Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"Yeah, but if that's true. Why didn't you?" Kohaku asked her wanting to hear more of her explanation. "But, yeah you've probably been through worse."
" that grenade could have killed you or injured you severely if you haven't moved out of the way in time." She explained.
"Yeah, but whose to say it would have had any effect at all?" Kohaku looked at her. "Though, I guess..that means you've been taking it pretty easy on me huh.."
"How awful I mean...I've been holding back but at least I'm good at it. If you try something like that it seems pretty obvious." Kohaku said looking around."But, I guess that grenade could have hurt a bit."
"Yeah, I suppose that is true. It could have hurt a lot I guess it depends on how well I dealt with it." Kohaku said picking at his fingers. "So, that smoke and flash was kinda bad."
"Well the smoke made it hard to see and breathe and the flash just made everything go white." Kohaku said hopping on one leg now. "It was a pain to have those on me."
"But, the most dangerous things are your knifes." Kohaku said rubbing his throat a little. "Yeah, that's probably got to be the worse thing in your arsenal."
"They certainly feel dangerous." Kohaku remarked holding up his hand. "Though, I wonder how useful the grenade would be if someone knew you had it."
Kohaku looked at her as she shrugged. " you trust me?" He asked curiously. "I mean you know...seeing as how every one seems to want to kill you lately."
Kohaku looked up at her. "With your life?" he asked again. Kohaku was curious of her answer. Though, he knew it was okay if she didn't trust him to a degree.
Kohaku looked behind them. "Oh, I see." He ran his fingers through his hair a bit. " you trust me with your life?" He was a bit discourage and wasn't looking in their direction.
Kohaku picked up a little pebble. "Getting there getting there okay okay." He sounded unimpressed. He put the pebble in Ritsu's shirt. "Oh, I seemed to have dropped a bug."
Ritsu stops and shakes the back of her shirts and hears something drop. She picks it uo and looks at kohaku and puts it on top of his head.
Kohaku began to pout a bit. "You aren't suppose to get it that easily you know." he sounded as if he was complaining. "All that hard work for nothing at all."
Kahaku kept on following her and took the pebble off his head. "Electric powers seem so cool..." he said to himself thinking back about earlier today.

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