Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"Hmm...I actually don't feel like the aquarium anymore." Kohaku looked around a bit and began rubbing his hands together. "Do you really think sign language is that useful though..?"
"Sure is creepy having a guy follow us everywhere think he's madly in love with you?" Kohaku said poking her. "Nah I'm kidding how could a guy like that love you." he said looking at Luka
' love huh...i have thought about ever since i started working for the syndicate...' Ritsu laughed a little " that would be creepy"
"You said yourself a perfect chance to attack you. What better way to attack than during a battle right?" Kohaku poked at her. "You and you could pretend to go at it. Of course you'd have to make it look convincing, Sis." Kohaku kept poking her.
Kohaku looked at her. "Sure at the abandoned warehouse." Kohaku looked around. "It would be a bad idea to do it here anyway."
Kohaku followed behind her. "So, ...what will you be doing when we get there?" he said shaking a little.
"I'm shacking with excitement...even if this is suppose to be fake.. I don't know why though." Kohaku looked a bit. "Uh, who taught me sign language? I don't remember but I'm pretty sure he taught we what I said at breakfast as well." he said looking around.
"Like to fight?...why do you say that?" Kohaku looked at her then looked back very slowly to see if anyone was there in visible view. " I don't understand why you say that. I don't really like fighting all that much."
" said you were excited about the fight we were going to do at the warehouse i thought you like to fight"
"Yeah...maybe...but your not someone I'd want to fight.. this is just to hopefully draw out that guy if he is who you say he is." Kohaku looked at her. "Anyway... are we there yet?"
" we're almost there..." luka jumped on her shoulder. Ritsu took out a treat and gave it to her and petted her head.
'Wonder how serious she will go on me' Kohaku looked at her. " of luck then?" he said to her watching as she petted Luka. He hoped that this would go well.
Kohaku smiled back at her. "R-right well...hopefully I'll still be around after this." he sighed a bit. He looked around for quite a bit looking into his surroundings.
"Right..." Kohaku said to her. "I guess well figure things out when the time comes. I just wonder how well you'll fight me. I take it you are going to use those...smoke bombs and stuff right?"
"Use your hands? Yeah...that will work." Kohaku said to her looking around. "We should be there by now right? I don't remember it being this far away."
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be I suppose." Kohaku said looking at her. He looked around one final time to see if he saw anyone. "Alright let's get this over with."

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