Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

The boy managed to dodge the ones aimed at his heart and lungs. However, he didn't get so lucky with the one aimed at his head. It cut him across his cheek before he could move out of the way. He leaped out of the smoke caused from the smoke bomb. Getting ready for whatever she would try next.
Luka ran out of the smoke and ran betwen his legs almost tripping him. Ritsu took the chance and ran toward and grabbed his injured arm and tripped him, making him land on his stomach. She sat on hus back and took both his arms and put it behind him. She put the knife to his neck.
The boy sighed a bit. He couldn't believe he had to use it here of all places. The boy activated his ability creating an instant flash of bright light blinding her. Taking advantage of this he broke free from her grip and quickly using his hurt arm flipped over causing her to fall off. But, before she hit the ground he double kicked her in the chin as hard as he could and got up holding his hurt arm. He took out a box of candy and ate some of it but while doing so secretly put another piece in his mouth for later.
Ritsu hit the ground hard and kaid down for a few seconds then got back up and spit out some blood. She wiped her mouth and glared at the boy ' I should slit his neck immediately next time... '
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The boy looked at her for a long while and began to clap and laugh. "You know I really like you." he was careful though he knew not to let her get him like that again she might not be so merciful and would probably kill him instantly.
Ritsu glared at continued glaring, she didn't know him and definitely isn't gonna let her guard down. ' damn...I wish I had my voice!' She stayed in her attack stance and stared him.
The boy looked at her for a very long time. "Huh.." he said holding his arm and looking at it. "Messy." taking a short look back at Kohaku and Raze. "Truce?" was the next word to come out of his mouth while moving his arm around a bit in a circular motion. The boy kept his guard up, since he did not know who she truly was.
Ritsu relaxed her stance and stood straight up. She sighed and rubbed her chin. She stared at the boy, eyeing him carefully.

The boy looked as she stood up straight. But, looked back at his still bleeding arm. He knew she had got him good, taking out a little box he cleaned the wound and then bandage it. While still keeping a very close eye on her.

((Night! ^^))
Raze saw the fight has ended abd relaxed his stance, but like ritsu kept his guard up.


Ritsu watched boy treat his wounds.
The boy finished treating his wounds and turned back to the direction of Raze and Kohaku. He began walking in their direction again to get just a little closer.
The boy picked up the knife and twirled it around. Taking a few more steps forward he got close enough to see Raze and Kohaku clearly. He began to wave a little at them.
Luka went and grabbed the knife from his hand and returned to ritsu and disappeared again.


Raze looked at the biy and chuckled a little and waved back " who are you?" He asked ritsu started walking towards kohaku and raze.
The boy looked at Raze for a little bit and responded with a bit of a sinister grin. "Who am I? I don't have a name!" keeping his watch on them he carefully observed.

Kohaku was looking at the boy...he was sure he saw him from somewhere before.
Kohaku looked at the boy for a bit. He was almost certain he knew this boy from somewhere before.


The boy shook his head no. He didn't know sign language at all.
Ritsu mentally cursed. 'What does he want?' She, stood next to raze. She took out a notepad and wrote in it and gave it to raze. Raze looked at it " what do you want?" He read of it
The boy look at them for a very long time. Finally, he said to them. " I don't know." he was trying to ignore the question best he could


Kohaku looked at him. "Don't I know you from somewhere? We have met before right...?"
Ritsu sighed and wrote and gave it to the boy " dont try to avoid or your dead now answer the question" she glared at him.
The boy looked decided to come up with something as he looked at the paper. "...I can't read." he said looking at the paper hoping to get to avoid the question further.


Kohaku looked at him still waiting for his answer.
The boy sighed a bit and looked at the knife at his throat. "What was the question? I forgot." he said completely forgetting what was even asked earlier.
She pointed at the line ' what do want?' She pointed at kohaku and then at the question mark on the paper.
The boy looked at Kohaku a bit getting a good luck at him. "Oh, Kohaku you're here. Good to see you again." he said looking back at Ritsu and just shrugged to her question. He had no idea what he wanted.

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