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Futuristic Brain Burger

Stewart chuckles as he pulls a plunger out of his backpack,


"Once upon a midnight dreary..." He starts reciting 'The Raven' as he connects the wire from the spool onto the plunger.

"You're fuckin' kiddin' me... right?" He said with a frown and sudden facepalm. "You're cleanin' up the mess. No exceptions." He added in a stern tone, taking a deep breath as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. (@Stew)
'' How are you?'' Noah asked nicely giving her a soft smile with his eyes full of comfort. He thanked her for the bottle of water with a nod and drank from it a bit before pouring just a bit of it in his palm to wash off the sweat and dirt from his face.
"I'm alright I guess," she said relaxing a little. "Just ready to get on the road again," she continued with a shrug before turning back to Bellamy and Brie who were still playing cards.
Stewart ignores his comment as he finishes setting up the plunger, he primes the handle and holds it in one hand, his other hand on the plunger itself,

"...Quoth the raven, NEVERMORE!" He yells as he pushes in the handle, a giant fireball erupts from the building, it collapses across the street, blocking the zombies' path and crushing most of them.

'' Talking about that. Change of destination. We are going to new hampshire. '' Noah said as he pulled out one of the very few soda pop available at the drug store. He also took one pill from a capsule and shoved it back in his bag. '' I got a connection from there at the Sheriff Department.'' he said swallowing his pills with the coke. It wasn't very healthy to drink this early but he didn't care.
"You are quite possibly the biggest damn moron I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, Stewart. It's a good thing you collapsed the building after the one I plan to use, eh?" He said as he forced himself to his feet. "For Christ sakes... good work on savin' our asses and all, but--.. you better find some trucks and stuff to start clearin' that up." He said, smirking for a moment as he turned and hobbled off into the building, followed by going back down into the kitchen. (@Stew)

((That's my final post for tonight. Have a good night everyone. See you in the morning!))
"Sure," she said softly, frowning slightly in though. Twirling a strand of hair around her finger nervously she looked up at him and asked, "Need me to drive again?"
'' If you want... but I should be fine driving.'' Noah said smiling. He always smiled to them now compared to the first day they met where he was practically indifferent either they are alive or dead..Except for the kiddos. He looked at them smiling as he slowly picked up his rucksack. He walked over the sofa to wake up Skylar. '' Come on Sky...We gotta go.'' he said smiling. She slowly woke up with a few strands of hair in her mouth, ''Huh?'' she just said always as clueless in the morning
Conner had the fence set all out in his mind. He would lace the chain linked fence with barbed wire. It was all so simple. The barbed wire had already been rolled back, now all he had to do was get the actual fencing.
Tessa smiled back and gathered up Bellamy and Brie's things. The sooner they got on the road, the sooner they would be in New Hamshire. "Yeah, the sooner we leave, the sooner we get there," she said softly, smiling at Brie.
Noah nodded, '' Yeah! We are going to New Hampshire. There is a place we cold maybe call home.'' he said nicely as he saw his sister starting to prepare herself. He opened the curtains to see if the area is clear. '' We should be good to go now so let's hurry up. '' he said softly
'' Don't call me sir sweetheart. After a whole week and you are still so formal.'' Noah said pouting faking that he was hurt. '' And I think that was her name...Not sure.'' he said since he forgot that little detail
Tessa giggled softly at Noah's fake pout, trying not to interrupt their conversation. She wrapped an arm around Bellamy's shoulder, squeezing it gently before turning to Clary. "Cover me while I take stuff to the car?" she asked and Clary nodded. Grabbing her gun, Clary moved to the door and opened it as Tessa followed carrying two large bags. Tessa moved quickly, placing them in the trunk before returning for two more.

Clary scanned their surroundings as Tessa worked, looking for any kind of trouble whether it was human or zombie. When Tessa had done, she locked the car and went back inside to get her gun but Clary didn't move. Knowing their luck, their car full of supplies would get stolen in the time it took them all the get out of the safe house and they needed it in order to get to New Hampshire.

Bellamy looked back up at Tessa as she re-entered. "The cars packed, time to go," Tessa said, smiling sadly. Even though the place they'd been staying in was disgusting it had been nice to have a roof and four walls to protect them.
Norman sit backs down at the table and takes a deep breath.

"Yeah, ignore the explosions." He muttered quietly to Clay, who would have presumably been eating breakfast since he left and came back. (@firejay1)
The explosion jerked Belinda awake. She still felt weak and still had a headache, but she felt strong enough to stand and wobble a couple steps to a chair, instead of being stuck on the mattress bedridden. After a lot of pauses and rests, she stumbled her way into the kitchen.


Tony nodded in acquiescence to the older woman's assurances she could get help on her own. Her temperature was at a much safer level and Tony didn't want to catch her cold. Moments after Ash and Clay left to go get breakfast, Tony fell into bed and slept like the dead.


Clay looked up as Norman walked in. He gave a quick nod to Norman's comment, understanding that it wasn't an issue to be pursued for now. Ash waved "Good morning" to Norman without speaking, because his cheeks were currently stuffed with cereal.
"Heh. Mornin', buddy." Norman muttered as he walked over and ruffled Asha's hair, smiling at him. He assumed his seat once again and glanced around them all. "We've got a slightly--.. 'permanent' barricade on the main street until we can clear it--.. We all need to head out at some point today. We'll be splittin' up - Me, Clay, Tony, Asha, and Nathan. We're all headin' out in the Movin' Co. truck, me and Clay'll be headin' to the Home Improvement and Hardware store to get everythin' we need. We have all the good medicine, but not enough of the general stuff like first aid kits, and all that - that's what Asha, Nathan, and Tony'll be gettin' - we'll talk about the plan in a while." He said while grunting as he stood up, slowly walking over to the cupboard and looking inside. He took some powdered milk and a box of cereal and fixed up some breakfast for himself, he took a seat back at the table and began eating. (@firejay1)
Annie currently taking care of Elizabeth by sitting with her and making sure that she keeps warm and always has a wet cloth on her forehead to keep her cool enough so she won't get colder. Elizabeth sleeping in her bed slightly as Annie takes care of her while she rests again. (@firejay1)

Brianna smiles a bit and hands Bellamy her pistol while she arms herself with her dagger. (@Vaila)
Stewart walks back inside and goes into the kitchen,

"So, Norman, my explosives have quite a kick, eh?" He asks as he chuckles and sits, he takes a sip of some coffee.

(@DrTrollinski @firejay1)
"Yeah. A big enough kick to bring the whole damn city to us." He stated, lifting some cereal into his mouth before taking a deep breath. (@Stew)
Stewart sighs,

"Listen, alright, I blocked the main road to simply stop that huge horde from coming straight to us. I saw some movement in the inner city, they were headed for us." He takes another sip of his coffee.

Annie helps Elizabeth into the kitchen to make them some tea. Elizabeth looking much better now since her fever had gone down dramatically and the coughing had been reduced to a minimum. "What are we talking about?" Annie asked while sitting Elizabeth down and going to heat up some water so they could have tea. Elizabeth gave a slight nod as she wrapped her jacket closer to her.

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