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Futuristic Brain Burger

Elizabeth shook her head. "No no... It's fine... Don't waste medicine on me for a simple down day..." She said while waving her hand slightly. "I'll be okay Nate..." She said while giving a dry cough.
"It could be serious, Ell... Winter's going to take us from behind any day now - Norman and Clay went out and got all the medicine for a reason. I can get you some over-the-counter stuff - there's loads of that." He said matter-of-factly. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth shook her head. "I'm sure... Don't worry Nate... It's just a bad day today... I'll be fine tomorrow okay?" She said before yawning and laying her head down.
That instantly endeared Clay to Annie. "Damn straight, we are." He said, grinning at her, feet up on the table again. " (@Soul OMU responding to "us orphans are pretty useful")


Ash didn't answer, hiding behind Tony, this time because he didn't want to answer, not cause he was scared of Norman. Tony interpreted. "Ash is good at reading people. He's one of those kids who can tell when adults are looking down on us. We didn't realize that at first, but it became pretty clear after the first few incidents..." She shrugged. "It doesn't always mean they're out for blood, but always means they think we're easy to take advantage of. He's not always right either, but in this case, I'm pretty sure that guy looks down on us for being young." Her lip curled in disgust, but she made no other indication of her displeasure. (@DrTrollinski )
"Flattery don't work on me." Clay responded, reveling in the compliment, anyways. "We know we're smart, already. How'd fosterdom treat you, by the way? Tony's a newbie to the whole orphan business."
"Alright... get well soon." Nathan said before walking about and closing the door behind him. (@Soul OMU)


"I see... well... Asha--.. he ever does anythin' like that make sure you tell me, okay?" He leans in closer to him and whispers something with a smile. "I'm pretty sure you're smarter than him anyway, I bet you're a better shooter, too." He winks at him and then ruffles his hair in a friendly manner; after his little friendly interaction with Ash he was about to stand and talk to Tony, but his leg buckled when he was about half way up and he collapsed to the ground with a thud - not knowing the reasoning behind it, Asha may have found it funny. Who knew.

"Damn it--.." He muttered as he leaned himself up against the wall. He looked up at Tony and raised an eyebrow. "What does 'Oniisan' mean, anyway?" He asked in reference to what Asha had called Nathan. (@firejay1)
Asha nodded his compliance. When Norman fell, Tony helped him up, and Ash pushed against his sturdy leg as if that would help. Tony laughed at the question. "I have NO idea. He calls me oneesan and I don't know what that means, either. I don't always understand what he's saying, like I said, but I can usually interpret it from his body language."

Belinda stood through sheer willpower, wobbled, then crashed to the ground, twisting her body so she landed on her back instead of her arms.

Tony's head snapped up as she heard the crash. "What was that?" She asked.

(@ DrTrollinski, @Stew @Soul OMU)
Stewart hears a crash and sets his coffee down, he walks over to his room and sees the girl on the floor,

"Ah, crap." He says as he walks over and helps her up.

"I don't know--.. Looks like Stewart's checking it out, though." He said quietly, he set his hand down on Asha's head for a moment after he saw that he was pushing against his leg so that he could stand. "Thanks for the help, buddy." He smiles down at him. "Seein' as he's got that - Asha--.. what does Oniisan and Oneesan mean? Do you know the words for that in English?" He asked, rubbing his leg with his free hand while peering off towards the room that Stewart had entered. (@firejay1)
"Who are you, and where am I?" Belinda croaked blearily as she staggered back onto the bed. (@Stew)


Ash giggled. "Nope!"

Tony mock glared at the little boy. "Oh yes he does. He just doesn't want to tell us. He likes it when we ask." (@DrTrollinski)
Stewart sighs as he sits her down on the mattress,

"Woah, calm down, you're back at the sheriff station. My name's Stewart Pot, I'm new to the group of survivors, I carried you back here, also I let you sleep in my bed." He yawns,

"Anyways, so who may you be?" He asks her.

"My name's Belinda Dawn. How'd I get here? I was... looking for someone." She couldn't even crack anything sarcastic with her roaring headache. "There was a... bishop or something. He was cutting. OH GOD!! He was going to kill this kid!" She shot upwards and collapsed again. @Stew
"Is that so? Well, Ash... looks like you're givin' THIS old man a run for his money." He said before pointing to himself, followed by gently ticking his shoulder. He looked off towards the room and heard that Stew was controlling the situation just fine. He pulled away from Asha and sat down against the wall again. He unclipped the leg brace and handed it to Ash. "Hold that for me a sec, pal... Tony--.. somethin' ain't right about my leg. Mind takin' a look for me?" He asked her as he rolled up his pant leg and revealed his blood-stained bandage on his thigh. (@firejay1)
Stewart swears and lays her on the bed properly,

"You just stay here." He says to her, even though she is asleep, he walks outside to the group,

"It was just Belinda, she's asleep now." He sighs.

