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Futuristic Brain Burger

Stewart shrugs,

"I don't know, she really wants to see you." He doesn't want to wake her up but he wanted to cheer Belinda up, she was injured.

(@Soul OMU)
Norman leaned forward onto the desk with both elbows, his head rested in his hands. He thought back to the incident at the church yesterday and shut his eyes - he began to feel panicked. He thought of all of the kids being stuck in the same position - it killed him, piece by piece while he thought about it further. He thought of him not being there. Not being able to save Clay - he pictured it right from what he witnessed the priest doing last before his death - raising that knife into the air. It made him shudder. It haunted his mind with horrific thoughts when he thought about what would have happened if nor he or Belinda weren't there.

He came to a sudden realization. That horrific scenario had been possible for the past two weeks.

He stared down at the bottle of whiskey he'd gotten out of the drawer on a previous day and contemplated on what he was going to do - in a burst of rage, he grabbed it and tossed it against the wall to his left, followed by collapsing off of his chair and onto the floor, burying his head under his arms in pure devastation. It wasn't the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about it that got him the most. The reason he got so upset was that he'd finally developed feeling and care for the three orphans that he had taken in. He was close with Asha and Clay, but only friendly with Tony. Clay and Nathan would have heard the bottle smash as it was quite literally right next door to the mattress room that they had shown Hunter. Nathan quickly darts his head to look off at the Dispatcher's Office door, followed by looking at Clay with a raised eyebrow.

In the words of Morgan Freeman, his mood quickly changed, because his mood was soft... Like a twinkie. Like a twinkie. (@firejay1)
When Nathan realized it was Norman, he allowed Clay to stay and deal with it, seeing as he felt that Clay was at better terms with his brother than he was at the current time. He closed the door for them and then walked off to his room with a sigh.


Norman quickly took a shaky deep breath and rose up from the ground, slowly lifting himself back onto his seat while staring off at Clay.

"Yeah... yeah--.. something's up. I don't cry often, bro... but right now I swear I could." He said, giving a sad chuckle as he leaned back in the chair slightly, rubbing his leg. (@firejay)
Elizabeth sighed softly and slowly got up, swaying slightly. "Fine fine... L-lets go..." She muttered and coughed. (@Stew)

Annie making her way back along the roof tops, smiling and grinning with her haul of parts. Makes her way inside and upstairs. "I'm back." She said as she went to hers and Hunters room. (@Huntrey)
Hunter was laying in their new found bed, trying to take all of his clips out of the jacket. "Welcome back my dear, bring home the groceries?".
Stewart walks with her back to his room, she was still laying in his bed,

"That girl requested you, I don't know why." He shrugs and stands outside his room.

(@Soul OMU)
Tony was sitting next to Belinda in uncomfortable silence as the older girl continued drinking some water, when she saw Nathan pass. "Nathan, come here for a bit, would you." She asked, not sure why.


"Hey, no crying, bro. Not cool. What's the problem?" Clay asked, rough as usual. 
Belinda stared at Elizabeth. "Do you have a sister named Brianna?" She asked abruptly, not really sure what to say. (@Soul OMU)
Nathan would spin around on one heel and walk into the room, looking down at her. "Sure. You okay?" He asks her, closing the door over behind him.


"I just... Clay... I care, alright?" He said suddenly, sighing and wiping his face with both hands after he said it. He removed his hands from his face a short moment later and looked down at the desk, shaking his head. (@firejay1)
Hunter chuckled, but his face turned shy. "So, I'm guessing you want the bed, and I'll sleep on the floor?". He didn't mind sleeping with her, but it wasn't his choice.
Tony stepped out of the room, seeing Belinda and Elizabeth were discussing something. "Uh... I'm okay," she said. "It's just..." she took a breath, thinking. Why had she called out to him? "It's weird, isn't it? Were left alone for a little over a week, then there's suddenly a lot of people coming in. Doesn't it bother you?" (@Soul OMU)
Annie shrugged. "I don't mind sharing. She said as she started going through her bag to get the parts. (@Huntrey)

Elizabeth's eyes widen. "W-what? Are you sure! Is she okay? Is she healthy?" She asked while coughing harshly before dropping onto a knee. (@firejay1)
Hunter gave a half smile, "Sure sure... love to.". He stood swiftly, heading to the door. "I'm going to go lock up the truck and get a couple things out.". Hunter planned to make sure everything was in order just in case someone wanted to steal, which was unlikely, but who knew.
Belinda smiled, head spinning a bit. "She's great, a strong one, and pretty healthy since I last saw her, but I haven't seen her for about 12 days, so I can't be sure." She looked down as Elizabeth seemed to collapsed. "Looks like I'm not the only one having a bad day."
Belinda snorted. "Yeah, and I'm the Queen of Sheba and walk like a swan after having been stabbed in the stomach." She scooted to the side of the bed. "You going to lie down or is it your dearest wish to die standing like the soldiers of Sparta?"
"Sort of, I guess. Maybe they just heard the radio messages?" He suggested to her, shrugging a little. Their conversation was interrupted when Elizabeth collapsed through the doorway. "What the dick?" He cursed in sudden surprise, he looked up at her and sighed. "Pardon my language." He added, upping his mannerisms. (@Soul OMU)


