Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Kohaku looked at her. "Is that so?" he said filling his glass with water and pouring it on Luka."There we go clean as a whistle. So, now what should we do?" Kohaku asked her putting the glass into the sink.
Luka hissed at kohaku and shook her body to get the the water of. Ritsu laughed and got a towel to dry her off. ' is should stay calm and let the enemy come to me....' "hmm....what about the aquarium? Wanna go there?"
Kohaku left the room for a minute and came back with a bucket. "Luka if you don't want a bath...then the bath will come to you." He said teasingly waving the bucket around. "Aquarium ...what's that?"
Luka pounce on kohku making him fall and drop the bucket. Ritsu caught him before he hit the ground. She looked at who turned her head and looked in the other direction. " are you ok? And aquarium is a place where you can see sea animal of all kinds"
"Luka oh I see it's a fight you want huh?" Kohaku glaring at luka."Yeah... I'm fine well go later then after I settle things with luka." He said grabbing the bucket and putting it into the sink he began filling it with water.
Ritsu face palmed 'This is not gonna end well....' luka hide behind ritsu, she was scared of water and wont let anyone other than ritsu near her with it.
Kohaku picked up the bucket."Hiding behind her won't save you." He tossed the water in the direction of Ritsu and Luka. "Not so brave now are you?" Kohaku stopped for a moment.
Ritsu sighed she was soaking wet. Luka was shaking a little memories from that lab rotsu found her in filled her head. Ritsu looked at her and picked her up, she feel her quiver 'luka...' "I am gonna go a change" she then went of to change.
Kohaku just stood there a bit dropping the bucket. "I.." he said quietly going out the front door. "Did I go overboard..?" Kohaku questioned himself sitting in the middle of the street.
Ritsu dried of luka and changed her clothes ' well since we are going tk the aquarium i should change to out going clothes...' so she did. She walked back to the kitchen and saw kohaku was not there. She clapped her hands which meant that they are going out ritsu grabbed her bag and left the house wjth luka to go look for kohaku.
Kohaku just sat in the street and looked at a car that was honking at him to get out of the road. "...Luka looked...scared..maybe?" he said to himself as the person in the car just kept honking at him.
Ritsu heard alot of honking as she tried ' would just...!' She saw kohaku sitting in the streets. She ran over to him grabbed his arm snd got him out of the streets " dont sit in the middle of the streets!"
Kohaku looked at her."Ritsu...when did you get here...?" he asked looking a way a bit and watched as the car passed by. Kohaku began looking at the other-side of the street.
"I'm sorry..." Kohaku said still looking across the street. Then, finally turned his head to the end of the road. "Is...Luka okay? She seemed pretty scared."
"Luka...sorry about the water.." Kohaku said looking at her."I guess...I went a little overboard...." He got back up and patted himself off. "That guy was so loud though..."
Luka meowed accepting the apology. Ritsu nodded " I could hear him from all the way to my house...."
"I almost wanted to shut him up." Kohaku stretched a bit. "Okay.... so it's this aquarium that we are going to today right? Will it be any doesn't have a roller coaster does it?"
"There aren't well that's good I suppose." Kohaku said looking around a bit. "Well shall we get going then? I'd hate to waste all day sitting around and talking." He sighed.
Kohaku started poking at Ritsu."Ritsu Ritsu Ritsu Ritsu." he kept poking and repeating her name over and over again.... trying to get her attention

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