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Futuristic Brain Burger

Elizabeth coughed harshly as she slowly opened her eyes, feeling quite cold and shivering as she curled up tighter under her blankets, mumbling to herself about she should have been fine, and not suppose to be sick. (@DrTrollinski, @firejay1)

Annie sleeping on the mattress with Hunter, curled up on the one side since that's how she tends to sleep. (@Huntrey)
Tony had been watching Elizabeth for most of the night. The woman's fever had gone down after several hours, probably thanks to the medicine, but she still didn't look comfortable. Just as she was beginning to fall asleep in her chair Elizabeth coughed again. Jerking awake, she saw that the woman was awake... and cold. Tucking the blankets around her more securely, she got up and got some water for her, placing it within easy reach. "How are you feeling?" She asked, her eyes with dark smudges of sleeplessness under them. (@Soul OMU)


Asha woke sleepily and took himself to the bathroom without really thinking about anything. He did his business and returned to the room, poking Clayton in the chest. Clay groaned, scratching at his itchy chest in annoyance. "What do you want, brat?" He asked, without opening his eyes. He didn't need to, to identify his torturer as Ash.

"Clay... wake up." He mumbled sleepily, and irrationally.

"What time is it?" Clay protested, as he forced himself into wakefulness.

"I don't know." Ash said, then wrapped himself in his blankets again and knocked out. Cursing lightly, Clay got up and took himself into the kitchen, annoyance making him alert. "Morning." He said, when he saw Norman, then he yawned rudely. (@DrTrollinski)
Elizabeth gave her a weak smile. "Better... you know you don't have to do this... Also... Go get some rest Tony... I should be able to change my wet cloth on my own.. Plus if I need anything I'll get help..." she said while sitting up slightly and coughing into her arm slightly. (@firejay1)
Tessa sighed from her spot at the window and climbed to her feet. Clary had fallen asleep a few hours ago, finally, and she'd been keeping watch. Even though this was supposed to be a safe house, Tessa didn't feel entirely safe. Although she doubted very much if she ever would. They had a lot of ground to cover before they reached their next destination and who knew when their next stop would be. Stretching, Tessa rolled her neck and clicked her fingers in an attempt to wake up her muscles but they still ached from sleeping on the couch. She let out a sigh and moved to the bathroom, where she proceeded to run a brush through her hair as she looked into the grubby mirror. It was the one habit that she'd kept from her normal life, brushing her hair, and she still associated it with fond memories. When her mother would brush it gently each night with the delicate jeweled hairbrush in her bag. The jewels had since fallen out, not used to the harsh treatment it received in her bag but she still kept them.

Moving back into the living room, she saw that Bellamy was awake and smiled at him. He smiled back quietly as he carefully removed Brie's arms from around him so she could continue to sleep. Moving towards the kitchen, she sat on the breakfast bar and watched him as he carefully rested her head on one of the only pillows in the room. It was obvious to anyone that he had a crush on her, but Tessa wouldn't say anything. She knew exactly how pre-teens could be.

"Hey," Tessa said in a soft voice as Bellamy approached her. Pulling a breakfast bar from her bag, she snapped it in half and handed the larger part to him. "How did you sleep?" she continued and Bellamy just shrugged, taking the oat and raisin bar before chewing on the end. "That good huh?" she asked giving him a sympathetic smile. She took a bite from the end of her bar and chewed on it rhythmically. As each second past she would chew, trying to ignore the taste of honey that filled her mouth. She wasn't a fan, but she knew they couldn't be picky.

"When are we leaving?" Bellamy asked in a quiet, sleep-filled voice, looking up at his sister. "I'm not exactly in a hurry to leave but...." he trailed off, not exactly sure what to say but luckily Tessa took the hint.

"I'm not sure, you should ask Noah when he wakes up," she said finishing her breakfast bar. Bellamy too had finished and he looked around for something to do. He didn't want to wake the others knowing how little sleep everyone usually got, but he couldn't just sit there. He wished he were back home with his game console, playing the newest racing game, but the thought just reminded him of how much was missing from his life now. His parents, his friends, home cooked meals, decent electricity, a warm comfortable bed, and the list went on.

"Hey, do you wanna play cards?" Tessa asked, as if reading his mind and Bellamy grinned. At least he still had his sister. Bellamy nodded as she brought out the deck of cards and they began to play Go-Fish as quietly as they could.

