Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

" kohaku...why dont you tell me about your powers... I wpuld like to know more about them" luka sat on her lap.
"My...powers?" Kohaku looked at her a bit confused. "Oh, right.. um well what is it you want to know?" Kohaku began looking across the street to see if he saw anything.
"It's a mark of death.. if I want I can kill you if I wish." Kohaku sounded grim and then smiled." Nah it's just so you can use a circle of mine that can let you teleport. It's a mark of permission that I can revoke at any time." Kohaku said playing with his hair a bit.
Ritsu blinked when he said it a mark of deatha dn then sighed when he was joking '......really?' She laughed a little and patted his head ' I almost got a heart attack....' "what about the red circles...they explode right? "
"Yeah, that sure is right. But, experienced that first hand." Kohaku laughed a bit and sighed. "But, yeah they go boom...If I made it big enough...I could blow up an entire city." Kohaku said it in such a way making it hard to tell it from truth or not.
"Yeah...really. Um, yeah there are more than two." Kohaku looked at her. "Very much more than two." he said looking down at Luka. "So, what are your powers like?"
Kohaku stuck his tongue out at her."I meant yours not Luka's." Kohaku put his hands on his knees. "So, ...why do you want to know more about my powers all of the sudden?" He asked her.
"Yeah...but you didn't say anything what you could do. I mean losing your voice is all I really know." Kohaku said a bit."Though, you sure don't sound tou-." Kohaku caught himself. " must be very powerful."
Ritsu sighed " you know the saying never underestimate your opponents....once you figure their very easy to take them out..."
Kohaku got up from the bench. "Is that so?" He said to her. "That sounds more like a threat to me." He kept his eye out in case that other man was still there as well.
" I didn't mean it like that!" Ritsu said to him " I am just saying that you ahould never underestimate your opponent...."
Kohaku kept his eye on her. "I trust you a lot....but asking my powers and saying that...just sounds so fishy doesn't it?." he said sitting on the edge of the road.
"I'm not scared. It just sounds bad. I mean wouldn't you think badly if I was to have said it?" Kohaku looked around a bit."But, if we do fight...we might can draw him out if he really is still there."
" we cant fight many people...and speaking of which I need to teach you sign language..."
"You need to teach me sign language." Kohaku looked at her. "I already know how to use sign language. So, it's not needed see?" Kohaku pulls out a sign that says "Hi."
Kohaku looked at her. "Yeah, you never asked so I never told I don't really know what would be useful or not." Kohaku smiled a bit. "But, I guess you are on top of things aren't you, sis?"
Ritsu smiled " yeah...I taught luka luka signed language and she seems to it saves alot of paper"
"Luka can do sign language? I'd have never thought that she was smart enough to do such a thing." Kohaku joked a bit. "So, what should we do?"

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