Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Yuu kept a pretty good distance up. "If you want your knife back you're going to have to fight for it." He said thinking she might turn down the fight in her current state.
Ritsu sighed. She stopped for a second and calmed down a bit. She took a deep breathed and dashed over to yuu and hit a pressure point to make him drop the knife. Luka went and grabbed it.
Yuu snatched it from luka before she could make off with it and kicked Ritsu. "Hey violence is not the answer to all your problems." he said backing up swiftly. "A please wouldn't kill you once in a while."
"I need it...just for a little while." Yuu responded putting it away so it wouldn't be easy for her or Luka to get.
"I'm going to use it for things...stuff you may or may not approve of." Yuu said walking off. "I'll be back later don't you trust me?"
"If I took Luka with me it would only cause trouble. Besides, I'm grown I can look after myself." Yuu said beginning to question Ritsu's judgement.
"I don't need a babysitter. Besides, Luka should be asleep." Yuu said looking directly into Ritsu's eyes.
" meow"


Ritsu returnd to the house. " where is yuu?" " luka is with him..." raze nodded " why dont you ho back to sleep" ritsu nodded nad went back to bed.
Once yuu was out of sight. Luka chewed on the ropes and freed herself. She rubbed ber paws a bit and followed yuu. She kept a distance.
Yuu could already feel Luka following. 'Darn persistent cat maybe I should kill her?' He pretended not to notice and kept on the path.
Yuu found an unsuspecting man walking down the street. He pulled out the knife slowly holding it tightly so luka couldn't get it. 'Should I do it? ...I'm kinda itching to do it...' he thought to himself a moment trying to decide.
Yuu put on a mask and went up to the man holding the knife at his throat. "Give me your money." The man quietly complied giving Yuu $105 from his wallet and running away screaming in terror. He was grinning under his mask 'wow so much better than killing them' he thought to himself

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