(@Soul OMU @32sillylight32 )
Brianna yawned slightly as she slowly woke, she had rested very well for once in the many days that she had started travelling with them. Probably cuz she had slept in Bellamy's arms, she blushed a bit at the thought of her friend and wondered what Ellia would do. She sighed softly as she thought of her older sister and wished she was here. (@Vaila)
"Morning Brianna," Tessa said in greeting with a kind smile. "We're playing Go-Fish, want us to deal you in?" she asked softly, looking over at the girl with a grin as she tried not to think of how happy Brie made her brother. Sure they were only children, but Tessa thought it was sweet that even two young people could find love in such dark times.

Bellamy smiled over at her, mumbling "Good morning," as he blushed a soft pink colour. "Got any sevens?" he asked Tessa and she shook her head with a smirk.

(@Soul OMU)
Tessa grinned and continued with the game, watching the two of them out of the corner of her eye as Bellamy glanced at her. It was actually more like stared at her, only looking away when she looked up at him. Brie confused him, in a pleasant, unexpected way and he found that he couldn't help but stare. She was pretty, which didn't hurt, but she was also smart and brave, qualities which he had always admired. He wished he could be more like her but didn't know how to go about it. He'd been an average student in school, and he hoped that Brie didn't think him stupid when she's taught him how to fight. Not that it would change their friendship, but as Brie's words about kissing rang through his mind, he blushed again. He'd never been kissed before, but if he could choose his first kiss he knew it would be with her.

(@Soul OMU)
Brie looked at her hand before looking up at Tessa and Bellamy. "So is it my turn?" She asked and smiled, brushing some stray hairs out of her green-hazel eyes. She didn't mind having to teach Bellamy to fight. Actually she was thrilled since she always wanted to prove herself and had fun teaching Bellamy how to fight, especially since he was a fast and decent fighter. (@Vaila)
"Yeah," Bellamy said softly, looking at her carefully, wishing he could talk to her properly.

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Brie smiles brightly as she looks at her hand before turning to Tessa. "Do you have any queens?" She asked while looking at Tessa, but glancing at Bellamy out of the corner of her eye. (@Vaila)
Tessa nodded and handed over two cards. She smiled at the girl and asked if she had and fours.

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Bellamy blushed and picked up a card. He stared at his cards as his ears turned piink and he muttered an apology.

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Brie giggles and kisses his cheek slightly. "It's fine, just pay attention to the game okay?" She said and smiled brightly at him before asking him for a seven.
Stewart walks through the station, cup of coffee in hand, he walks up to the roof and simply sits. He pulls out a small disc player from his backpack, Stew starts playing For What It's Worth. He occasionally glances through his rifle's scope.
Tessa turned to Brie and winked at her, asking for Jacks. She fluffed up her hair, twirling a strand around one finger.

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Tough Love

"Mom! Please, no!" Nathan cried out. The whole apocalypse had already set into everyone's mind, but when Norman heard Nathan begging and crying at 4am he sprung out of bed and dashed to his room - he walked in and could see faintly in the darkness the glimmering of the early-morning sun on a large stainless steel kitchen knife. She had Nathan in the corner - he was shaking and trembling and already soaking in his own urine in terror. The knife was quite literally against his chest.

"Ma! What the hell do ya' think you're doin'?" Norman snarled at her, she quickly turned to him and held the knife up, her eyes a psychotic type of wide and her teeth showing in a fowl and furious manner.

"Norman--.. you know what I'm doing..." She growled, her bandage on her arm was leaking with blood, but she'd only been bit a few hours ago - the only symptoms she could have had at this time was a fever, which is what she did have. She wasn't far enough down the line to have the aggressive outbursts; Norman charged up to her and ripped the knife from her hand.

"Gimme' that." He said sternly before hammering it down on the floor at his side, he gripped both of her wrists so she couldn't strike him - he was used to doing this action ever since his father died. She was known for violent outbursts, and Norman always made sure that it was him that took the beating and abuse rather than Nathan. Ever since Nathan was up and walking around, Norman would always hide him under his bed and lock the door while she beat him senseless. Every strike he received from her tore him apart piece by piece, but it was all worth it when he knew that Nathan was unharmed.

"Let go of me you pathetic excuse for a man!" She screamed at him, Norman quickly reached up and slapped her. The room fell silent right there and then, and even Nathan's crying had stopped - after so many years of abuse, he had finally fought back and cleansed everything that his younger brother had witnessed.

