Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Kohaku looked at the note and sighed sitting on the ground. He went back to the room and knocked on the door. He had forgotten about the knife he still had on him.
Kohaku slowly put the bag into her hand. "But...someone did come to visit you last night.." he said quietly still a little worried she might be mad about the bag incident.
Ritsu took the bag and checked it to see if everything was there " was it a man i a trench coat?" she saw one of her hunting knife missing " my knife"
Kohaku nodded slowly " was a guy in a trench coat." He thought a second "Oh, right the knife." he said grabbing for it and cutting his hand while dropping it to the floor "Ow...."
Luka saw the blood and came back with a 1st aid kit. Ritsu walked up to him and used the first aid kit and treated the wounded ' why didnt he attack me? i was completely vulnerable...'
Kohaku looked at his now treated hand. "Huh..." he looked at Ritsu. "Is there something wrong, Ritsu. I'm sorry if I got you angry or anything." he said beginning to pet luka.
"...that man was the one that attacked me at the park...He could have attacked me and taken you...." ritsu said as she restocked on smoke bombs and cleaned her knife.
"He didn't look all that threatening to me." Kohaku said to Ritsu."Are you sure they are the same person? I could be wrong...since I sorta slept through that I think.."
Ritsu nodded ' its could also have been someone else...' she added on extra bomb of each type ' done...lets just think it is the guy from the park...' she got up " what do you want for breakfast?"

(( gotta sleep night!))
Kohaku looked at her and put his hand on his stomach. " I think anything is fine for now." Kohaku looked around for a bit and yawned once more.

((Alright goodnight! Me as well))
Kohaku went and sat on the couch looking out the window."Wonder what she is cooking?" he asked himself scanning outside of the window for anything odd
Ritsu just cooked some bacon, eggs and french toast. She heated some milk for luka and poured it in a bowl and some cat food on in a bowl and gave it to her.
Kohaku kept looking outside and had smelt the breakfast. His stomach had growled a bit more. "I wonder if it's done yet." he said his mind wandering off a bit.
Luka ate and ritsu was done with breakfast. She put the food on the table and walked over to kohaku and tapped his shoulder.
Kohaku jumped a bit and turned around. "Oh, it's only you.. what is it, Ritsu?" he looked at her beginning to wonder what it is that she had wanted.
"Oh, okay." Kohaku went into the kitchen and sat at the table beginning to eat breakfast. "So, did you see your trench coat hero?" he joked a bit asking her.
((Sorry >•< I didnt see notifications))

Ritsu was and shook her head. ' why the hell didn't he attack me? he testing me?....or us he mocking me?...or...he still thinks he csn kill me easily....'
((That's okay O.o ))

Kohaku finished his breakfast. "Waiting for the perfect time to strike your enemy. Causing them to lose mental focus over your actions, and when they are finally exhausted from trying to figure you out and once they become completely paranoid of everything strike them down." Kohaku looked around for a bit."I can't for the life of me remember who said that though... oh, right is there anything to drink?" he asked her.
Ritsu looked at kohaku surprised. 'What the....' ritsu nodded " orange juice or milk?" She asked.
"Um... Orange juice I don't really like milk." Kohaku answered her. "Anyway, what are you going to do today, Ritsu." Kohaku began to get up from his seat from the table.
Ritsu got up and got out a bottle of orange juice and pouredbit in a cup and gave it to kohaku. ' what he said and what the guy did last night does make sense....'
Kohaku began drinking the orange juice a little bit. "Hey should you give Luka a bath?" Kohaku looked and her and finished his orange juice placing the cup on the table. "Should we?"

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