Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"Name just one thing I'm lacking I probably know it already." Kohaku said sure of himself. "So, go ahead test me and be amazed at how much I know."
Ritsu and kohaku arrived at her house. After entering Ritsu went to her room and changed. She came out and asked " what do you want for dinner?"
Kohaku looked at her. "It doesn't matter at all." He said and then went into Ritsu's room. "Wonder what's in here." He said sitting on top of the bed.
Luka stretched and layed in her in ritsu's room. Ritus went to her kitchen and started cooking.
Kohaku got up and accidentally stepped on Luka's tail. "Now what can I find." he said digging through drawers. "Surely she has a book or something to read."
"Oh, Luka!" he said picking her up. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't see you there at all." Kohaku looked a bit concerned and held luka kind of close. "Are you alright?"
"Luka...if you want to scratch me or anything you can. It's okay...I did something inexcusable to you." Kohaku sat down with her. "I wonder if your tail is okay...maybe we should tell Ritsu.."
Kohaku looked very upset and just fell on the bed. " Stupid me.." he said to himself looking at the time and then back at the floor. "Huh..." he closed his eyes and just tried to forget everything.
Ritsu finished cooking the friend rice and walked into her room. She shook kohaku lightly " dinner is ready"
"Yeah...whatever." Kohaku didn't really care that dinner was done. He kept scratching the bed sheet with his finger and was looking at the floor. "I'll get there eventually.."
Ritsu looked confused and saw luka. She walke over to her and petted " what's wrong?" she could feel her shaking luka looked at her tail. Ritsu did the same and lightly touched lit. Luka yelped, Ritsu sighed and went to get the things need to treat the tail.
Kohaku kept digging his finger and eventually pierced the mattress causing it to have a hole. "Poor...Luka." he kept his eyes on the floor and just kept moving his finger lost in thought.
Ritsu came back with the things needed to treat the tail. " this is gonna hurt" Ritsu stated to treat the tail.
Kohaku finally stopped digging his finger and just kept on looking at the floor. "Huh..." He couldn't think really good right now. Kohaku was a bit upset over hurting Luka.
Kohaku rolled over onto his back. "L...Le.." he started to say but didn't ever finish. Kohaku just looked at the ceiling and then covered his face with a pillow.
"Luka...are you alright?" Kohaku looked at her. " I should're strong.." He said wiping his eyes a bit. "Sorry Ritsu.. I ended up hurting the tail again."
"Yes..." Kohaku said rubbing Luka's head. "I didn't mean to...but I did it.." He looked at Ritsu. "I didn't even see her at all." Kohaku tried to calm his breathing a bit.
" it was an accident and Luka's tail is fine...just sore.." luka kept rubbing her head on kohaku's hand
Kohaku looked at luka and smiled. "Thank goodness." Kohaku finally managed to get his breathing under control. "I'm surprised though...I thought for sure luka could talk maybe I'm going crazy..."

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