"I care about everything, Clay--.. Or about everyONE, rather. It's what gets me up in the morning. Why? It's not because I know everyone's safe, it's because I'm terrified. I wake up at four in the morning and check every room - I'm just a victim of my own success." He slowly rose to his feet and hobbled over to the window, leaning onto the frame of it with a sigh. "When you three got here. I made myself a promise - I promised myself that I'd at least try and make things that little bit more enjoyable. I knew from the moment I asked you to sit down at the desk that somethin' had happened before - it almost killed me. It reminded me of myself when I was your age, to be honest." He'd pause for a long moment and stare off into the distance, his voice weak.

"It's still drilled into my mind, Clay... What happened yesterday - It's just haunting me. When he ran at me with that knife I was certain I was gonna' die. But I was okay with it, for some reason... I told him to kill me instead of you, and I was fuckin' happy when he turned to me..." He lowered his voice slightly more. "The rule about underestimating. I think some people underestimate you - I've realized that you're actually a decent person, not only that, but you know what you're talkin' about."

"I don't know what brought this emotion on, but... early on I just--.. I saw Asha again, and I was talkin' to him, he helped me out with a few things - he was just so--.. joyful, and happy... I suppose it almost made me envious - I want to see more people be happy like that again, no matter how hard things get, but I can't force that. When we were pretty much in tears yesterday from laughing... heh--.. I don't know - I think that was the happiest I'd been in a long time." He stopped for a moment once again, quickly wiping his eyes. "I didn't tell anyone about the cryin' either. I'm hopin' that that will stay secret longer than the throwin' up thing." He chuckled softly.

"I understand betrayal, Clay... I went through it when I was your age. Not under the same circumstances, but--.. Betrayal's betrayal. Not only that but... I grew up and went through all the... 'manly changes' without someone to... I don't know, relate to, I guess? And with you in the pre-teen years, I just want you to know that... I guess I'm here if you need anythin'. I just hope you can get that without me lookin' like some sort of fuckin' weirdo." He said to him, giving yet another sigh. Perhaps Clay would actually appreciate the fact that Norman gave a damn - after all, he was only offering kindness, and it seemed as if he was in a pretty bad way right now. Norman didn't make eye contact, in fact, he just shut his eyes in the hope that Clay's reaction wouldn't be negative towards what he had said. His head remained bowed onto the window frame. (@firejay1)
"I don't care." Tony said, fine with his language, not fine with the woman collapsing in front of her. "Woah, steady..." She helped Elizabeth up and the two of them dragged her over to her bed. (@Soul OMU)
"Jesus... what are we gonna' do with her now? I told her earlier that she sounded sick but she wouldn't let me get her any medicine... Do you--.. do you think she's infected?" He asked her, noticing that she had some of the symptoms that would have lead up to her turning. (@firejay1)
Clay appreciated it, as much as he was bad at showing any kind of appreciation towards anyone. He gave a little laugh. "Asha has that effect on a lot of people. Tony cried the first time he was held hostage, too. I'm gonna tell you something you gotta swear NEVER to tell anyone." When he got affirmation it was a dead secret, he admitted, "My parents abandoned me on the doorstep of an orphanage. They said I was pretty much a newborn when they got me. I was adopted, but it didn't work out, and I went back into the system. It went like that a lot, then I started staying with foster families. Some of them were nice, some of them weren't, but one thing after another always happened and I always got put back. I've never had a dad figure, and I don't need one now, but it... means a lot, man.

"I met Tony in the police station. She'd just knocked her first foster father unconscious for insulting her upbringing, and I'd just stolen something. After we found Ash, we became a little family of our own. We take care of him and each other. The first time an adult claimed to help us, we woke up that night when the man tried stabbing me, but dropped the knife. He wanted our house, and we'd taken our guard down. I almost wasn't even surprised, adults have been betraying my trust all my life. The second time, a sucker went for Ash instead, thinking he'd take him hostage. Tony didn't even pause, she ignored his threats, took those scissors of hers and sent it straight through his eye. Then she bawled like you, for a while. I had nightmares, too. Thinking, what-if, but then I realized, that doesn't damn matter. The past is the past. We've just gotta be more careful. Getting twitchy just makes you less efficient against real threats. C'mon, bro, get it together."


Tony shook her head. "There's no way she's infected. The transformation's never this slow." The weakness and loss of appetite were usual, but there was a distinct lack of incomprehensible language and strange, sudden movements. "Medicine sounds like a good idea, though." (@Soul OMU)

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