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Futuristic Brain Burger

"We're talkin' about Politics." He said to her, he looked at her sternly for a moment but then smiled. "Nah, just kiddin' - we're talkin' about the buildin' that Stewart just knocked down." He added.

"We could have gunned all them down. The problem we face now is that there's still an entrance to us from the left and right - we've seen 'em adapt, Stewart - Christ, some of 'em even sharpen their own bones to use as weapons!" He stated, dropping the spoon into his cereal bowl in an abrupt manner. "I appreciate the fact that you took action - it could have went wrong, but it didn't. Not yet. We're headin' out today, so I'm hopin' that most the horde's gone back south - if they decide to attack here, you're all gonna' be here to look after the place while the rest of us go out on the run."

"If they find a way around, don't blow up any more buildings, a'ight? We're gonna' need some'a them at a later point... Good work, nonetheless." He said to him, giving a brief nod. (@Stew, @Soul OMU)
Stewart smiles slightly,

"Thanks, man." He gestures his coffee cup as if to say 'cheers' and then takes another sip.

(@Soul OMU)
Annie blinked. "You knocked down a building? Oh jeez.." she said while pouring some hot water in mugs for both her and Elizabeth and putting in tea bags for them before walking back over to her and handing her one. Elizabeth gave her a soft thank you as she sips her tea slightly while looking at them. "A huge horde...? Oh gosh... That isn't good... especially with that group coming this way in a few days..." she said softly while sipping her tea. (@Stew, @DrTrollinski)
Stewart shakes his head,

"That's why I blew up the building, to block them from headed this way. And yes, I do know there are other paths, but zombies will usually take the route that's not as hard to maneuver." He takes another sip of his coffee,

"This isn't my first rodeo." He chuckles.

(@Soul OMU)
"If the group run into the horde... which hopefully they won't..." He said as he picked up his near enough empty bowled and staggered as he rose up; he tipped the remaining cereal and milk into the trash - there wasn't much left anyway - and then placed the bowl and spoon in the sink. "They'll get here fine... but if they do run into this horde, we can't risk the lives of our people to help 'em out. We'll get overrun if we try and head south to get 'em." He stated simply, sitting back down. 
(@Stew, @Soul OMU)
Elizabeth bit her lip slightly. "...Then if anything I'll go alone. My sister could be with them. I'm not going to let her die if they run into that horde..." she said and got up before heading back to her room on her own. Annie watches her go and sips her tea. "I'm with Eliza... I'll help her if the others run into the horde..." she said while sipping her tea. (@Stew, @DrTrollinski)
Stewart sips his coffee once again,

"Hey, Norman, I think you could use one of my sleeve guns." He says as he glances out a window.

(@DrTrollinski Hey, do you think we could do a time pass or something like that? So the survivors could get here quicker?)
"You're not goin' on a suicide run. We'll wait and see if they call, but we ain't gonna' be ridin' into a horde of five-hundred. That's not gonna' save anyone. I'm up for goin' out and helpin' 'em, but not if it's certain death." He said to her, sighing.

"And yeah, a sleeve gun would be good." He smiles at him for a moment. (@Stew, @Soul OMU)
Elizabeth shakes her head and vanishes back into her room, sighing softly before changing and heading down to the shooting range to train a bit. Annie sipping her tea, looking at her mug. "Usually when you care about someone... You'll do anything to save them or make sure there safe... Eliza hasn't seen her sister in a long time... and to know that she didn't do anything to help her, will crush her..." she said while sipping her tea (@Stew, @DrTrollinski)
"I care about a lot of people, Annie. I ask that you don't try and doubt that - I'm with her on trying, but I love her. I don't want to see her die either." He muttered softly to her, taking a saddened deep breath thereafter. (@Soul OMU)
Stewart glances around the room then at Norman,

"Want to here about how I got here? It's quite a weird story." He chuckles as he adjusts in his seat.