"Go and sit in the livin' room right-fuckin'-now or I'm gonna' hit you again." He ordered, her eyebrow twitched as she slowly reached up and placed a palm on her face where he had struck her. She said nothing. She turned away from him and slowly wobbled out of the room; the moment she was gone Norman dashed to Nathan's front and quickly hugged him - it wasn't a brotherly hug, though - it was one of those caring 'parent-style' hugs where he was held in his arms normally, but one hand was rested on the back of his head to shield him. He planted a kiss on the top of his head and sighed while listening to him sob and bawl. "Get some clean clothes on, Nate... I'm gonna' deal with this--.. I need you to lock your room and not come out until I say, alright?"

"Norman, no--.. she's gonna' kill you!" He sobbed, Norman hushed him and rocked him a little.

"No. She ain't... she's turnin', kiddo... I need to do somethin' so we're both safe, alright? I need you to be strong for me." He said, returning to his roots of the fatherly figure he'd always been for Nathan in desperate times.

"Okay... okay--.. okay..." He sobbed, releasing Norman for a moment as he walked over to the door with him; as soon as Norman exited he locked the door tight so that he was safe from whatever might happen. Followed by that, Norman walked into the living room to see his mother sitting on one of the chairs, rocking back and forth in an almost insane sort of manner; she looked up at Norman as he approached but said nothing.

"Just who the hell do you think you are...?" Norman growled as he sat opposite her.

"Don't talk to me about being someone. You'll never be the man your father was." She snapped.

"My father? If you could even call him that - a man who didn't give a shit about his family and got himself killed in a drink-drivin' accident? Why would I even want to be like him?"

"Don't you dare talk bad about your father, Norman! You've always been a disrespectful waste of space!"

"Have I really? I think it was dad that was the only disgusting pile of festerin' shit that wasted space, in brutal honesty." He remarked, grinning at her slightly as he watched her anger slowly build up. She knew that everything he was saying was true, and she'd been denying it for the past eleven years.

"How... Dare you..." She whispered in a dark tone.

"Face it, ma'. If he really cared about us, if he really 'loved you' as much as you say he did, or if he really 'cared for the well-bein' of his children', you think he would have kept drinkin'? Nooo... you just helped him die, ma'. You made his life hell, you drove him to alcoholism and that's how he died that one night of August fourteenth." He ranted quietly; he watched some tears form in her eyes and he felt guilty for the smallest amount of time. That didn't last long, though. This was payback.

"We always used to laugh at how pathetic you were, Norman - we joked about how you'd never be the family man you said you'd be. Hell, we even spoke about you havin' to adopt because you're so difficult. Especially with women." She cackled at him, he chuckled and shook his head.

"And even if I did adopt I'd still be a better parent in one day than you and dad managed in twenty-three years." He replied sternly, and for some reason that was her snapping point - she sprung up and charged at him, but that's exactly what he wanted to happen. He pulled the Damascus Steel Bowie Knife from his belt and sunk it into her stomach as she pounced onto him. Tears instantly began polishing his eyes, but he looked her dead in the eye for a few seconds during the precious silence they had and then kicked her back - she flopped over backwards and went crashing through the glass coffee table in front of them. She lied on the floor gasping for air and assistance while the long solid-steel blade sat inside her.

"You--.. you--.. I hope--.. I hope every chi--.. child you ever have--.. dies a slow and painful--.. painful death, you disgusting man--.." She sobbed to him, he merely lifted his foot and gently rested it on the top of the blade, pushing it further into her body - she let out a long cry as he did so.

"Ma'... as much as I loved you until now... you always were a bitch." He muttered as he went down on his knees and dragged the knife up, cutting her clean open. He then ripped the knife free and began pummelling it down into her skull and eyes, over and over again until every twitch and whimper stopped. Even after that, he kept stabbing to take revenge on all the times she'd abused him and Nathan, and after she held a knife to the child that Norman treated as his son for so long, that was the final straw. He had to go against the one thing he'd promised not to do since his father died; he realized this when he was curled up on the floor and crying his eyes out. He was going to have to lie to Nathan and say she'd turned, and that's why he killed her.
Stewart looks off in the distance and sees something, he looks through his rifle scope,

"Holy crap!" He exclaims before running back inside, he looks around for Norman and finds him,

"Norman!" He yells, Stewart is pale.


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