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Futuristic Brain Burger

"We're a family, Ellie. We won't run outta' shit unless we have each other. I love Nathan, I love you, and I love the people we've got with us... I'm sorry. When me and Clay were caught by the priest... I said to him 'you kill me, but you let him live'. And I was happy when he turned and put a knife in me - I thought I was dead, but I was savin' one'a you so I didn't care. I was happy. I'd do that for any damn one of you..." He takes a deep breath as he moves over and sits down on the mattress; he pulls of his leg brace and places it down on the floor.

".. Nathan may have broke down... but you ain't seen him. He'll get up durin' the night for no reason, he'll ignore whatever I say. He tries to TAKE control of things when he can't. The only reason I don't let him take control of things is because he's gonna' get people killed. He held Stewart at gunpoint for about an hour. I love him, Ellie. Christ, I was his father for most his life - I'm tryin' to make people happy, and I've neglected you - I'm SORRY." He rants, bowing his head and sighing thereafter. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth looks at him. "I have seen him Norman. He's one of the only ones who actually sits down and talks to me. I was there when he pointed the gun at Stewart. He was scared if he didn't, Stewart wouldn't take him seriously. Your trying to make everyone happy... but neglecting those who have been here since the start... And Sorry... sorry is just a word someone says when they can't do anything to change it... I'll talk to Nathan. But that's all I can do... since that seems to be the only thing I'm good for." she muttered and got up before walking out to go find Nathan. (@DrTrollinski)
"No!" He quickly stands up and follows her out. "The people who've been here since the start should be the ones doin' this right here! Doin' what I'M doin'! All of these people are my family - OUR family! You want me to love you? Then come here and let me prove it!" He said, wincing in pain and grabbing his un-braced leg in pain. "Come here... let me prove it--.." He muttered as he fell onto one knee, sighing. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth looks at him over her shoulder and sighs softly before walking back over to him and kneeling down. "Fine... Prove it. Prove to me that you really love me Norman..." she said while staring into his eyes. (@DrTrollinski)
"I've been tryin' to do that since day one..." He chokes, before she can reply he quickly leans forward and curls his arms around her, followed by going into a deep and passionate kiss with her; he closes his eyes as he stands back up, still kissing her repeatedly for long periods of time as he pulls her back into the room and kicks the door shut. Within a few more steps his leg gives away and they fall backwards onto the mattress; she's lying on top of him, but he continues giving her the same passionate kisses. It appears through the way he holds her and kisses her that he was under just as much stress in the whole 'post-apocalyptic relationship' that they had going on. (@Soul OMU)
Stewart hears a loud bang from upstairs, he draws his revolver and creeps upstairs. Stewart hears commotion from behind a door as he leans against the wall beside the door. He readies himself before bursting through the door, gun held out in front of himself as if ready to fire. He takes one look before stumbling out,

"GHA AGH" He yells before slipping and taking a light tumble down the stairs.

(@Soul OMU Let's be honest, we needed some comedy)
Elizabeth blushed slightly while returning his kisses with equal fever, threading her fingers into his hair as she continues to kiss him passionately while laying on top of him slightly. It had been quite a long time since the last time she had a proper kiss like this, and quite frankly she enjoyed it. She pulled away slightly to rest her forehead against his as she panted softly, looking at him slightly before looking at the door in annoyance and huffing. "Well... that certainly is a mood killer..." she said as she rolled off Norman. (@Stew, @DrTrollinski)
(YES LOL @Stew)

Norman would quickly pull away from her and sit up, slowly wiping his lips as he stares off towards the door - he frowns for a moment and then looks up at her, setting his head down on the mattress. "Yeah. It is... you want to go somewhere more... uhm--.. Private, maybe?" He offered her, smiling a little. "If we do, we better check he ain't broke his neck first." He added while squirming to his feet, giving a long groan of pain while doing so. He picks up his leg brace and puts it back on, grasping Elizabeth's hand. (@Soul OMU)
(Doc your doing the would thing again. xD )

Elizabeth laughed softly as she held his hand. "Yeah... sounds like a good idea... And his fault to be honest since he didn't knock..." she said while getting up and helping him towards the door and to look down the stairs. "You alright Stewart?" she asked while having her arm wrapped around Norman's torso. (@Stew)
(Sorry xD )

Norman holds her close while peering down at Stewart, wincing and quickly inhaling while inspecting him. ".. Ouch..." He mutters quietly. "That's quite a fall... you good, bud?" He asks him. (@Soul OMU, @Stew)
Stewart lay at the bottom of the stairs, by no means seriously injured, but in a somewhat large amount of pain. Stewart groans,

"I think so..." He says in a lazy manor,

"I think I'll just lay here." He says.

(@Soul OMU @DrTrollinski)
".. Alright--.. we're gonna'... uh--.. We're headin' out for a while, okay? Watch over the place for me." He says as he guides Elizabeth down the stairs and leads her out of the main door, blushing in the slightest. He took her over to the police cruiser parked outside and swung the front door open for her. After she got inside he went around to the driver's side, started up the engine, and then began driving off to the east and away from the Department. (@Stew, @Soul OMU)
"Somewhere quiet... where it's just us." He says as he removes his hand from the gear-stick and places it gently down on her thigh, giving a happy sigh as he focused his eyes on the road - he went by the school and continued driving towards an area that was more of a woodland area and away from civilization slightly. (@Soul OMU)
Noah was the last to be in the car. He rapidly sat on the drivers seat and sighted. '' This looks like a family road trip.'' He said as a smirk appeared and he shook it off when he ignited the engine.
He drives out into the middle of the woodland area and turns the car's engine off; he looks across at her for a moment, smiling before climbing into the back of the car. He lied back in the slightest and continued to look off at her.

"Care to join me in the back?" He muttered, his eyes slightly squinted while his lips showed a grin. (@Soul OMU)
'' Shhhhhhhhhhhs, don't remind me of this mindless creature sweetheart.'' Noah said putting a finger on his lips as he finally managed to get on the highway.
Elizabeth laughed softly before getting out of the passenger seat and around the back. "Alright alright..." she said in amusement before sitting down in the back with him. (@DrTrollinski)

Brianna giggles as she looks out of the window. "Can we stop at an amusement park then? Since this is like a family roadtrip... oooo~ That means your the dad then... but who would be the mom?" she asked and blinked slightly. (@Vaila, 32sillylight32)
"Well... here we are," He said to her, moving one arm around her and taking a deep breath. "You said we could never really... y'know... 'do anything' at the Department as the kids are there, so... this is the quietest place I could think of." He said before glancing out of the window and admiring the peace behind the area they were in - they were surrounded entirely by trees and foliage, with no signs of civilization or any shambling corpses nearby. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth smiled a bit as she looked at him. "It's lovely... How did you find it?" she asked while looking around slightly taking in the beautiful of the fall trees that were slowly changing to go with the seasons. "And it's safe yes?" she asked while looking back at him. (@DrTrollinski)
"It's more than safe... I used to come here all the time with a kid. Actually brought Nathan here once. But back then there was the rumour spreadin' around his school - he was only in First Grade at the time - that this place was haunted. As soon as it started gettin' dark he started cryin' and beggin' me to take him home." He paused and chuckled for a moment. "But this place is beautiful. Very much like yourself." He chuckled in a flirtatious way as he quickly kissed her. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth smiled a bit and laughed softly. "Oh jeez... Some people just don't understand the beauty of nature..." she said softly before she kissed him back and placing her hand on his cheek slightly as she tilted her head to deepen the kiss.(@DrTrollinski)

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