Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"Shouldn't you keep Luka? You might need her more than I do." Kohaku said getting up and bending over to touch his toes. "Besides, if anything bad happens I can always just run."
"Alright ...but she won't be any help at all anyway." Kohaku sighed a bit and walked onto the street. "Luka come on we are going for a walk." He said out loud.
Kohaku watched luka carefully. "If you see anything bad just run away okay?" He said walking around a bit. "You don't need to worry about me at all."
Kohaku looked at her and nodded. "Okay so if you see something dangerous just run for it. Although, this is suppose to be a walk so don't get excited."
Kohaku began dragging his feet on the ground trying to see if he could leave marks where he had been. "So, what should we do now luka?" he asked her.
Kohaku looked at luka and then in front of him...then back at luka. "You need to be nicer after all who do you think has more experience here." He said looking at his arm.
"" Kohaku said rubbing his head kinda hard. "Eh,...forget it..." He continued to walk and sat down on a bench."Wish something would happen though..."
Kohaku began to lay on the bench. "This is kind of hard, Luka." He looked at her for quite some time " You sure you want to do this though go on the walk and all?"
Kohaku began to walk back to the house. "I guess we are done then." He said they walked for quite a while, and then they finally reached the house again.
Luka followed.


The air in ritsu's house suddenly became freezing cold. She sigh. She knew who it was, but pretended not to notice
Kohaku came inside and felt a little cold. "Oh, its a little cold maybe I should have cleaned the water." He said rubbing his arms a bit and putting his arms inside his jacket.
" who is this young man?" Kohaku's feet start to freeze. Ritsu sighed and got up. She went to the kitchen got some warm water. Luka sniffed the air and went to window. Ritsu opened the window and dropped the water on a man's head. The temperature in the house went back to normal " really ritsu?" She nodded.
"This cold is nothing from like before." Kohaku said moving his feet a bit to go sit on the couch he decided to lay on it at the last moment though. "This is like nothing at all.."
Ritsu wacked his head and pointed at Kohaku's s feet "yeah yeah..." he ate some ice and un froze his feet. " can I come in?" Ritsu went abd opened the door and put a knife to his neck. " wow calm down I am not here to kill you" ritsu stared at him.
Kohaku looked at Ritsu again. "Don't go cutting another persons throat today okay, Ritsu..." He said feeling his cold feet. " interesting ice?"
" you killed another person?" Ritsu didn't react " and you lost your voice..." he sighed " would you please get that knife of my neck...I am not here to kill you...." ritsu stared at him and removed the knife. " I am just to see you....rumors have been going around saying that you betrayed us...."

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