Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Ritsu stared at him and sighed. She removed the knife from his neck. She knew he was telling the truth. She wrote " why were you talking with Leonardo?" She crossed her arms and waited for his answer
The boy looked at her a long while and thought about it. "Don't know. He just said I'd be better off here and left." he sighed a bit rubbing his head.


Kohaku looked at him a while. "Your name was Yuu right? I think if I remember correctly." Kohaku pulled Razes pants down again and went over to Ritsu.
Raze was about go and wack him when ritsu stopped him. He sighedand puled up his pants. " kohaku stop pulling raze's pants down...." ' better of here? he giving me more kids to look after or something?.....or is gonna use him to kill me later?' All these question were jumbling around in her head as she stared at yuu.
Yuu looked back at kohaku. "Yeah, I suppose so." he said answering his question looking at Ritsu again trying to contain a smile from seeing Raze having his pants taken down.


Kohaku said to Ritsu "Okay no more pants pulling." walking back over to Raze he attempted to do it again.
Ritsu sighed and grabbed kohaku's by the collar " I mean it" she looked at Yuu and sighed again. ' is he gonna just follow us around?'' She worte down and asked him that.
Yuu look at her for a moment and at the paper. "Not at all I guess...not really sure where to go. But, I won't follow you." he said kicking the ground a bit.


Kohaku turned around and pants Ritsu. "Okay I won't pants Raze." he said with a grin.
" would you quit doing that!!" Raze yelled at him. Ritsu sighed at kohaku ' what am I gonna do with him....' and looked at yuu ".......don't you have a home?"
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"Why don't you make me!" Kohaku yelled back at him. "You don't wanna mess with me. So, just chill out, Vanilla Ice." He was glaring at Raze now.


Yuu looked at Kohaku for a bit and back at Ritsu. "Um, ma'am." he answered looking away a bit.
Ritsu pulled up her pants looked at kohaku and raze " both of you quit it!" She looked back at yuu and thought for a moment '.....I cant believe I am doing this.....and I dont even know him....well I am getting my voice back tomorrow yeah...' she looked at yuu and smiled " why dont you stay with at raze's house?" She suggested. She looked and whistled, luka came to her with her 3 knives. Two were in her mouth and one was carried by her tail. Ritsu smiled and took them back. She looked at raze who was glaring back at kohaku and held out her hand. He looked at her and her hand " what do you....oh" he handed her knife back. Luka stared at yuu.
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Yuu looked terribly long look at all of them. " sure about this?" he was a bit confused to her suggestion. Not knowing any of them it seemed more or less a dangerous idea.


Kohaku glared at Ritsu a bit. "Never!"
Ritsu sighed and looked at yuu " yeah I am sure" she smile at him and patted his head. She looked at raze and wrote him a note "....what!? You cant decide that!" She put a knife to his neck and smiled " .....ok ok no need to be violent" ritsu giggled and removed it from his neck. He chuckled a little and looked at yuu " welcome to the club" he said to him
Yuu nodded a bit and took a knife from Ritsu and held the knife at Raze's neck. "Like this?" pulling the knife away from his neck he dropped it to the floor.
Ritsu blinked " why did you put a knofe to his neck?" ' please tell he isnt like kohaku....' she sighed and picked up the knife.
Yuu looked at her. "Well you did it right? Wasn't I suppose to do that as well?" He watched as she picked up the knife still wary of all of them. Yuu rubbed his eyes a bit.
" weren't ....just because I did it didnt mean you had to do it..." she explained. She put the knife away since he looked nervous when he sees them. She hand raze a note " and he gave her some ice. She wrapped it in a napkin and put it on her cheek. She fliched a little since it hurt and sighed.
"Come to think of it. I knocked you on your butt quite a bit huh." Yuu tried to contain a grin and felt a stinging on his cheek. "Oh, cut my cheek.." he said holding it with his hand.
Ritsu patted his head " yup...and I could have easily killed you when I had uou pinned..." she looked at the cut on his cheek. She put down the ice and went threw her bag and found a bandaid and haned it to him.
"Yeah, same here." Yuu put it on the best he could since he couldn't directly see the cut itself.


Kohaku went up behind Raze "Boo." he said
Yuu looked at Ritsu a bit. "You're kinda slow...yeah..." he began to play with the bandage a bit trying to figure out what everyone else was doing.


Kohaku looked at Raze. "I'm not trying to do anything." he kicked him on the butt. "I'm your worse nightmare." Kohaku began to giggle a bit.
Ritsu looked at yuu confused and then at kohaku and raze " kohaku behave..." raze sighed " why does he hate me?" She shrugged. " let's get something to eat..." she suggested.
Yuu looked long at Raze and kicked him in the shin. "Like this?" He began to question Kohaku if he was doing it right.


Kohaku looked at Raze for a bit. "I don't hate you..." he said softly with his stomach growling.
Raze cursed under his breath " why did you do that?" He asked you. Ritsu face palmed and " lets go..." she started to walk.
Yuu looked at him. "Because you told me to do it?" He said backing away from him. Kohaku looked at the both as he was done tying Raze's shoelaces together. "Yeah, we better go."
Raze looked at yuu " dont worry I am not mad..." he was about to walk when luka was standing in front of him and meowed. He looked as she walked uo to his shoes and untied the laces that were tied together. He smiled and petted her " thanks and tied his shoeslaces and followed ritsu. Ritsu looked at yuu and motioned him to followed.

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