Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Kohaku looked at her. "You don't seem all that confident." He said walking alongside her. "You said your voice would come back today but you wasted it on police officers." Kohaku took out the sword and placed the sheathe upside down allowing white cloth fall out. He caught it and put the sword back in.
"Yeah, if you say so." Kohaku said to her tying the sword around his waist with the cloth. "So, when are we getting there I wonder it's always such a long walk."
Kohaku began shaking a bit. "But, long walks are kind of boring. I mean Luka was nice and all but she left me in the dust. That isn't fair at all." He started complaining a bit.
Kohaku looked at luka. "You better stay out of this fight, Luka." He said glaring at luka. "No more chalk stealing okay. Say it with me no more chalk stealing."
"Kohaku....luka and I fight together all the time...but...she can stay out of this one...." luka meowed.
"Oh, yeah you two do fight together...okay Luka you're going to have to stay in it's only fair." Kohaku stretched his arms a bit. "Besides, you'll need all the help you can get."
The two arrived at the warehouse area and luka jumped down and disappeared. Ritsu took out her knives and got ready to fight
Kohaku was a little surprised. "Oh, the knives so soon?" He said pulling out the sword. "I see you're going all out right from the start how interesting."
"Yeah...that's true alright bring it on." Kohaku said positioning himself in a stance and gripping the sword with one hand. "I'll take you on this time."
Kohaku stared at Ritsu. 'She can probably throw those knives...'. He began taking small steps towards her carefully watching her every movement. "She might have me at a disadvantage." he said quietly reaching into his bag and breaking a piece of chalk he then stuck it in his mouth. "Alright.." he took out a red piece of chalk and drew a circle on the ground
Ritsu stayed where she was and watched kohaku closely. ' lets see how well you use a sword' she was a little excited something ahe haven't felt in a long time.
Kohaku took a few steps back. "I don't know exactly all of your knife tricks you have. But, I do know that rushing you head on is completely reckless." Kohaku was about to bite into the chalk per his payment.
Ritsu smiled and threw a knife at him when he was about to bite the chalk and dashed towards him at an angle and away from the red circle.
Kohaku moved out of the knifes way and began chewing on the piece of chalk he had secretly put in his mouth. "I already thought you could toss those. But, I don't expect you to realize anything either." He said as he stepped upon the circle. Kohaku deactivated with his fingers.
(...oh my. I am sorry for being so neglectful of this rp. Would you two like me to change this to a 1x1 roleplay, maybe change the author? I honestly thought it was over xD .)
Kohaku took a few steps back barely avoiding the hit. "Whoa there... hold it steady." he said stepping off the circle and getting as far away as he could while Ritsu recovered from the attack.
Kohaku was grazed by the attack as he got back. "Doesn't play around it seems." he said sheathing the sword. Kohaku waited for her to make the next move.

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