Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Kohaku kept walking and reached the second turn. "Hey Luka did you know. Chalk isn't that tasty and to tell you the truth it's a horrible price for me anyway. But, you help out Ritsu a lot don't you? Must be one tough companion."
Kohaku looked around a bit reaching the corner and gently patted Luka. "So, far so good I think." he said as they continued down the street. "So..Luka do you like fish and stuff?"
They had finally reached the fourth and final corner. "Oh, okay... then how about a race to Ritsu. She's straight ahead from here. You up for it?" Kohaku asked Luka.
Kohaku looked at her. "Ready....Set....Go!" He began to run for the location of which Ritsu was at. "I'm...probably going to lose this one aren't I?" he asked himself.
"Oh ...Luka is really fast." Kohaku chased after Luka. "Get back here you can't win that easy!" He yelled out but knew the distance on them was growing.
Kohaku saw luka slow down. "You better not be taking it easy on me Luka!" he yelled running up towards the location of Ritsu. He was slightly breathing hard.
Luka sped up again and ritsu looked in the direction she heard noises from and blinked. She sat up and watched
Kohaku kept running after Luka. "Luka get back here!" he said beginning to slow down a bit. "So, fast...lucky cat." he said continuing onward about to reach the location of Ritsu.
Kohaku looked at Luka. "Don't play with me like th-" he said tripping over his own foot and falling down."Huh...I guess you win.. cause..well your a cat and ..faster."
Kohaku looked at his hand. "Note to self...never challenge Luka to a race ever again.. way to fast for me." he sighed a bit and looked up. "Well did you have fun?"
Kohaku looked around a bit. "Luka you should be happy I let you win that race." he said finally calming his breathing. "But, wouldn't be so lucky next time." he looked back at Ritsu. "So, what are we doing?"
"Sure we could do that." Kohaku looked around a bit. "But...I'm tired I think I'll just lay here actually." he said yawning and stretching a bit. "Um, a cat nap if you will."
Ritsu smiled and nodded. She looked at the sky as kohaku fell asleep. Luka layed down on her lap.
A man dressed in a trench coat came into Ritsu's view far enough to not be recognized but close enough to see what he was doing. The figure gave a nod and disappeared around a corner.

Kohaku began kicking wildly in his sleep as if having a nightmare.
Luka looked at the figure and ran after him. Ritsu looked at kohaku and tried to wake him up from his sleep

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