Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Kohaku began to follow Ritsu. He looked around him very closely. "This isn't good at all." he said out loud covering his nose from the smell coming from a dumpster.
"It stinks over here." He responded going onto the other side of her. "You sure you know where you are going? I mean we could be getting lost or something."
" I know where I am going..." she held his hand. Ritsu glance in the direction he was pointing.
Kohaku wrote something down on a piece of paper, crumbled it up, and then dropped it onto the group. "How much longer till we get there?" he said sort of excited.
Kohaku kept following her. "fine a little longer" he said with a bored look on his face. "I wonder what type of rides they will have in a place like that?"
"Alright then, I'll take your word for that." he said continuing to follow her. "I sure hope it is amusing though I'd hate for the games to be boring"
When they were close enough. Ritsu gave her bag to luka. Who disappeared later. She then walked over to the ticket place and got wrist bands. She put it on kohaku and put one on herself.
Kohaku looked as she put the band on his wrist. "What is this?" he asked her confused. "Are we suppose to use these for something?" Kohaku put his hand down.
" it helps you get on rides" she said as shs got inside the amusement park with out any problemz with kohaku. " pick a ride" she said to him.
"alright how about that one." he said pointing to the roller coaster. "That looks like fun maybe we can try it?" Kohaku looked at her waiting for her answer.
Kohaku followed Ritsu to the roller coaster, and couldn't wait to be able to ride it for the very first ever in his entire life. "I hope this is fun." he said looking at it.

Ritsu smiled and got on the roller coaster with kohaku. She was to do something nice for someone and not kill them. Sadly she knew she will run into more people. ' let just have fun for now...'
Kohaku sat on the roller coaster with Ristu. "This will be fun I'm sure of it." he said as the roller coaster had started to begin it's ride. "Don't worry about a thing."
Ritsu smiled and the ride started. The coaster went up a hill and then it went down at high speed and did a loop, it went through a curved and it slowed down and went up a tall hill and then it went down a full speed. ' wow....'
The ride kept going on the course of its loops and downhill travels. "Make it stop." Kohaku said almost begging closing his eyes to this roller coaster ride.
Ritsu looked at kohaku worried. The ride stopped after minute. Ritsu grabbed his hand and ran of and ran at a bench. She wrote down " are you ok? I am sorry if that scared you...."
Kohaku tried reading the note but he couldn't make it out. "So...dizzy..." he said falling onto his back." throwing up..." Kohaku tried to keep his head clear.
Kohaku got up and just leaned against the bench. " Maybe....less spins..." he said getting up and not being able to stand up straight on his own. "Spinning around a lot makes me dizzy..."

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