Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Kohaku woke up a couple hours later and picked back up his chalk from the table. "Is it still night?" he said looking outside to see the sun sort of rising. "Guess not..." He opened the door and sat down outside yawning and stretching to wake up.
Luka and ritsu woke up a few hours later. Ritsu sat up and yawned. Then layed back down in the bed and stared at the ceiling.
Kohaku started knocking on the door really loud. In the amount of time he had he accidentally locked himself out of the house. Kohaku kept banging on the door.
Ritsu sighed as she her the knocking that sounds like the cops. She got up and opened the door and saw kohaku "....why are you outside? " she signed.
"I went for some fresh air. But, I locked myself out by mistake." Kohaku said rubbing his eyes and looking at her. "Oh, so some guys in uniforms went into a nearby house." He yawned a bit.
Ritsu blinked grabbed him and pulled him into the house. She locked the door and sighed " did they see you?"
"Yeah, they kinda noticed me. But, I don't think they thought much of it." Kohaku said looking at her. "Why do you ask? Is something going on?" He said heading for the kitchen.
" they are probably looking for ypu since your the one that broje into that store last night..."
"I didn't break in...I entered without permission that's all." Kohaku looked up at Ritsu. "So, why are they looking for me? I haven't stolen a thing at all."
"That's still breaking in..and you broke private property..." ' I hope they don't come here...'
Kohaku ran to the window and looked outside. "Oh, hey here they come right on schedule I guess." he said looking out from the window. "They have a dog with them?"
Ritsu sighed again. She grabbed her bag full of weapons and dropped it in the secret compartment. She then used her powers and changed the compartment into an air tight unbreakable compartment sorts that the dogs wont be able to detect. She sughed and waited for the police to knock in the door.
Kohaku looked at her." Did you really just use your powers again...but your voice was suppose to come back today." He sighed placing a hand on his head as the door knocked.
"Greetings, Ma'am." The Policeman nodded at her. "We come to give you this flier it ha-" he took a step inside and looked at Kohaku. "You're the one who broke into the store last night. Well the owner decided to not press chargers if you come in and work for a day. Anyway, we came to give everyone a flier for this festival." He began walking off and left.

Kohaku walked into the kitchen for something to drink.
Ritsu smiled and took the flier. 'Kohaku...working at the store?....I wonder how that wil turn out....'
Kohaku came back from the kitchen with his shirt a little wet. "So, what did they want?" Kohaku asked sitting on the couch. "A piece of paper is that what you wasted your power on?"
"They are people from the store who are giving fliers for the festival...and they said they won't press charges if you work at the store for today..."
"I...have to work at a store...I don't see that going very well." Kohaku said looking out the window. " I guess I should get to the store...though I don't remember where it is at."
Ritsu yawned and went over to her compartment and put her hand on the top of it for a few seconds and the top openned and she took her bag out. The top closed after 5 seconds.
Kohaku went over and took the bag. "Okay then. I'll hold onto this for you." He walked towards the door. "Okay so I gotta be at a store all day." sounding a bit tired.
"Okay okay." He took out a knife from the bag and put it in his shirt. "Here you go." Kohaku tossed the bag back to Ritsu. "Well we better get there soon. No telling what I have to do."
"I don't have a knife." Kohaku said looking away from her. "I sure hope it won't be tough though.. don't know what kind of jobs I can do after all."

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