Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"I see... so what's your plan? You know if they do find out about...what you did." Kohaku looked a bit worried. "It won't be much fun without you here."
" i wont die that easily.... my plan...i guess go up against both sides...or create my own side...i guess"
Kohaku was a bit surprised. "Create your own side? How will you do that?" Kohaku was worried but a bit interested.
Ritsu shrugged " i dont know yet...but i can create a side where people can go around.....and help...people...." ' saying that sounds weird....'
"Okay I think I can help with that can't I?" Kohaku noticed it was getting darker. "If you go through with it. Let's hope that it works and nothing bad happens."
"So... how hard is it for you to live your life? I mean with the constant threat of being attacked always looming over your shoulder?" he asked her.
Ritsu shrugged " i dont know....i didnt have to worry about getting caught until today... i guess..."
"I see..." Kohaku looked around a bit. "I'm sorry." he said knowing he was the reason she was in this mess in the first place.
Ritsu looked at him and gave him a hug " dont be...i am happy that i met you.." she smiled at him
Kohaku was kind of surprised to hear this. "Thanks.." he started to get tears in his eyes but quickly turned away wiping it. "Um...well we better get going.." he said looking up at the sky.
Kohaku followed quickly behind her and only ever so slightly kept looking behind him to make sure nobody was there. "Hmm..." he said to himself looking around.
Kohaku quickly kept up with her. "Are we there yet?" he said looking around even more now, thinking more or less someone could be following them.
Ritsu got to her house she opened the door let kohaku and luka in and then entered herself. she locked the and sat down on the floor and sighed.
Kohaku looked around and sat on the ground as well then fell backwards onto his back. "Guess we are out of the dark for now." He said to her not really sure of what he should be doing.
Ritsu nodded she went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. she poured some in a bowl and gave it to luka.
Kohaku just kept lying on the floor and looked up. "hmm..." he kicked the door with his foot to make a knocking sound. "There we go much better."
Kohaku looked at the door. "And now for an explosive time." he said taking out a piece of his chalk and trying to balance it on his nose. "Alright almost there."
Kohaku got the chalk to balance on his nose. "Ta-da." he said before it fell and hit him in the head. "Almost..." he got up and ran into the kitchen.
Kohaku went to lay down on his stomach on the kitchen floor and began drawing pictures while humming to himself. "Something here maybe...and maybe here."

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