Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Kohaku smiled a bit. "Okay send a letter well do that then." Kohaku got a confused looked. "How do we send the letter do we walk in and hand it over?"
"We can use luka?" Kohaku thought a bit. "Guess that will work unless it doesn't. Guess we will find out whether or not it works or whether it gets us into deeper trouble."
" Three days." Kohaku said walking after Ritsu. "Only three days right? Luka." He said looking towards Luka. "This should be fun eventually anyway."
"Soon." Kohaku said walking alongside her. "You need your voice back.." Grabbed Luka's tail. "Hey there Luka come over to my side we have cookies."
Ritsu quickly grabbed luka before she could scratch kohaku. Ritsu petted her head to calm her down, luka's tail was hurting.
"Oh, did it hurt Luka?" Kohaku looked at her tail. Kohaku remembered something from long ago. "Shatter." he said to himself. "That should fix that.."
Luka's tails stopped hurting and she calmed down. Ritsu put her on her shoulder " do not touch a cat's tail..." she told kohaku
"You sure have a lot of don't do rules..." Kohaku sounded a bit annoyed from it all. " So, many ...restrictions how many more are you going to place anyway?"
"these rules help you not to get into trouble." he mocked her a bit very quietly. Kohaku began digging in his pocket and pulled out a tiny piece of chalk. "Oh..?"
Kohaku held the little piece of chalk and tossed it at Ritsu. "So, many rules ....wonder what I am able to do." He said quietly to himself thinking of what might be okay to do.
Kohaku looked at her. "What's right...and what's wrong?" He tilted his head a bit. "Oh, I see is that why you have so many rules...even though you don't seem very strict about them."
"Well ...I ... suppose that's true. At least I haven't had any of these restrictions before." Kohaku slapped Ritsu on the back. "Okay then. Shall we begin?"
"So, many excuses well okay then...tomorrow." Kohaku said rubbing his eyes a bit. "Then, won't your voice be back tomorrow?" Kohaku asked wondering about it.
"Didn't you say that we are going to finish that fight once it comes back?" Kohaku reminded her. "How can you teach me things and do that all at once?"
" we dont have immediately and i can teach you things slowly there are many thigs you need to know..."

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