Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"How do we accomplish avoiding that. I mean they know who you are right?" Kohaku asked a bit concerned with this whole thing. "You just can't seem to win huh?"
Ritsu sighed and nodded " thant why i have weapons...i use them and try to avoid using my powers..."
"Oh, well I know those weapons couldn't work on me." Kohaku said unsure of himself. "But, I don't see how you can even get them to work at all anyway."
" i had the training an the experience....and also i have the right weapon....i have throwing knive, two hunting knives for close combat, 2 smoke bombs, 4 bombs and 4 flash bangs..."
Kohaku looked at Ritsu. "Seems you are prepared after all. But, that is so easy to beat it isn't even funny." Kohaku said trying to act tough. " I could manage it with my eyes closed. But, you might want to consider another thing as well."
Kohaku looked at Ritsu. "What should we do next, Sis?" Kohaku caught himself."Oh, oops uh Ritsu what should we do next? Are we done here at the park?"
Ritu was surprised when kohaku called her sis. She smiled, which she has been doing ever since she met him " you can call me sis if you want...and if you want to ride some more ride...we can"
Kohaku looked around "Alright it sounds good. But, I don't feel like riding on these rides anymore is that okay?" He wanted to know her opinion of the matter.
"Oh...right I suppose it is getting late. So, what should we do?" He began looking around a bit. " Are you sure it's even safe out right now?"
"Okay after you then." Kohaku said looking at her closely and behind them. "We probably shouldn't be out at night anyway to many dangerous factors."
Ritsu nodded and left the park with kohaku. She had her guard up the entire time. Luka returned her back along the way.
Kohaku looked at Ritsu and Luka. "It must be scary though. Not knowing who the enemy could be. Seems like a lot of pressure doesn't it?" Kohaku said looking at the sky as it got darker.
Kohaku stopped and stood there a moment."It's like a rabbit hunt. Except you got it worse on both sides." he said starting to walk again. "I wonder if it will rain?"
" yes....sooner or later my colleagues are going to come after me...." she looked at the sky " either i get killed by them...or get killed by the government....funny how my life turned out ...."
"What makes you so sure your colleagues will kill you? And even so I'll protect you so don't worry." Kohaku said looking up at the sky and waiting.
" the people i work for are going to send them after me...." she then smiled when he said he was going to protect her " thanks"
"Why you haven't done anything wrong have you?" Kohaku looked at her very confused. " You didn't seem to do anything wrong anyways." he looked at his back.
" I did follow orders... and they going to come after you...and train you to the government tried to do before you escape...i am not going to let that happen...which mean i am going against they are going to try kill me and take you..."
"Oh, I see...then if I leave they can't come after you to kill you right?" Kohaku looked at her for the answer. "You shouldn't go up against want to live right?"
" of course i want to live.....but i want to protect you dont deserve to live a kind of life where you only know how to kill....i dont want that....and even if you leave....i am still a target for the goverment and the people i work are going to find out what i had done sooner or it's too late...."

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