(@DrTrollinski @firejay1)
"Alright... alright--.. she needs some water... I recommend you wake her up and give her a drink - it ain't go good if she dies of dehydration." He says quietly as he begins to unravel the bandage so that Tony could take a look at his leg. (@Stew)
Stewart nods and walks off, he gets a glass of water and heads back into his room where she was sleeping. He shakes her shoulder gently, trying not to be too rough,

"Uh, hey, Belinda, I got you a glass of water." He sets it down next to himself.

Tony looked at his leg pretty seriously, then did something decidedly Clay-like. She smacked it lightly. "Does that hurt?" She was being slightly sarcastic. "Seriously, did you wash it before you bound it up? At least with some water, though some kind of anti-bacterial would've been better." She hissed. "That looks deep. If it gets infected, you're probably going to die..." She looked at it carefully. Her mind ran through the list of infection symptoms she knew, though admittedly she was pretty paranoid now that doctors and good equipment were scarce. "I don't think it's infected yet, but to make sure it doesn't get bad, I think you're supposed to clean it every day." (@Stew)
Tessa awoke some time later and stretched awkwardly. As she looked around the room, she felt out of place. Her brother was curled up with Brie, his head on her shoulder. She thought back to her asking him if friends kissed and she almost laughed. Bellamy had blushed bright red and told her that friends didn't. It was a sweet moment, each of the children as bright red as the other, and Tessa knew it would be one she would cherish. She remembered her first love as if it was yesterday, despite it being over 10 years ago. As she ran a hand through her hair, she got up off the lumpy couch and made her way over to Clary who was looking out the window. "Are you alright?" she asked the girl softly and Clary seemed startled by the noise. Clary turned and looked at Tessa, smiling slightly before turning back to the window. "I'm fine," she said, not inviting any other conversation.
Stewart sighs,

"I'm pretty sure he's safe. If you need any help drink the water, let me know." He glances around the room.

It was stitched up, but it did look very swollen and red regardless. There was a high chance that it was already infected. He would have gritted his teeth and held his breath as she hit it, giving a loud gasp thereafter.

"Yes, Tony... that did hurt. Very much." He said, forcing a laugh out. "One thing I know--.. at least I ain't gonna' become one of the walkers. I watched my ma' turn into one of those. Things you gotta' look for are the fever, shakes, cold sweats, aggressive behaviour, weakness, flared emotions - all the good stuff." He said reassuringly as he turned to Asha and reached into his pocket, pulling out a ring with a dozen keys attached. He flicked through them all for a minute and then held one of them out to him. "Ash, buddy... do me a favor here - see that room right there?" He asked as he pointed to the room that held the stockpile for the group.

"Think you could take that key and go grab me a first aid kit so I can clean my leg up a little bit?" He asked in a friendly tone. It was obvious to Tony that he was merely being nice and giving Asha a bit of responsibility - he wasn't being lazy, or anything like that. It may have been a helpful skill to practice if Asha wasn't that good at it already - recognizing the important stuff. If he could identify what was needed in a situation, that was always a good sign. (@firejay1)
Ash skipped over to it and got the first aid kit quickly. Tony watched him with a smile. It was great to see how cheerful Ash had become since they'd come in contact with the others. "If you think you're already infected, you should take some antibiotics, too. If it spreads, you're dead. Period." She told Norman seriously. (@Stew)
Stewart nods,

"I'll be right back." He says as he walks into the kitchen, he searches and finds a small box with 3 or 4 straws,

"This should do." He says to himself, Stewart heads back into the room and places it in the glass, he holds it to where she can easily get a drink.

Norman takes the first aid kit and keys back from him with a nod and smile; while he's opening it up he looks up at him, smiling in thought.

"You know, Ash... I think you could be a doctor when you grow up - or maybe a therapist, or something... You know. Someone that's really smart and helps people." He says quietly to him with a quick wink of the eye, ruffling his hair thereafter; he takes out some wound disinfectant and applies it to one of the gauze pads within the medkit followed by softly cleaning his stitched wound, sighing and gasping in pain while doing so.


Nathan walks by them and goes into the office with Clay, Hunter, and Annie - he looks across at Clay and takes a deep breath. "Hey, Clay--.. how's it goin' in here?" He asks in question, looking over to the two people with a faint half-smile. (@Soul OMU)
"Just getting situated with our new terms, I actually have to discuss a few with Norman, but other then that fine. I don't believe we have met? I am Hunter and this is Annie." He moved his arm a bit to show the girl cowering behind him.

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