Annie sighs. "I don't doubt that... But when you love something so much... you'll do anything to see that they stay safe... even if it means your own death... That's why she wants to fight as hard as she can... Just to make sure her sister stays safe..." she says softly while sipping her tea. "Besides... you were lucky, you were with your brother when this started... she wasn't... So to know that her sister is alive and could be on her way here... Makes her extremely happy... but to know that you might let them die if they get caught by the horde... Will kill her on the inside..." she said looking sad. (@DrTrollinski)
"Go ahead..." He sighs.

(We might be able to time-skip to like mid-day, so that way the RP me and Jay had planned can be pulled off.) (@Stew) 
"Lucky...? I had to kill my own mother, Annie. Is that what you call 'lucky'?" He said to her, looking slightly irritated and offended. (@Soul OMU)
Annie looks at him. "At least you had family." she said looking upset. "This is the first time that I feel like I have a home and a family even with all this crazy shit that's going on." she said while getting up and heading back to her room. (@DrTrollinski)
He'd get up and hobble after me. "This is the only real family I've had, Annie. You're breakin' the rule of underestimatin' people. You don't know my past." He said to her. (@Soul OMU)
"I ain't judgin' you!" He said as he slammed a fist down on the door. "You weren't here when I volunteered my life for someone else! You weren't here when I PROMISED Ellie that I'd help her find her sister!" He yelled as he turned away from the door. "I'm a man of my word, Annie!" He snarled back while hobbling down the stairs. (@Soul OMU)
Annie says nothing as she closes her eyes as she leans against the door. "I'm sure you are... But you aren't keeping that other promise you made to her... The one that you said you'd keep telling her you love her. She told me about that, she's starting to think you don't." she said calmly while pushing off her door and going to sit on her bed.

Elizabeth closes her eyes and sighs, currently packing her bag slightly; lost in thought as she sitting by her bed. (@DrTrollinski)
"Alright? No. I'm not..." He says, sitting back down at the table and shaking his head. "Ugh..." He gives another sigh. (@Stew) 
"I need to speak to Elizabeth, Stew--.." He said as he forced himself to his feet; he walks up the stairs slowly on his bad leg and goes into her room, looking down at her. ".. Ellie..." He said softly, sighing. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth says nothing as she stands up. "What do you want Norman?" she said while slinging her bag over her shoulders, looking at him slightly. "What could you possibly want right now?... don't you have some other things to take care of since that seems to always be the case." she said while running a hand through her hair. (@DrTrollinski)
"I want to talk, Ellie. I've promised you I'd help you find her. And that's what I'm gonna' do. Speak to me." He said, blocking the doorway with his body. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth stares him down. "What's there to talk about? Since you haven't talked to me properly in over almost a week. The only time we talk is when your giving orders." she said and stepped towards the window. (@DrTrollinski)
He walked towards her and sets a hand on her shoulder, taking a sigh. "I've been workin' for the sake of all of us, you know that..." He sets his other hand on her free shoulder, squeezing them gently in affection. "I'm sorry, Ellie... I truly am - I know, I haven't even had the time to sit and talk to you which is wrong, but there's a lot going..." He sighed and looked over his shoulder towards the door.

"Have you even seen Nathan? He's goin' fuckin' crazy, Ellie. He doesn't speak to me any more - I know how you feel, and I'm sorry." He said softly, bowing his head a little.
Elizabeth says nothing as she just stares at him. "You have no idea how I feel... and Nathan isn't going crazy. Did you know he came to me after killing that guy, he broke down... He didn't know what to do because you kept him at a distance and everyone looked at him like he was some kind of monster... I didn't. This world is changing people... and not for the better. Yes we're surviving... but for how long? We're going to run out of resources eventually and then what? You don't always have to be working... Me and Nathan both told you this at the very beginning when it was just the three of us. Yet you keep going... How can you know how I feel when you've been so busy?" she said while stepping back again from him. (@DrTrollinski)

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