Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"Yeah, ...I guess that's right. And what about you Luka!" Kohaku stared at her. "Taking my chalk who's side are you on anyway." he began to pout a bit.
Luka meowed innocently. Ritsu laughed a little. She stretched a little, she is kinda happy that she got to spar with kohaku.
"Don't play all nice with me." Kohaku picked up Luka. "You're either with me or your with me what's your choice?" Kohaku looked a back at Ritsu. "And I'm sorry, Ritsu."
Luka titled her head and licked his face " meow" was her answer. Ritsu smiled at luka and kohaku and was a bit confused " sorry for what?"
Kohaku looked at Luka."I guess I'll take that as a yes...when Ritsu isn't around..." he looked back to her. "Um...that circle I placed under us wouldn't have killed us. I lied so you would let me go."
'I knew it was a bluff...the red one is for explosion...' " it's fine...dont worry about it....are you ok? I did punch and twist your arm ...."

((Goodnight ^-^))
"I do hope you aren't thinking that the circle placed was red...It was pink looks kinda the same...but completely different." Kohaku looked at her. "As for my arm..I guess I'm fine I don't really react to pain...though I still feel on you for trying to break me." He looked at Luka. "Shame on both of you for taking my what if I hadn't had paid that price...course I don't know what happens" he began lying on his back.

((Goodnight ^^))
Ritsu sat next to him " again...I am sorry and I wasn't trying to break you....." she took out a water bottle from her bag and drank it.
"No, I blame Luka...I would have so had it if she didn't run away like that." Kohaku sighed a bit looking up. " when does your voice come back anyway?"
" thats how she and I work when we are fighting a contractor...and my boice should return tomorrow afternoon..." luka sat on her lap and ritsu gave her a treat.
"How you two work together come you won't work with me huh...I'm jealous." Kohaku asked poking at Luka. "Tomorrow afternoon isn't so far away now."
"In a real fight she'll work with you, but in the sparing you said you wanted to make it she worked with me..." ritsu explained as he stopped kohaku from poking luka. Luka meowed and rubbed her head.
"I see...then taking out Luka would solve one problem...guess she doesn't get distracted by fish or anything huh?" Kohaku began poking Luka again. "So, ...I'm pretty slow it seems.."
"Oh, then Luka...why don't you come with me for a bit?" Kohaku asked Luka holding out his hand. "It might be fun. What do you say? Meow if you want to."
"Come on...come with me I won't hurt you." Kohaku said to her. "Come on over here and let's go play a bit shall we?" he brought his face really close to Luka. "Yeah?"
"I see..." Kohaku said picking Luka up. "That won't work." he looked around. "Then, let's go for a walk, Luka? feel scared you can feel free to run away if you want." he suggested.
Kohaku put Luka on his head and walked outside. "Don't worry nothing will happen I'll tell you what well just walk around the block a bit okay? That way you are close to, Sis."
Kohaku began to walk with Luka. "Shame..wish I could tell what you were saying but I don't understand meowing." Kohaku looked around a bit. "Come to think of it..I can get lost pretty easily. So, you better keep a good-eye out luka okay?" he smiled a bit as they turned the first corner.
"...Hopefully you won't run off and leave me." he laughed a bit and continued walking with her. "So, enjoying this so far, Luka?" he said pulling out a piece of chalk and running it through his fingers.

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