Oh, it's just you." he said rubbing his eyes a bit.
Yuu looked at her. "I'm under no obligation to tell you anything. But, it's in a place even Luka couldn't get it's scent." he said peeking at the omelets.
Ritsu sighed " why can't you just give me my knife?" She doesn't like anyone other than her using her knives.


Luka and raze woke up. Luka went over and jumped on ritsu and licked her face. She was happy that she got her voice back. " meow" ritsu smiled.
"Because you aren't the B.O.S.S of me." Yuu said looking away from her. He didn't care whether or not she wanted the knife back.


Kohaku woke up and stepped on Raze's foot. "Good morning, Ritsu." he called walking into the kitchen.
" morning kohaku" ritsu said with a smile. She looked at yuu " yuu... please ....give it back...." she put luka down. Luka went over to raze who is awake and sat on his lap " morning luka" "meow" he smiled and petted her
Kohaku looked at Ritsu."Give what back?" he asked sitting down. Yuu just sat down on the floor and put his head on the counter. "No I don't think so."
"Oh...remember when I took it." Kohaku said giggling a bit. "Because I told you no." Yuu told her tired of her constant questioning and demanding.
" yes...I remember..." she puts down her last omlet. She serves the them and put them on the table, she then put food on luka's bowl and milk and water on seperate bowls. Luka smelled food and went over to her bowl and began to eat. Raze got up and went over to the table and sat down at a chair. Ritsu did the same.
Kohaku tried taking the omelets off of Raze's plate and Ritsu's plate while devouring his own. Yuu didn't really get off the floor he didn't see a plate for him at all but it didn't really bother him either.
" kohaku eat your own omelet...if you want more I can make it..." she ate her omelet and looked at yuu " arent you gonna eat? I made one for you too" she said to him.
Yuu sighed a bit."No,...I don't need it." he said as his stomach growled a bit. Kohaku took Yuu's omelet and stuffed it into his mouth."If you say so."
" kohaku... you cant eat other food..." she sighed at she and finished her food quickly and got up to make yuu's omelet again
Kohaku looked at Raze with a devious grin on his face. "Hey there ...Raze." he said. Yuu got up and sat at the table.

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