Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"I'll help you out..." ' I guess ill take it from him when he takes it out....' ritsu got changed and then lead kohaku to the store. Luka quietly followed.
"So, it seems we will get there can't believe I got myself into this trouble though." Kohaku said and then they finally reached the store as they walked to the automatic sliding doors. The man in the trench coat that had attacked Ritsu was standing there.
Ritsu put a hand in front of kohaku and stared at him. Luka did the same. They were completely still.
"Oh, didn't expect to see you two in a place like this." Leonard looked down upon them. "Perfect timing though, I have a gift to offer you, Kohaku." He had a smile that was warm and inviting.

"A Surprise?" Kohaku looked at him confused.
"That's right a surprise ..rather at one point it did belong to you." He said pulling out a sheathed katana with an hour glass guard. "Merely giving it back to you I suppose. Though, your friend here doesn't indeed trust me." Leonard was trying hard to contain the laughter coming from him as he held it out for Kohaku to take.

"Belong to me?" Kohaku looked very confused.
" are you seriously giving him and katana in the store?! And that's yours not his!" She glared at the man
"I've already taken care of the storekeeper so it's no big concern of mine. Although, be sure to untie him once this meeting is concluded. As for this being my my sword is a little different though you weren't really paying much attention to it in the first place." He said still holding out the sword.

"Um, ... okay.." Kohaku said reaching out to take it.
Ritsu sighed and took the sword "you can have it back after we finished working at the store today and given my knofe back" she signed to kohaku ' I seriously dont trust him with a sword...' she sighed
"Good catch on quickly. However, it seems this time you found yourself in a safe zone. So, I shall not kill you for now." Leonard walked out of the store and went onto the street soon disappearing again.

"Alright fine fine." Kohaku said pulling the knife out of his shirt and dropping it at her feet. "Finish working at the store then come and play with my new toy." he went to the back of the store to untie the storekeeper.
Ritsu picked up her knife and put it away. She resisted the urge to throw one at Leonardo. She sighed and went to see if kohaku untied the storekeeper.
"Are you okay?" Kohaku asked the storekeeper while untying him. "I came here to work just like you asked for so I apologize for the trouble." He said finally untying him.

"I appreciate the help young man. I just need you to help me get these prizes ready for the festival, and then you can go as you wish." The storekeeper had said to him.
"Alright." The storekeeper said going to the counter. "I need to you bring me 200 of the empty cardboard boxes in the back and stack them against the wall there." He said pointing beside him.

"Alright I understand." Kohaku yelled from the back of the store room. He brought with him five boxes and placed them side by side.
Ritsu leaned against the wall and watched. Shebstared at the sheathed sword. ' does he know how to use his sword? this even his?'
Almost an hour had past and Kohaku had brought up the two-hundredth box. "There they are all here." he said a little tired. "Is that all you needed?"

"Yes yes that will be just fine. Come again if you want. I always have work needed to be helped with." The Storekeeper said waving him away fiddling with the boxes a bit.
Ritsu smiledat kohaku and gave him his sword after the work was done " want to the warehouse area and try it out?"
Kohaku took the sword. "Yeah, let's go try it out shall we?" He looked up at her and waited for her to lead the way. "Are you getting nervous." he asked her.
"About my amazing skills." Kohaku smiled a bit. "You know how awesome I did the last time don't you? Maybe I'm just that crazy huh? What do you think." He said following her holding the sword.
"Oh, ...come to think of it you use those knives don't you?" Kohaku looked at her. "Is that how you intend to fight me? With those smoke bombs and stuff?"
" yeah I do use knives....but I never fought someone with the with out the intention to I might nit use them..."
"Yeah, you might want to use them. You probably won't be able to dodge me much with your speed." Kohaku said boastfully. "So, you better come at me with everything you got."

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