Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Kohaku got up from her help. "Okay well let's go eat. It might be better this way not having the candy seeing as what just happened isn't good." he said to her
Kohaku began to follow her to the aquarium. "You..." he couldn't figure out what to say." Do.." he kept thinking of something. "Do you like candy?" he asked her.
Kohaku pulled a piece out of his shoe. "Cause I wanted to know if you wanted any." he asked holding it out. "It taste like bubble gum in a way." he looked at her.
"I didn't say it was gum." Kohaku looked a little disappointed. "You sure know how to shoot someone down don't you?" He said opening the piece of candy up.
"Then, here you go, Madam." he grinned a bit putting the piece into her hand. "I'd be careful bite to hard and you might break a tooth or something okay?"
Kohaku thought a moment. " was chalk? I don't entirely remember." He said scratching his head again. "Yeah, either candy or chalk one of those.."
Kohaku looked in his bag he had hidden. "Oh...I need to go buy more." He said looking around a bit. "Are you enjoying the candy that came from a magic shoe?"
"Some fun you are." Kohaku noticed a shop and wandered inside leaving behind Ritsu. "okay let's see need..more chalk..." he said looking through the store. "I'll catch up real quick like."
Luka meowed when she saw kohaku enter the show. Ritsu looked at her and saw that kohaku wasn't with her. She followed luka and waited outside the shop for kohaku.
Kohaku picked out a pack of all the colors he needed and walked out of the store making the alarm sound. "Oh...? There's that annoying loud sound again." he said standing outside the store.
Kohaku looked at her. "I don't have any money though." he said as sirens could be heard in the distance. "Oh, more loud noises are coming how terrible."
" you could have asked me!" She grabbed his hand makinf hims drop the chalks and ran of somewhere before the cops arrived.
"Hey wait I need those!" he said struggling to make her go back."Why are you doing this? Aren't you suppose to be the good guy here or something?"
"I caught the thief!" he yelled jokingly. "Yeah, see nothing happened they aren't coming this way at all." Kohaku wasn't even looking in the direction of the store.
Kohaku said to Ritsu."Okay Ritsu can I borrow some money to go back and buy some chalk?" He asked her since he had absolutely no money whatsoever

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