Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Luka jumped on the ground and started walking to the park. " follow luka...and what's this mark for? She asked a followed luka.
"Something to make sure you stay in line...uh..well you'll see it's nothing to bad I suppose." Kohaku said following luka."So, you agreed to the park...that sure was easy." he yawned a bit more.
" hmm..." she looked at the mark on her hand. " yeah I guess I did..." ' I wonder why....well as long as there is no people....its fine...'
"You want me to draw a mark on Luka as well? I mean without it you might get separated or something." Kohaku said following Luka beginning to slow in pace. "Can we sleep yet?"
Luka stopped and meowed she jumped on kohaku's shoulder. " thats a yes:" ritsu said and giggled. "We're almost there"
"I hope so.. though you are being so secretive." Kohaku said following ritsu. He kept looking behind him every few minutes. "I can't wait till we get to the park."
The two arrived at the park " aren't you gonna put the mark on luka?" Ritsu went over and sat under a tree.
"Oh, you were serious about that?" Kohaku looked at her and shrugged. He took out his piece of chalk and drew the same circle on Luka's forehead. "That should do it." he fell backwards placing the chalk piece between his teeth."I want to sleep..and this chalk doesn't taste to good either."
"Why don't you lay dont you lay down here? " ritsu suggested as she showed some space under the tree. Luka meowed and layed down on her lap.
"Sure..." Kohaku said with the chalk still in his teeth. He went over to the tree and began to lay back against it biting into the chalk and eating it. " So...what kind of power do you have?" Kohaku asked her curiously.
" I can transmute things.....In other word I can change matter into anything..." ritsu replied. She looked at the sky and had her guard up.
"That so..." Kohaku said closing his eyes. "You don't have to keep your guard up if you're worried about me you know." he said before falling asleep.
Ritsu smiled at kohaku and looked at the sky 'such a strange boy....' she saddened a little ' I wish I could go back to my normal life....' she sighed " but that's impossible " meow" ritsu smiled and petted her.
The man in the trench coat had finally arrived in the park. "So, this is the place you have decided?" He looked around for a bit and didn't notice anything odd. "No people it seems you knew I was following you."

Kohaku began to toss in his sleep a bit."Boom..." he said rolling over again.
Ritsu glared at the man and got her weapons out. She looked at kohaku who said boom in his sleep "....boom?"
Kohaku rolled back over onto his back "Line..of sight...boom.." Kohaku was completely out of it sleeping away.

"Oh, how very true. I am Leonard. I've come to kill you and take the boy back." He took of his hat and bowed. "Shall we begin the path of blood?" he shot a beam of light from his hand and made the tree behind them explode and collapse in their direction. After which he took out a bag of candy and ate from it. "Always hated this stuff."

(realize the name stinks xD ^^ Couldn't really think of anything.)
Ritsu grabbed her bag and kohaku and moved out of the way. Luka mi ed out of the way a disappeared. She leaned kohaku against the swing. She got into a fighting stance with her knives " what do you want with him?" She asked
"You're going to die anyway. So, I suppose it doesn't matter if I tell you. He is still a naive child we were training him to kill. We have been able to easily dye him any color we wish. However, he somehow got ...out. I've come to reclaim him.. and since you are someone I've been told to kill...that's just a bonus." He said putting away the bag of candy. "How sad though....killing fruit before it's ripe for the taking." Leonard took a few steps back and looked around. "I wonder how well you will be able to do?"

(Heh running so low on ideas O.o )
Ritsu looked at kohaku ' making such an innocent child into a killer?' Memories from becore she became a contractor flashed through her head. She smiled "looks like I am your new guardian...." she muttered to him. She looked at Leonardo " are you seriously gonna use beams?" She mocked him ' I jusr dealt with one with a similar ability...and peice seemed to be the same....' she took out a throwing knife and threw it at him. She then ran forward.
" Right where I want you." He said avoiding the knife and revealing a sword from his coat and pulling it out. "As if I would only shoot beams like a fool. I have more entertaining ways to see if you are worthy of killing." Leonard jumped back a bit as she ran forward to widen the distance and he shot a beam towards Kohaku. "Oh, you are likely already dead."

Kohaku turned in his sleep again "Snakes...?" he said out loud and began turning a bit more now.
Ritsu clapped her hand and slammed them on the ground. She created a metal sheild around kohaku that would deflect the beam ' there goes my voice....' she glared at him. ' coward!!!' she yelled in her head. She took out a smoke bomb and threw it at him, it exploded blinding him. she used the smoke to hide herself and she threw 3 knives at him from different directions. One aimed at the head, one aimed at the heart and one aimed at the throat.
Leonard barely saw the knives and deflected the ones aimed for his head and throat with his sword. Sidestepping only enough while the third plunged into his arm. He pulled it out and threw it onto the ground. "Oh, I'm impressed.. Woman. But, this resistance is futile. I suppose you are worthy of killing another day. However, the next time we do meet....I will kill you and claim what is rightfully ours." He began walking away and with a flash of light was gone for now...

Kohaku had finally woke up and yawned. "Ah, that was a great nap." He looked around a bit."What did I miss?"
Ritsu picked up her knives and removed the barrier around kohaku. ' two days...' she sighed. Luka gave ritsu her 4th knife she threw. She cleaned them and put them back. She then took out a note pad and a pencil and wrote down " i fought a man that was after you and ended up using my price is my voice depending on how many times i use my power...i used it twice so i wont be able totalk for 2 days..." she showed him the paper.
Kohaku looked at the piece of paper. "Two days? That's a lot of payment. Well what should we do now?" he asked her very curiously."Wait.. someone was after me?"
" yes in exchange for using my ability i give up my voice for one day each time i use it....and yes a man name leonardo was after you..." ritsu wrote

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