Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Ritsu looked at him for a few seconds and then dashed forward and attempted to punch him in the stomach.
Kohaku was completely caught off guard and ended up taking the punch in full. However, he attempted to grab her arm with his right hand in order to get a hold of her.
Kohaku caught her arm, she quickly grabbed the hand that he grabbed her arm with and twisted but it didnt hurt him.
"That's all I needed to do." he said pulling away from her and jumping back a bit. "The circle has already been placed." He had engraved a yellow circle upon her arm.
Kohaku walked up to her. "Alright this should be fun for you. You did say you wanted to learn more about my powers." He snapped his fingers activating the yellow circle that would paralysis her for three seconds. "Let's begin shall we?"
Kohaku kicked Ritsu in the stomach. "Sorry..." he said pulling out a pink piece of chalk and drawing a circle on the ground he then put his hand over it and engraved it upon his hand. " did punch and twist me."
((can she move yet?))

Ritsu fell to the ground when kohaku kicked her in the stomach ' i need to move...'
((Yeah, feel free to do so. I'd say it would literally last about one post considering this isn't anime 3 seconds isn't really 3 minutes in real life etc.))

Kohaku got back as quickly as he could before the effect wore off. "Oh, my you certainly are a dangerous character aren't you." He joked a bit looking directly at her.
Ritsu felt her the effects of the paralysis wear of . She tried to trip kohaku but he quickly backed up quickly 'smart kid' she dashed up to him again and this time she wasnt going to let him touch her.
Kohaku looked a bit startled and kept backing up a bit "Fast.." he said looking around while keeping an eye on her for anything he could use. Then, he remembered he hadn't done his payment yet. He pulled out a piece and was about to take a bite out of it.
Ritsu got there in time and grabbed the hand with chalk and twisted it again making him drop the chalk. She used her free hand and caught. She then flipped him on his back and pinned him to the ground ' he still needs training...we need to work on his reflexes and speed...'
Kohaku was surprised he thought he had enough time instead getting pinned to the ground."Ow...why you...give that back." He said trying to break free from her.
Ritsu kept him pinned firmly to the ground. ' he needs more training....but what he did with that power of his wasnt half bad....I wonder if he can do on the ground as well...'
((Is she pinning his arms? Is she pinning him on his back or while he's face-down on the ground?))

Kohaku kept trying to break free and stopped 'Calm down I just need to think my way out of this' "You're amazing at certainly do have me in a bind...I can't pay while you are on top of me. But, that could be your undoing." he said smiling a bit.
((The third one and both arms))


'Hmm....I would like to see him get out of this......which is gonna hurt...probably....' ritsu threw the chalk in a random direction. Luka caught it and then disappeared with it.
Kohaku looked at the ground. "Oh.. I see that's it. Okay I give up." Kohaku said looking at the ground. "Yep totally complete defeat I am sure to just give up and stuff."
" are taking this way to seriously.." Kohaku sighed a bit and quickly moved his arm and broke one of his arms from slammed his hand onto the ground planting the pink seal around them it started a false glow as if it was activating but he silently deactivated it with his fingers. "Alright with...ah crap...wrong one good news we have 6 seconds to get off of this before we die. Bad news're to stubborn to let go and well likely die together."
' a big gamble...' she quickly let go, grabbed him and moved away from the mark. ' and he didn't eat the chalk which was his payment to....' "are you thirsty? "
Kohaku broke free from her and got back to the circle resealing it in his right hand. He pulled out another piece of chalk and ate it quickly. "Darn you..." He looked kind of angry 'Glad she believed that bluff...that wasn't the circle that would kill us...thank goodness.' "Shatter" he shattered the circle that was on his left hand and quickly drew up a purple one which he sealed away to replace it. "You are so cruel I give up but then you basically make me have to suicide to get you off. Well no more Mr. nice guy." There appeared to be a hint of blood lust in his eyes but it quickly disappeared. "Oh...maybe not that far.."
" I am sorry I wanted to see how you get out of that situation...I didn't think you would go that far" ritsu sighed " why dont we do this again whwn I have my voice back?"
"Oh, I see scared of my amazing skills very well we shall continue this after your voice returns." Kohaku said looking away. "Shows how much you wanted to win though. Making me do such a thing after clearly trying to give up."
" the enemy in a real battle wouldn't let you go just because you said you gave up...." luka went up to kohaku and returned his chalk.

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