Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Luka cpuldnt get the tape of and started meowing non stop to get ritsu's attention.


Raze said " they said that contractors are killers and that they are not human. People without emotion..abd all that other stuff....but...your proof that what they say are wrong....and some of some in the organization wishes that they could act human know what I mean?" Ritsu stared at him and nodded. She then heard luka abd went to and saw ger tapped to the wall. " raze said what happened? "
Kohaku began walking into the streets and kept looking around at the people. "Sure are a lot of people out lately wonder if it's always this busy this time of day."
Ritsu looked around and panicked. She got luka out " where is kohaku?" Luka pointed her tsil in the direction he walked. Ritsu ran into the house abd grabbed her bag and followed Luka. Raze gad nothing to do so he followed the two " you care about him alit dont don't you" ritsu nodded and continued to follow luka.
Kohaku began walking the street more and got to the warehouse that Ritsu and him fought at one point. "Always the warehouse... creepy as can be." He said to himself feeling kinda relieved and calm.
Ritsu noticed that they were heading to the warehouse. " where are we going?" "Warehouse" she wrote and handef yo him. " hmm...."
Kohaku was sitting at the warehouse and noticed a few people going inside of it. "Oh, where are they going I wonder?" He rubbed his eyes but wasn't sure if those were really people or not.
Ritsu, raze and luka arrived at the warehouse. Luka then ran over to kohaku. Ritsu smiled and walked over to kohaku " ehy did ypu tape luka to the wall?"
"Oh...yeah I did. Someone walked into the warehouse just a while ago." Kohaku said as a bright light was emitting from inside the warehouse. "And I don't think I'm dreaming this time."
Ritsu looked at the warehouse " stay here " she then went over to the warehouse with ritsu, leaving raze with kohaku. She for a sec and turned around and tossed raze his little box back. He caught and said " thanks!" She proceeded into going into the warehouse.
Right before she got to the warehouse the light had stopped. Inside the warehouse were Leonard and a young kid. They seemed to be finishing whatever had been started from inside.
Ritsu took out her knives and peeked inside. She sees leonardo and a young boy '....who is he?' She stayed hidden and watched. Luka snuck inside and stayed hidden abd observed.
Leonard kept looking towards the boy. "You can come out now I know you are there, woman." he looked towards the entrance of the warehouse.


The mysterious boy looked her up and down. "She would be an easy kill.." he said moving his fingers around and cracking them from time to time.

Leonard started walking towards the entrance. "You are almost worthy of killing. But, we must wait you aren't ready just yet. You know what to do so I'll leave you to it." he said walking outside of the building and eventually reaching the street vanishing soon after.
Ritsu watched the leonardo leave and looked at the boy ' great time not to have my voice....' she sarcastically thought.
The boy looked at her for a brief moment, "Hi" he said to her waving his hand a bit. The boy walked a little bit closer to her keeping an eye on her knives.
The boy walked past Ritsu and came outside. He almost instantly spotted Kohaku, and Raze. "There they are.." speaking quietly to himself walking in their direction.
The boy moved his head to the side avoiding the knife and kept on towards the others location. He was getting closer by the second almost on top of their location.
Ritsu sighed ' I hate it when they underestimate their opponents....' raze saw a knife coming towards and he caught and looked in the direction it came from. He got ready to attack. " kohaku get ready to fight..."


Ritsu ran behind the boy and kicked him on the side.
The boy got knocked back from the kick and he landed on his feet. There was no reaction from him caused by the kick. "You're in my way." he dashed towards Ritsu planning to grab her throat and slam her hard into the ground. If she avoided the initial grab he would attempt to knock her off her balance and slam his foot in her stomach.
Ristu side stepped and avoided the grab, at the same time she ran a cut down his arm and attempted to make a slash mark across his chest.
The boy didn't seem to react when cut on the arm. But, just as the next one came he caught her arm and punched her in the face. Then, he got back quite a bit from her looking at the blood come from his arm.
Ritsu took a few steps back and dhe rubbed the spot where he hit ' he is fast....' while he was busy looking at hus arm. Ritsu threw a smoke bomb at him, she hid in the smoke and took out 3 knives and threw them at him. One aimed at the head, one aimed at the heart another aimed at the lungs. They were thrown from different angles.

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