Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Ritsu wiped the blood of her knife and put it back in her sheath and looked st lifeless body and then at kohaku " what's wrong?"
"Uh...n-nothing nothing at all." He said still covering his throat a bit. "Did you have to be so brutal about killing him though?" Kohaku asked looking at her.
Kohaku backed up a bit. "Yeah...but that method could have also ended up being slowly and painful..." He said his hands still covering his throat watching Ritsu.
"Yeah, but you" Kohaku was still kind of shocked and finally put his hands down. "Did you really need to go that far? I mean...he was kinda already beaten."
"You...can be kinda cruel you know? Almost scares me though...that could have been me ..if we fought for real and all." Kohaku said looking around a bit and back at the body seeing the blood on the ground. He put another hand back at his throat. "Dang..."
"If we wouldn't survive long....that's for sure." Kohaku said trying to sound confident but was completely shaken on what she did to him.
"I'm ...not scared at all. Just...surprised really..." Kohaku said calming down a bit and putting his sword away. "So, how did it feel...getting zapped I mean.."
"Probably not as bad as the cut you gave me though.." Kohaku said looking at his hand. "It still hurts and you pretty much cut me twice with that thing."
Ritsu sighed " it's hard to fight you with not trying to kill you...." she isghed " lets get that treated" shw starts walkong to her house.
" you were trying to kill me?" Kohaku looked at her. "That's pretty much why I didn't really attack much." He said a little shocked and looked at the body again. "What should we do with it?"
" no I wasn't trying to kill you" she sighed " it's complicated" she looked wt the body " well...I could turn it into ashes...." shw suggested
"Complicated to kill someone?" Kohaku asked her and then looked at the body. "I guess that would be for the best." he said rubbing his head a bit. "Could be better that way."
" no not that I have gotten use to it....I mean sparing withbupu with out doing that..." she them clapped her hand and put her hand on the body it then tuned to ash. "Done let go home and treat that wound now"
"Oh, I suppose..." Kohaku said looking at the pile of ashes. "Oh, yeah...guess we better treat know cause... you're such a dangerous thrower." Kohaku said looking around and grabbed the back of her shirt.
Ritsu looked at him and walked with him holding his hand. Luka jumped on his shoulder and meowed.
Kohaku picked Luka up by the tail. "I think you have something of mine...Luka." He said glaring at her. "Give it here." Kohaku waved her back and forth by the tail.
Ritsu took luka from him and put her down. Luka ran off. " holding her by the tail....." she came back a few minutes later with his chalk.
"Sorry..." Kohaku said taking the chalk back. "You should really think about what you are doing though." He looked at luka and at his hand. "You couldn't beat me even with a smoke and a ...flash? And you got totally kicked around by that guy before he...keeled over."
Ritsu shrugged " I've been threw worse" she lifted her shirt and saw some bruises. She sighed and pulled it down " like I said I cant fight with out killong you....I could have thrown a grenade at you while the smoke bomb was still in effect" she explained.

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