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Futuristic Brain Burger

Hunter walked back inside the station, satisfied from he work. He had put all of the weapons in a row in caliber size and boxes to the front stacked by contents. The doors and tail gate were locked and a cloth was draped by the back in order to keep people away. Hopefully no one would be nosy, but if they did he would know.
Annie closed the door of their room to change slightly, humming to herself after having finished making sure she made the contraption perfect. "I hope he likes it...~" she said to herself as she was standing in her jeans and bra, grabbing a large baggy sleep shirt. (@Huntrey)
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Norman forced a smile, nodding at him. "One thing I never told Nathan - you can't tell him I said this - it would destroy him. I... when I was your age my father died, I think I mentioned that part - you've learned the harsh truth, Clay. Some things just--.. they just happen. But the worst part is knowing that it could have been changed to be better. It wasn't the fact that he died that killed me. It was how he died."

"On the night of my twelfth birthday I went to him - he was a ragin' alcoholic... never saw him without a drink - and I said to him. 'Dad. Promise me you're going to stop drinking'. And he gave me the whole bullshit of 'I promise', and so on. And I believed him, because I was young - young and easy to trick. It comes naturally to most kids - easy to fool... but time went on, my dad kept drinkin', doin' a bottle of whiskey a day... even when Nathan was born. It was one month after Nathan was born that I got a knock on our house door - the police. They told me these exacts words: "Son. I'm afraid your father's been killed in a drunk-driving accident." And you know something Clay?" He paused and walked back over to his seat, sitting down and staring off at him with a sad frown.

"I'd never felt more betrayed in my whole life... The fact that someone can just... promise you so much... and then spit back in your face--.. It's disgusting..." He took a long deep breath to stop any tears from breaking out. "I had to be Nathan's father. I had no choice. I had to do everythin', because our mother was an abusive bitch after my dad died - I felt like a better person at the end of it all, hell, I even had Nathan callin' me 'daddy' at one point when he was little, but I had to get him to stop that."

"The moment all of you arrived here I saw how much distrust there was, I could literally sense the fact that you'd been betrayed in some sort of horrible way. I could relate, but I never said anythin' because I didn't want to upset you - I swore that I'd never lie to anyone, never screw them over like my father did to me. And I know I ain't a smart man, and at times I seem like a complete moron, but just keep in mind that when I answer one of your questions with 'I honestly have no idea', that's because I wouldn't lie, Clay." He walked over and put a hand on his shoulder for a moment, gripping it in a friendly manner. "Just remember what I've said. I'd take a bullet for any-damn-one of you... And if you ever need to talk about all the 'guy stuff' - I hate to ring my own bell, but--.. I think you and I are two of the only guys here that aren't hell-bent on women and guns, so come find me, eh?" He winked. "Your secret's safe. I already know mine is, Clay. I don't need to ask you to promise me that." He said to him, releasing his shoulder and giving a half-smile.


Nathan ran and grabbed a box of amoxicillian - he knew from when he had done research before the incident that this was a type of antibiotic that could be used to treat chest infections, which sounded like what Elizabeth had. He also got some fever and pain relief over-the-shelf medicine alongside a medicine spoon and a bottle of water. He went back to Elizabeth's room and handed all of the medicinal items off to Tony. (@Soul OMU)
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Hunter walked up the stairs and rounded the corner into his room, shutting the door as he entered. "I'm back Annie." He looked up from the door handle to see her in the bra, which he nearly dropped the bag he was carrying. He coughed awkwardly a couple time, "Uhm, uhm, sorry I didn't mean to come in as you were changing.". (@Soul OMU )
Annie blinked as she glanced over her shoulder. "It's fine, just changing shirts..." She said as she pulled the shirt down the rest of the way. "Plus you didn't know." She said and went over to the sling shot like contraption Stewart has that she made. "Guess what I made~" she said with a smile. (@Huntrey)
"I could see that." He watched her body for as long as he could, the shirt ending his stare. Hunter watched her pull out the gun sling, his eyes widening as he practically ran over to get it. "Oh wow, can I try it on?" He was already holding out his arm for her to work with.
Hunter let Annie put the sling on him, even though the thing was miserably uncomfortable. "Uncomfortable yes, is it worth it? Yes.".
Annie laughed softly. "Sorry. If I had any padding I would put some. But It will be worth it in the long run and if anything happens to me at least you'll have this to remember me by." she said while fixing it so that it will fix. (@Huntrey)
Hunter put his free hand on her working ones, "Nothing is going to happen to you Annie, not while I'm here.". He didn't like how casually she had said it, nor the fact she blew it off.
Annie stopped momentarily from her work, before looking at him. "...How can you promise something this big when people are dying every day... you nearly killed me on the first day..." she said while looking away from him. (@Huntrey)
Hunter sighed, "Because I need to keep something alive for once.". He pulled his arm away, letting it go limp on his side. Hunter wasn't one to dwell on the past, but this was eating at him, waiting to come up.
Annie looks at him blankly. "So I'm just some thing to keep around that you can keep alive because some things happened in the past? Was this the whole reason why we came here...? Why I always had to sit in the god damn car like so innocent little pup?" (@Huntrey)
Hunter gave her a defiant look, but it relaxed. "That isn't why I keep you around. If I wanted a helpless pup then I would find a mutt off the street. I keep you around because I like you, so me not wanting you to get hurt isn't selfish, but compassion.".
Annie looked angry at his choice of words. "How dare you... I was one of those on the street! And how can you like someone after only knowing them for 10 days? I appreciate you wanting to protect me but if something happened to you, something would have happened to me as well." she said while looking at him.
Hunter kept his face calm, "You were, but not anymore Annie! You go on and on about how you never had a family and a hard life on the street, but you didn't deserve that! These ten days were days I didn't have to spend alone, and that is all I've ever wanted since she was gone." His voice was now pleading, losing its stern tone.
Annie said nothing as she ran her hand through her hair in frustration. "So i'm a replacement then... second best thing...? Cuz that's what it's starting to sound like Hunter." she said harshly while slowly stepping towards the door.
Hunter was getting frustrated also, "Why can't you just let yourself be happy!? I never said you were a replacement, but you being there helped me.". He watched her leave the room.
Annie closes her eyes. "I can't let myself be happy if I know everytime it's going to be ripped away from me and leave me broken even more then I already am... I always lose everything that I love...." she said as she left the room, hiding the tears as she quickly raced out of the department and off to another building to be alone.
Hunter stood there with his mouth open ready to give a smart remark, but he heard her statement. "Everything you love?" He was dumb founded, but knew he couldn't leave this like this. He picked up the surprise he brought from the truck with him as he chased her down the street.
Annie hopping from roof to roof, running, holding back tears; knows he is much faster then her and will probably catch up with her, nearly falls off the building but catches her footing as she stops slightly, panting softly.
Hunter put both of his hands on her shoulders, "Because there is nothing on this earth that will take me away from you. You are the only thing on this planet I have left and that means that I will never let you go. If you need a shoulder to cry on it will be me, if you need someone to watch your back it will be me, and if you need someone to love you then it will be me.".

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