Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Kohaku looked back at her."I'm drawing. What are you doing?" he asked back and continuing his drawings from before. He pulled out another piece of chalk and began to draw more.
Ritsu stretched and went to her room to change in something more comfortable. She laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling.
Kohaku put up his pieces of chalk and went to explore the house. "Wonder where everything is." He began to search the house being very quiet as to not disturb Ritsu.
Ritsu started to drift off ' now that i think about it...i am so tired...' she yawned ' i never have been this exhausted before....' she got comfortable in bed and sighed as she could fight her urge to sleep any longer. Luka went over and put her bag full of weapons next to her, she then curled up on her little bed and fell asleep. Ritsu also fell asleep a few minutes later.
Kohaku poked his head in Ritsu's room. "Oh, she's asleep." he said very quietly and he noticed a bag. "I wonder what's in there..." he sneaked over to the bag and began digging in it. "weapons?"
All the weapons that ritsu told kohaku about was in the bag. in the morning she going to restock the smoke bombs she used today.
"Oh, I got an idea.." he said quietly taking the bag of weapons and leaving the room. "I'll just hide these and maybe...yeah." He picked up one of her knives and hid it on him and put the bag somewhere in the kitchen. "There we go." he said lying on the floor and soon falling asleep.
Ritsu slept in and woke up late in the morning. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling for a bit.
Kohaku was still sleeping on the floor with a little grin on his face from what he had done last night. "So much fun.." he said to himself rolling over a bit.
She got out of bed about an hour later and looked at the side of her bed for her bag of weapons, her eyes widened ' where is the bag?' she looked for it around her room and couldn't find it. ' kohaku still here?!' she looked around the house and found him in the kitchen sleeping. She sighed in relief ' he could have slept in the couch...'
Kohaku looked up at Ritsu still half asleep he managed to get on his knees."Something the matter?" he asked her stretching and then yawning."Did you lose something?"
Kohaku stood up and looked at her."Well what is it you are looking for I'm a bit of an expert at finding things and such." he said proudly rubbing his eyes a bit.
Kohaku looked at her. "I have absolutely no idea where those are then!" he said waving his arms and Ritsu's knife fell out of his shirt. He quickly picked it up and put it behind his back.
"I ...gave them to someone he came by last night while you were sleeping. Said he was your friend" Kohaku said to her avoiding eye contact. "So, there you have it. I no longer know where it is."
Ritsus eyes widened ' what?!' she groaned. ' i cant believe this....its probably leonardo...' " time dont open the door with out telling me first ....ok?" ' i am so happy i kept spares...just in case i lost the ones i use in a mission or something...' she went back to her room to get her spares.
Kohaku picked up her bag of weapons from under the sink. "Yeah, no opening doors okay!" He said walking into her room holding her bag of weapons.
Luka woke up and stretched. She looked around and saw Luka looking through her secret compartment full of weapons. She then saw Kohaku with her bag full of weapons. She tilted her head
Kohaku noticed Luka waking up." Ah, good morning, Luka." He looked back at Ritsu."Hey what are you doing?" Kohaku tilted his head a bit as well.
Luka meowed back in response. Ritsu looked at him and then saw her bag. She stared at it and looked at kohaku.
Kohaku had a little fear in his eyes and started backing away from the room. "I'm just going to..." he closed the door behind him and ran back into the kitchen.
Ritsu sighed ' and i scared him...what a morning...' she wrote a note which said " i am not going to hurt you...just give me back my bag and dont do this again..." she gave it to luka who went and gave it to kohaku.

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