Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"Yeah..I suppose I should." Kohaku agreed with her."I'm surprised you haven't left though...You know after all the trouble I caused you and all."
" It's didnt know what you were doing when we first met....and also i get into life and death situation for a this normal for me"
Kohaku got back up a little unsteady but otherwise fine."Alright then, shall we go to the next ride? I think I'm ready for the next one. Are you ready?"
"Uh...after picking that one I don't really trust myself to make the decision." Kohaku said looking around a bit."You should probably pick you are the expert."
Kohaku followed Ritsu around a bit."Take to the skies." he said to himself and look around. "Circles...huh...reminds me of that cafe that happened."
Ritsu looked at the ride and knew kohaku would be able to handle it. She tapped kohaku's shoulder and pointed at the ride.
Kohaku looked at where she pointed and he had a look on uncertainty on his face."Are you sure that's such a good idea?" he asked her not very confident in the ride.
"If you are sure about this I trust you." Kohaku said to Ritsu looking at the ride. "I guess I'm ready when ever you are. Ritsu." Kohaku looked at the ride a bit more closely and just sighed a bit.
Kohaku looked around a bit. "I'm thirsty..." he said as he waited in the long line with Ritsu. " there something to drink around here?"
Ritsu whistled and luka came out of nowhere with her bag. she looked through it for a bit and took out a bottle of water an handed it to kohaku.
Kohaku looked at Luka. "How convenient such a nice one." He began to drink the water and soon emptied the bottle of water."Well hope we don't have to wait to long.
Ritsu nodded and took the empty bottle and gave it to luka to went and threw it away and disappeared again. They soon got to on the ride
Kohaku sat on the ride a bit nervous "Wonder how fast this one will be." he looked around at the people who were enjoying the place. "Maybe it will be fun."
the ride started and it went around and for time to time went up and down. It went at medium speed.
Kohaku closed his eyes and just let the wind hit his face. "Feels nice..." he said to himself as the ride went on and on. "Wonder why this feels more fun than that."
Ritsu smiled at kohaku happy he like the ride. She then enjoyed the ride and let the wind blow through her hair.
Kohaku wondered what they would do next and if Ritsu's voice would ever come back. "The winds feels so nice today. It feels kind of cold today."
Kohaku looked down. "I.... wonder if I could jump off from here?" he said getting an idea to make a possible jump. "Maybe it's possible?" focusing straight ahead of him again.
"Yeah, I got you." Kohaku looked around a bit. "So, when does this voice of yours come back?" He looked around a bit to make sure he didn't say it to loud.

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