Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"I guess not." Kohaku looked out the window as well."Well what are you looking at? Waiting for something?" he asked her curiously taking hold of a salt shaker.
"I take it you can't trust anyone then?" Kohaku said looking back at her and sprinkling some salt in her hand. Then, he threw it at her. "So, ...when does this food get here?" he asked curiously.
Ritsu brushed of the salt and caught the salt shaker. She sighed and looked at kohaku " in a bit...and can you please still..."
" Oh, I see...okay yes ma'am." Kohaku sighed and looked around a bit." Oh, I see someone who could be an enemy to you." Kohaku said to her quietly.
" hmm...." the food came, the place the pasta in front of ritsu and the hamburger and fries in front of kohaku " enjoy" she said with a smile and walked of. Ritsu started to eat ' these are getting harder to spot...' " act natural...and where is the person sitting?' she asked quietly
"Well it could be anyone in the whole world...or at least in town." Kohaku began eating. "This is really good though. But, it feels strange on how you get it." he said looking up at her shoving in a handful of fries.
" its not strange.... this how people normally get food...some people also cook it..." she took out a paper and lyed it on the table " put the fries there..."
Kohaku put his fries on the paper. "This is really good." he kept eating his fries and tried to place the whole burger in his mouth and began talking with his mouth full. "This guy is staring at us." he said still trying to shove in the burger whole.
Ritsu sighed " kohaku dont ry to fit the entire thing in your mouth...." she said as she ate. She also tried some fries.
"Aren't those my fries?" Kohaku looked at her. "Oh maybe you were jealous.." He began to eat the burger one bite at a time. "So, who's that?" Kohaku said pointing to the man appearing to be drinking coffee, dressed in a trench coat. He took the paper with the fries and sat them on his lap and began eating them.
Ritsu mentally face palmed and sighed. She put kohaku's hand down " that man is no one....and please dont point..." she sighed again "hurry up and finish eating...we need to leave...and please act natural...." she said to him quietly. She was almost done with her food.
Kohaku began to eat the fries a bit faster."No pointing got it." he said finishing the fries. "Act natural...this is so me anyway." Kohaku wadded up the paper and tossed it to Ritsu. "Alright I'm done."
Ritsu caught the paper wad and finished eating. She put some money on the table " come on lets go" she got up and started to leave. ' great...we need to find a place to fight'
"O-okay." Kohaku followed close behind her. "So, where are we going next?" Kohaku asked her curiously. "Should we really be moving right after eating?"
Luka took out a mirror tried to looked behind them to see if the man in the trench coat is following them. " it's fine if we move....just dont run and you won't feel sick..."
Kohaku looked around."I guess but that doesn't really explain where we are going.." he yawned a bit. "Rooftops are dangerous if you are wondering." Kohaku rubbed his eyes a bit and looked at the ground.
" we can go to that alley....we can go to an abandoned construction sight..or..a warehouse....." ritsu listed. She put the mirror back.
"I know let's go to the park. That sounds much better than a construction sight or a warehouse." Kohaku responded to the list of choices. " The park has flowers and other things." he yawned a bit more. "And maybe a place to nap..."
' how the hell is he so...he usnt part of ghe syndicate or the goverment ....of course he is relaxed....' ritsu smiled at him and patted his head " as long as there is no people there we can go there..." ' I cant believe I am considering this...'
"I don't feel anyone there. So, I think it should be fine." Kohaku looked at her."You seem kinda...stressed. I hear it can cause wrinkles so be careful." he began smiling a bit. He took out a piece of his chalk. "Okay hold out your hand."
Ritsu chuckled a little at kohaku " ill remember that..." she held out her hand for kohaku and luka jumped on her shoulder.
Kohaku drew a circle on her hand and let it engrave."There you go." he said taking a bite of the chalk. "Now let's get to that park" Kohaku pointed in the direction of the park. "March...!"
"...I don't really know where the park is though.." Kohaku said stopping in his place. "Whelp you were so willingly to let me put that on you...though it can't be removed now..well except by me and you don't know its purpose." He thought a moment. " So, where is this park oh wise teacher." he rubbed his eyes a bit more.

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