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Futuristic Brain Burger

Stewart glances over at the kids,

"Hello." He says in a happy tone,

"And who are the little rascals?" He asks in a joking tone.

(@firjay1 @DrTrollinski)
"It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm Hunter." He gave a smile to the kids, then looked to Annie. She was probably falling in love with the kids the moment she knew they were orphans.
"Non-disclosure..." Norman snarled, wiping his forehead. "Now just hold on. We have rules." (@Soul OMU)

"You ready to hear them?" He asked.
Clay snorted. "Been an orphan since I was born, lady. There's nothing new there."

Tony smacked him, then smiled back at the lady. "Yeah, we're orphans. We came from Pennsylvania." She glared mildly at Stewart. "It's really not polite to call people rascals without understanding them first." Ash was gripping her arm, shaking and hiding behind her a little. She couldn't tell who he was hiding from, but her best guess was it was the man.

Clay nodded, "Oh right. You and your rules."
Annie huffs slightly and flinches away from Norman and staying behind Hunter. "Fine..." She muttered, wanting to leave now since she didn't like this. "And so have I actually. But then again, I was better off without my parents.." She said while blowing at her bangs. (@Huntrey, @DrTrollinski, @firejay1)
Noah lost all connection as his radio just died. '' Fuck,'' he said as he tried fixing it but the piles just died. He saw everyone sleeping so didn't bother talking about it with them. He would go there since they were starting to struggle with so many people, not that he minded that much. At first, he was hesitant but it did help mentally to have so many with you around. With his gun resting next to him. He made sure all the doors and windows were locked from the inside and no one could come in while they slept peacefully maybe for one night. He walked back to the sofa where Skylar was sleeping and just rested there before drifting to sleep.
Stewart frowns and crosses his arms, Humorless brats. He thinks to himself,

"I think I'll go work on my guns." He grumbles, takes his coffee, and walks off.

(@Soul OMU)
"Quite frankly... over the past week we've been through some stuff that has left us in a position where we don't need people assumin' what sort of people we are--.. So. As I was saying..." He winced slightly as he gripped his leg.

"Rule One. We share everythin' aside from personal weapons.

Rule Two. You remain honest to us - don't lie. We don't lie to you. You don't lie to us.

Rule Three. There is no boss. Only a leader that influences what we do - whom of which is me. I have people I trust more than others, and they'll help me in most circumstances - you'll learn who they all are soon enough.

Rule Four. You kill when you need to - if it's a danger to us or you, don't hesitate.

Rule Five. Don't kill needlessly. We ain't murderers - we give people chances, just like we did you.

Rule Six. Recruitment like this is commonly left to me, although the trusted are free to do this." He smiles for a moment.

"Rule Seven. Never betray us. There's no need to further explain that one - you betray, you get exiled, or you die - extreme, but necessary.

Rule Eight. Do not underestimate anyone. That goes for all people of all ages - If I hear you try and address any of these guys here by saying 'Hey, kid. Go do that.' I'm gonna' be angry. We're all capable here, so do NOT try and take advantage over any of us. Any questions?" He asks them both, his skin pale and sweaty. (@Soul OMU)
Stewart walks into the kitchen and gets some more coffee, at least there was one good thing in the apocalypse. He walks over to his room, the girl was still sleeping, Crap. He thinks to himself as he just goes and sits in the kitchen,

"Try to be funny and everyone hates you." He murmurs to himself as he takes a sip.
Yup, it was definitely the man Ash was afraid of, because as he passed them, the little boy shirked even more behind her. Clay had sat down like he was master of this property, but he was always like that. "So what took you guys from Florida down here."


Belinda woke up suddenly. There was a thin scab across her neck, her legs had deep, red welt marks, a bandage covered her stomach, she had a blazing headache, and her right arm had an angry red scratch mark, hidden under the bandages that covered both her forearms, restricting movement. She saw a man walk out of the room as she awoke. She managed to sit up, but her vision wobbled and her head felt like an angry porcupine was dancing around inside it. Her legs were as strong as a newborn fawn's. She tried to speak, but the only thing that came out of her dry lips was a croak.
"Oh right. Last rule: Non-disclosure. You don't have to tell us all the tricks you've got up your sleeve, and we don't have to tell you ours." Tony added to Norman's list of rules.

Ash tugged on her sleeve. "Where is Nathan-oniisan?"
"Nathan's in his room, I think. Can I speak to you for a moment outside, buddy?" He asked him as he struggled to his feet. "Tony can come too, if you want." He said as he walked to the door and exited. (@firejay1)
Norman went to Ash's level and looked at him, wincing in pain as he bent his leg. "I couldn't help but notice that you were a bit scared by that man that walked out. There something you don't like about him, buddy?" He asked quietly. (@firejay1)
Annie nodded to the rules while standing behind Hunter before slowly coming out once he left. "Okay..." She said softly while blowing at her bangs. "Us orphans are pretty resourceful tho." She said with a bit of a grin.

Elizabeth currently laying on her bed, resting slightly since she started getting a bit of a dizzy spell for some reason.
While the whole drama went on Nathan was too busy not getting involved. He was bored, to say the least - he'd spent some time regretting what he'd done earlier at the kitchen table, and was now aware of the fact that he may have offended a couple of people. He wandered around looking for Elizabeth, and when he didn't find her anywhere else he knew that she'd be in her room. He knocked quietly on the surface a few times before poking his head into the room, looking down at her.

"Ell... I'm sorry about earlier... I shouldn't have done that." He said, looking slightly concerned while he inspected her body. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth glanced up over her shoulder and gave him a tired smile. "Hey bud... It's alright Nate... And besides we wouldn't do annyyyyy funny business with so many kids and other adults in it..." She said with an amused look while slowly rolling over. "So I'm guessing you have heard about our new guests?" She asked, still quite skinny from lack of eating.(@DrTrollinski)
"Alright... just wanted to apologize so that Norman won't hit me again." He says, laughing for a moment. He steps into the room and sits up against the door after closing it. "Yeah, I've heard about the new guests... I listened to what they were sayin' for a while. I don't like 'em." He stated bluntly. "Other than that... are you feelin' okay? You ain't usually lyin' down this early in the day." He adds with a simple smile. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth gave him another tired smile. "I'm fine... Just had a bit of a dizzy spell so I didn't want to fall and came to lay down... And I like Annie... Mostly because she's the first female around my age... Other then the one you brought... Plus she seems very sweet and honest..." She said and sneezed slightly, shivering a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
"You sound sick..." He stated, ignoring what she was saying about the newest members of the group and simply prioritized her level of health. (@Soul OMU)
"You want me to get you some medicine, or something? A hot drink, maybe?" He offered her, slowly rising back up to his feet. (@Soul OMU)

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