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Futuristic Brain Burger

Tessa picked up a card and looked up as Clary entered. Setting down her cards she smiled at her but got no such look in return. "Morning," Clary mumbled and Tessa sighed.
"Yeah?" He responds, looking up from the kitchen table. (@Stew)

He looks at his pale face and slowly rises up, taking a deep breath. "What's the matter?"
Brianna puts her cards down and bounds over to clary. "Clare! Can you do my hair pretty please!" She asked while looking up at her. (@Vaila)

Elizabeth slowly woke up again and yawned as she noticed a cup of tea by her bedside and sips it when she notices Annie. "Thanks Ann.."
"Ugh... alright..." He mutters as he picks up his silenced and scoped M4A1 that was rested against the kitchen table; he'd proceed to follow Stew, hobbling out of the room while doing so.
Clary stiffened slightly. "Err... sure," she said, turning to the girl. She quickly braided the girls hair, her fingers working slowly as she tried to remember how to do the braid.
Brianna hummed happily while she let Clary braid her hair, smiling as she did so before hugging her lightly. "Thank you Clare.." She said before letting go.
Stewart dashes up to the roof, hoping that Norman is right behind him. Stewart then points off into the distance at what appears to be a small horde, but anyone who knows simple physics will realize that it's simply a big horde far off,

"There must be thousands!" He exclaims.

"No, no--.. there can't be thousands... it ain't possible. I lead at least a hundred of 'em down south. We're lookin' at maybe--.." He'd squint as he peers off into the distance at the approaching horde. "Maybe a hundred, a hundred and fifty--.. if anythin', you're gettin' a silenced rifle if we need to shoot - gunshots will only draw more of 'em in. We've got enough ammo to take down a small country, for Christ sakes. Grab one of the silenced M-4's and a box of ammo. If they get too close we'll engage, but there's no need to think that they're gonna' be--.." He stops talking and grunts as he slowly lies down into a prone position, the rifle pointing off the edge of the roof. ".. attacking us--.." He finishes his sentence. (@Stew)
Stewart nods,

"Is the armory unlocked?" He asks Norman, Stewart crouches as he watches the horde,

"I'm pretty sure they're farther off than you think." He squints at it.

Noah woke up abruptly panting sweat rolling down his forehead. He took in a deep breath as he stood up to wash his face. Seeing everyone enjoying themselves warmed his heart slightly, '' Goodmorning everyone,'' he said softly going to the tap and opening for brown water who turned clear after a few seconds. ''gross..'' he whispered to himself (@Soul OMU )
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"Regardless... we have enough ammo to take 'em all on. Engage runners first, then we'll get the walkers and the bone runners." He mutters quietly. "And yes, it's unlocked." He adds, taking a deep breath as he looks down the red-dot sight of his rifle. (@Stew)
Stewart crouch-walks off the roof and into the station, he darts through the station and gets to the armory. He flings open the door and goes through everything, he finds a silenced M21 sniper rifle.


Stewart then dashes back up to the roof,

"Alright, I'm ready." He says as he adjusts the sights and takes aim.

"Hold fire... for now." Norman muttered as the horde drew closer. They were moving slowly at first; Stewart would be able to see many walkers and bone runners on first glance, but some of them move faster than others. "See the walkers that move faster than the rest of 'em? They're tryin' to trick ya' right there. Take out a few that are speed-walkin'. The slower ones love chowin' down on those once they're dead." He said quietly, more tightly gripping the M4 in his hands while he took aim himself. (@Stew)
Stewart nods and takes aim carefully,

"Now?" He asks Norman, Stewart somehow kept calm. He then feels a feeling of dread in his stomach,

"I have a bad feeling about this." He mutters.

"Relax. They can't hear the sound of nothin', can they?" He said to him, hinting at his silenced gun. "Trust me... take out one of the fast-walkin' ones and the slower ones will be too busy fightin' over first bite - that leaves the bone runners and runners for us to pick off. We do it now, or we hide. We let 'em get too close and they'll smell us." He stated, nodding at him. In that split second he fires one bullet off at one of the fast-walking undead that was at the front of the horde. Headshot. The brains and blood go everywhere and the body slumps to the ground - in that instant, easily a pack of twenty-odd walkers would stop in their tracks and scramble to the body. Yummy.

"See what I mean? Take out a few more of the fast-movin' ones and we'll have an easier job." He said matter-of-factly with a curt nod. (@Stew)
Stew nods and proceeds to take down 4 fast walking ones, he goes to fire the 7th shot when the gun's chamber suddenly burst. It explodes in Stewart's face, luckily Stewart is unharmed take or leave a few minor burns but a loud BOOM echoes through the air,

"O-Oh no." He mutters.

"Oh for the love of Christ. I said get a silenced M. FOUR. Didn't I!?" He yelled; the walkers in the distant lost focus on the body they were busy with and looked towards the source of the sound. You guessed it. Here they come again.

"Get another gun. Now." He orders, shaking his head. (@Stew)
Stewart throws down the now broken gun, he darts downstairs and back into the armory. He grabs a silenced M4 and some extra ammo, he then darts back to the roof and takes aim again,

"It wasn't my fault the gun exploded!" He exclaims at Norman,

"Somebody must've loaded the wrong caliber bullet into the gun! It will explode in the chamber instead of firing!" He pops a couple of fast walkers as they suddenly start charging towards the station.

"It was probably one of the damn kids again, I don't know! Focus on makin' sure we don't... die, maybe?" He snaps back in response as he drills down a couple of the runners himself; following that, the walkers following behind them would stop once again and begin devouring their corpses - this has slowed them down to a less speedy pace, buying Norman and Stewart some more time.
Now finding some extra time, Stewart pulls out a pair of binoculars as he glances over the inner city, he sees movement heading their direction,

"Freakin heck. That big horde is back." He grunts in discomfort,

"I have an idea, cover me." Stewart darts inside and then darts out into the street.

"Jesus..." He does as he asks and covers him as much as he can, occasionally stopping to reload but still generally gunning down any undead that he could. (@Stew)
Stewart doesn't waste any time, he darts out into the street and surveys the area quickly before running up one of the building. He pulls something out of his backpack and sets it at the side of the building, he then runs around and pulls something else out and does the same. He pulls a 3rd object out of his backpack and seems to mess with the 2 objects before running back up to the building, turns out the 3rd object was a spool of some type.

He darts back up to the building and tosses the spool up to the roof, Stewart runs through the building at record time and runs up to the spool on the roof,

"So....Norman.... You like poetry?" He says between panting.

".. I don't know, sure, why not." He said with a shrug, picking off a few of the undead while he spoke. He sighed and moved his braced leg in discomfort for a few moments. (@Stew)
"Morning Noah," Tessa said softly as she dug an almost full water bottle from her bag and handed it to him. Looking up at him, she smiled awkwardly and shrugged her shoulders as if to say that it was no big deal. 
(@32sillylight32 )

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