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Futuristic Brain Burger

"It wouldn't hurt to discuss 'em with us - as I'm Norman's brother and we've both spent a lot of time working with him, I'm pretty sure we can answer any questions." He said with a smile as he pulled a chair up and sat beside Clay behind the desk. (@Huntrey)
Clay looked up at Nathan with half a scowl, half a grin. "I haven't killed them yet, that's a point for me, right?" He was joking in his rough, brusque way. "Wanna join me?"


Ash grinned at the compliment. "My ryoushin wanted me to become an isya! But I haven't seen any around since the zombies tabete'd them."


Belinda thanked the man as she drank. "So what is this place? The survivor brigade or something? Oh hey, do you know a girl named Elizabeth... something. I don't remember. I was looking for her in place of her sister."
Stewart nods,

"Yeah, we have an Elizabeth, as for the survivor brigade thing, I'm not so sure about that. We're just a group and that's that." He shrugs.

"Well. You're certainly clever enough to do that sort of job, so I'm sure they were right to want you to become that, kiddo..." He pulled out a fresh bandage from the medkit and then smiled as he began unrolling it. "I actually said the other day--.. I was gonna' let you have a shot with that rifle, wasn't I?" He said in reference to the rifle that Clay had been given. "If you want we could do that later - I'll help you out so the thing doesn't knock you over, or anythin'." He said before chuckling and grinning at him. (@firejay1)


Nathan looked across at Clay and nodded, grinning in the slightest. "Yeah, I'll join you, for sure." He said confidently, turning back to look at Hunter and Annie. "I'm Nathan. Norman's brother." He said softly. (@Huntrey)
"Seriously? There's an Elizabeth, here?" She almost jumped upwards, but stopped herself in time to prevent herself falling over or crashing into him. Belinda knew she shouldn't be too excited. It could be a completely different Elizabeth. "Sorry," she said, grimacing, "I don't think my brain's really working, right now. Getting stabbed in the stomach does that."


Tony rolled her eyes at him. "I think a baby breeze could knock you over at this point. Take care of yourself right now."
Hunter let his eyes trail the man as he sat down, "Pleasure Nathan, it's a wonderful establishment y'all have. I don't have any problems with the rules except for the first one. I only ask that my supplies not be touched until I'm certain this is where Annie and I want to stay.". His only condition and a well thought out one. It would be a deal breaker if he said no though, for that was his hard earned stuff, not strangers loot.
"Ah--.. relax, Tony--.. A thing my father always taught me... he died when I was about twelve, but--.. He always said to enjoy the little things. Don't worry. I'll be fine - I've taken a poundin' far worse than this. I'll take some'a those antibiotics and we'll do the shootin' this evenin', eh?" He said in a soft tone while smiling at her; he slowly wrapped his leg up in the fresh bandage and then pinned it all together with some of the medical tape from the first aid kit. He put all the unused and clean stuff back down in the box and sealed it off, using the wall beside him to climb to his feet. He took the leg brace and clipped it back on, nodding a few times. "Alright... this is good. Thanks for the help, guys. Where would I be without ya'?" He said in a somewhat playful manner. (@firejay1)


(Nathan's a kid, by the way. Around the same age as Clay) Nathan turned to look at Clay for a moment and then looked back to Hunter, taking a deep breath. ".. I wouldn't imagine that just us two can allow that. Rule One says that everythin' aside from personal weapons needs to be shared - we have power here, Mister. And hot showers. Isn't that convincing enough for you to stay?" He said with a soft chuckle. He looked across to Clay and shrugged. "What do you think, Clay?" He asked, looking for Clay's opinion on it. (@Huntrey, @firejay1)
"Maybe I should ask more then just you and Clay. But it is very convincing, and don't think I'm trying to take your generosity for granted. But if I wanted to leave after giving all my ammo and weapons away, well I doubt getting them back would be easy. I'm not asking to keep them all to myself, but just until Annie and I feel comfortable here." He gave the kid a friendly smile. "A hot shower is still pretty convincing." A chuckle came from the man's throat. Hopefully no one would think he was a rude or stern guy, just very official in his presence from the military.
Clay crossed his arms and looked at Hunter and Annie in good humor. "Ah, let 'em keep it for at least a week. If they don't want to stay, their loss, and we got enough to last us for a while anyways."


"Don't you tell that bighead I said this, but Clay's right, if you want it to get better, you gotta stop hobbling around on it." Tony said pursing her lips at him in motherly disapproval.
Annie smiled a bit at Hunter touched by his words. "Oh jeez Hunt your getting all sappy on me. And too answer your question about my orphan days Clay, they were alright. Most of the foster families sucked. So I went to the streets. It was rough but I made it work." She said and grinned, wrinkling her nose while smiling; currently messing around with some scrap metal. Elizabeth sleeping currently. (@DrTrollinski, @firejay1, @Huntrey)

Brianna currently sleeping against Bellamy as Clary and Tess talk slightly. (@Vaila)
Norman pauses for a moment and then looks at her, nodding. "Alright." He replies simply with a shrug, he looks to Asha and forces a smile, placing one of his bandaged hands atop his head once again. ".. we'll do that another time then, buddy. Once my leg's a bit better I'll make it up to you." He says, giving another wink at him - he seemed slightly disheartened. Oh well. It happens. He turned on the heel of his good leg and began hobbling off towards the radio room.

