Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"Hmm...don't know anyone of that name at all." Kohaku said to her."But, that's a pretty stupid cost giving up your voice for two whole days." Kohaku looked around a bit and stretched."Okay, what's the plan now then?"
" its better than cutting myself and breaking my bones..." Ritsu shrugged when he asked what they should do next " what do you want to do?"
"Well...If I had my way we'd go on a random blowing up spree." Kohaku said to her. "But, I don't think you'll like that. So, should we go looking for that guy?"
" blowing stuff up and it's not a good idea to go after him..." ' although..i could have just killed him with smoke and explosion combination....why didnt i do that?!?!' she sighed. " what do you like to do other than blowing stuff up?"
"Um...that's the only thing I've ever done when I was bored." Kohaku looked at her. "You must know something then right? I mean you knew how to get food like that right?"
Ritsu saddened that the boy didnt know much. " well we can go to an arcade and play games...go to an amusement park and ride go for a walk in a natural park....go shopping....go to the aqarium....we can go to a zoo...." she listed ' i cant believe i listed place filled with people....well except for the natural park the rest have people in it...'
"They all sound great. Should we do them all?" Kohaku stood up and stretched a bit more. "Those places have a lot of people don't they? So, can we do them all? Maybe we should do one at a time first." Kohaku looked around a bit and sniffed the air.
"except for the national park the rest have alot people..." she yawned a little. ' huh...i am tired...i only encountered 3 contractors...' " we can't do they all in one day...we can do them one or 2 a day..."

(( gotta go night!))
"Then, well do it later I suppose you probably need a nap right?" Kohaku said to her."Well get under the tre- ...the tree is down.. um get on the tree and take a nap." Kohaku said while he sat down.

((Okay night ^^))
"A tornado hit. That's the perfect answer to the question." Kohaku began to draw in the dirt. "You might want to consider getting that looked into though."
"Where are we going?" Kohaku asked getting up with her. "Do you have some sort of plan? Or are we going to try one of these new places that you told me about?"
' I dont know...if I dont want this to become a killer....and I dont want the syndicate to use him....I am a walking target for both sides..' she sighed "lets go back to my place...." ' I need time to think of a plan....'
Kohaku looked at her for a while."Sure..but is something bothering you?" he asked her with a concerned look on his face. He waited for her to move.
" yeah...I am just a little worried on what I should do with the people I am working for...." she started to walk.
"People you are working for?" Kohaku thought a bit. "I guess you can't refuse them can you?" he asked her and began to follower her as she walked.
" I can't...I am gonna get killed if I do....but...if they find out about you....they gonna want you to work for them....and...I dont want that..."
Kohaku looked up at her a bit. "They will kill you huh... how very lame of them. This might actually cause them to be doomed to failure." he said stretching his arm out.
Ritsu sighed " they said that we contractors are they can kill us off anytime they wish to...and can easily find a replacement...."
"Well nobody can be replaced. Though, I guess they have the power to kill you off. I don't really know what it is your being hired by exactly. Although, I doubt they could dish out anything that bad." Kohaku stopped himself from saying anything else in case he later came to regret it. "But, shall we go have fun?"
Rotsu looked at him. ' he is right....nobody can be replaced....' she looked puzzled " what do you have in mind?"
"Well let's go on one of those rides you have been talking about." He said to her. "Surely that will get your mind of all the bad things so far right?"
Kohaku looked at her and grabbed her hand. "Well then let's go! You have to lead the way though because I don't know how to even get there. So, ..since this was your idea you have to lead."

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