Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Kohaku just kept sleeping but eventually rolled off of the couch and on to the floor. Every once in a while he would keep rolling around and start kicking a bit.
Ritsu sighed she still ned sleep. She locked the door and webt back to her room and laid down on her bed and fell asleep
Kohaku woke up a few hours later. "Huh?" He said going into the kitchen and plugging the sink up. Kohaku then started to let the water flow into it.
Kohaku was watching the water pour into the floor. "It's....kind of pretty." he said to himself standing on the floor wet with water. "Luka might like it to...if she didn't fear water."
Ritsu hward water running ' what the...' she got up and saw the water running and kohaku in the kitchen. She sighed and went over and closed the facet. She unclogged the drain to let the water in the sink go down the drain. She looked at kohaku wsbting an explanation.

Kohaku just looked at her. "I..." He did not have an excuse for himself. Kohaku could only take whatever punishment she decided was fit for the crime.
Kohaku just kept looking at the mess and walking into the living room. "Hmm... what should I gget." He asked himself looking for something to clean the mess.
Kohaku kept looking at the mess. "Air drying would be a lot better..." he said holding the stuff and setting it down. He sat down before the mess and looked at it.
Kohaku threw a towel on top of the water. "There it will be faster." he said getting up and opening the front door. Kohaku felt a breeze coming through.
Kohaku stepped outside for a moment closing the door behind him. He then sat down on the ground. "I wonder what day it is today sleeping keeps it hard to remember."
Ritsu finished cleaning up after a few minutes and stretched. She put the stuff away and went outside and sat next to kohaku " is something on your mind?"
Kohaku looked at Ritsu for a moment. "No, nothing really." He said to her completely lost in his own thoughts. Kohaku wondered what events were soon to come.
Kohaku fell onto his back and covered his eyes from the sunshine. "So, aren't sleeping anymore?" He asked her looking up at the sky and finally just used his arms to cover his eyes.
"That's good I suppose. If you aren't tired you can go do something right?" Kohaku got a handful of grass and put it on her face. "You'll look better this way."
Kohaku looked at her. "Do as you wish I suppose. I think I'm going to go for a walk." He said stretching his arms and legs. "Stretching always feels good."
"I'm not some kid...I can take care of myself you know, Ritsu." Kohaku said looking towards her. But, not really looking at her rather past her. "Don't you think so?"

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