".. I'll be in the Dispatcher's office if you need me--.. thank you for the help..." He says in a quiet tone as he slowly pushes through the door and walks over to his desk, quickly taking a seat there.


Nathan smiles at them both and nods. "More than just us? Rule number eight - don't underestimate." He says, giving a similar wink that his brother would give to them to show that he's only joking; he nods and smiles at Clay before looking back to them. "Yeah, keep hold of 'em. I'm sure no one else will mind." He said. (@Soul OMU)
Stewart chuckles,

"It's ok, don't worry. But yes, really, there is an Elizabeth here. I could call her in here, if you want." He looks outside the room.

"Underestimate such a smooth talker like you, never." He gave a wink back. Hunter stood from his seat, stretching a bit. "So, if it is settled that we shall have a trial period of staying here. Can you show us to the room we can bring our stuff in?" He asked either of the boys. This place wasn't bad, but he had a feeling that he might want to relocate somewhere else. Not shut himself off from this place, but to make another haven, for when the station runs out of room.
Clay chuckled. "Ah, good ole foster homes. They're really great at using you, then spitting you back up. You guys sharing a room?" He asked Hunter and Annie. (@Soul OMU)
Annie thought for a moment. "Do you mind if I go out for a moment? I have to scope this place out from the roof tops." She said while stepping out from behind Hunter. "Cuz I wanna look for parts to make that thing like Stewart has for Hunt since he wants one so bad." She said with a teasing tone and she laughed at Clay comment. "Indeed. And not all homes are great." She said while blowing at her bangs. (@firejay1, @Huntrey, @DrTrollinski)
Hunter rubbed the back of his head, "That would be up to her.". He wanted nothing more then to share a room, even a bed with Ann, but he still had problems to face. "Annie, what do you think?". She was going to say yes, obviously not comfortable with this place, and Hunter would allow her. He was here to protect her after all.
Tony sighed at his little dejected look, then began walking over to the new girl's room, wanting to check up on her. From Clay's story, they would've died without her.

Belinda nodded at Stew. "It would be great if you could bring her. If it's the right one I have to talk to her." She looked up at Tony. "Hey, who're you?"

"I'm Tony, the boy you saved was a part of my family. Are you feeling alright?"

Belinda rolled her eyes. "Great question to ask a girl whose bandaged up like this. What are you, a shrink?" She turned her eyes on Stew again, wondering if he'd really go find the girl Elizabeth. (@Stew)
"Yeah--.. we'll show you a room." He said as he rose up out of the seat and walked out of the door - he waited for everyone else to catch up before walking them both down to a room at the far end of the hall. When he opened the door they saw a room stuffed entirely full of mattresses, pillows, and blankets. "If you're both sleepin' together you can drag a double into the office just down there." He said while leaning out of the door and pointing down the hallway to one of the offices. It was only a few doors down from the room they were at. "If you're just sharin' a room though, which would be be better 'cause we need all the space we can get." He said. "Norman's said each person gets one pillow and one blanket. Couples are obliged to take two pillows, obviously." (@Huntrey)
Stewart nods and stands,

"I'll be right back." He walks out into the hall, past the kid, and searches for Elizabeth. He finds her after a short time of searching,

"Hey, Liz, This girl, Belinda, wants to see you." He gestures behind himself.

(@Soul OMU)
Annie bit her lip a bit. "Uhm I guess so... I mean we're use to sharing space... Since we slept in the same truck most of the time." She said while going to the door of the office they were in. "So I'm going out." She said while fixing the shot gun over her shoulder. (@Stew)
"Ah, thank you Nathan. I will get our room situated right now." He walked over to a mattress to begin moving it, but turned to Nathan instead. "Thank y'all for taking us in. Even after my circumstances, we were on the road for ten days and it was just brutal. But this place kept us going, so thank you.". He gave a smile. After a short glance he picked up their sleeping supplies and headed down the hall. "Annie, be careful on the roof. And if you see the stuff, tell me, don't go out without me.".
"Pshh, dad my a**." He gave a chuckle as she left. The room was spacious enough for the mattress, which he made for the comfort of two.
Stewart glances around the room then turns his attention back to Elizabeth,

"Some girl wants to see you, she seems pretty excited about it or something." He look slightly confused.

(@Soul OMU)
Annie currently parkouring from roof top to roof, looking got parts, humming and picking up the parts and putting them in her bag.

Elizabeth sighed softly while coughing. "Can't it... Wait...?" (@Stew)

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