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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

"Alright," Brody plugged in the laptop and got to work on his resume, trying to make himself sound as good as possible so that way he'd get the position. "If you need anything let me know," He added, not wanting her to worry about doing much. He went quiet after that, so she could have her conversation on the phone, and continued working on his resume. @BasicallyMe
Not much. I smile and I get shy {of course} and start blushing. I tell him I met this girl who lives right beside my dorm. He asks me who she is I say Jasmine. He seems to frown when I tell him that. I ask him. "Whats wrong you can tell me?"
Jasmine called a nearby doctor and set up an appointment for tomorrow. She laid it down on her lap, but it started ringing again, this time a random number.


"Jazz?" A male voice from the other side questioned her.

"Yes, is this about the appointment I ju-"

"It's your dad."

Jasmine shut her mouth quickly and sat there in silence. She began to feel angry and thought about hanging up, but decided against it. "Is this some kind of prank because I don't find it funny."

"Jazz, it's me. I searched your number through many different books and records. I wanted to talk to you."

Jasmine shook her head as if the guy would see her. "No, you don't want to talk to me there's nothing to say."


Andrew frowns and shakes his head. "Don't get involved with her. She's abusive. We once dated and she was always forcing me to do things and hitting me. I-I had to leave her and I would hate for someone like you to be involved in that."

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I gasp and comfort him knowing that was hard for him to tell me. It's okay I'll start ignoring her slowly, don't worry. Its weird when you finally find the truth about someone isn't it?

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Brody looked up from the laptop, moving it off his lap and turning to face her. "Who is it?" He asked, a little loud. He expected her to say Andrew, and wanted him to know that Brody was with Jaz. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine held the phone away from her mouth and covered the speaker, "It's my dad. I don't- I don't know my dad." She puts the phone against her cheek again and begins talking. "I uhm, I'm not comfortable with this."

"Jazz, please let me come see you."

"I don't even know you. Why should I let you come see me?"

"I talked to your mother. She said it was ok and she would call and ask you, but I decided to call before she did and ask myself."

Jasmine sat there confused and blew out a breath. "I guess, if my mom said it was ok.."


((Sorry trying to come up with ideas since my next idea is not until she is a few months pregnant and then I have a plan for a little after that one.))

Andrew nods innocently and smiles. "Good, you're such a good person. I would not want her to use you and abuse you." He moves up his sleeve showing Crystal a scar going along the inside of his arm above the elbow. "This one hurt, so bad."

I have a worried look on my face. Andrew you should report her! If you don't I will! What happens if she hurts you again! What happens if it's too late! He sees I stress easily.


{sorry for these short paragraphs D:}
(ah, the classic 'my father's coming to town' plot. This could be really interesting. Especially if he finds out she's pregnant lol)

Brody rose an eyebrow, walking over to her. "If you don't want him to come, don't let him," he whispered, smoothing her hair down and grabbing her hand for support. He was worried about how uncomfortable she seemed to be about all this. The last thing she needed was to mix stress and pregnancy, and Andrew was enough. She definitely didn't need more people showing up. @BasicallyMe
((It's a classic? xD I was just trying to go with something lol))

Jasmine nods and hangs up the phone after their conversation is over. "I guess my father is coming to town." She lays her phone on the table and shrugs. "I've never met him, but if my mom gave approval then I'm sure he's fine?" Her statement sounded more like a question. She was definitely unsure about this, but if it means she can finally meet her father then maybe it'll be ok. There was always that curiousness deep inside.


Andrew shakes his head no, "If I do that it might set her off, let's just leave it alone for now. If she does anything again then I will think about it. She's kind of scary though. She might try to hurt you also." His hand gracefully slides against hers.


((It's ok))
Brody thought for a moment, watching her as she set her phone down then shrugged. "I wanna be here when you meet him, okay? I don't feel comfortable with you being alone when he shows up. He could be lying." Brody added. "I mean, I'm sure he's not. I'd just feel better if I was here too," he said quickly, not wanting to make it seem even worse. In reality, Brody knew he'd jump at the chance to meet his birth parents, so he didn't wanna ruin the excitement that came with it. But he was still wary. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiles and snuggles against him, "Ok, I'd feel better with you here also." She stares at her flat stomach, kind of feeling sad about it. "Is it weird I wish I could be fat? I just want to see the progress already." Her hand slips into his while he has to fill out job applications with one hand now. "I can't wait for tomorrow! Seeing the baby will be amazing."

((We're gonna have a super sonic speed pregnancy xD ))

(lol that's okay)

Brody smiles, kissing her gently. "Patience, Love. He or she is worth the wait. Besides, we're not ready yet. I should probably start looking for big apartments or small houses we can move into, if that's okay with you." He opened a new tab. "Plus we got to get all the baby essentials. A crib, toys, diapers, everything. I can pull money out of my college fund for all that stuff, but we gotta pick it out." He said easily, not caring too much about college in the first place. He had planned on majoring in a graphic design, but he didn't mind missing out if it was for his family. @BasicallyMe
"I didn't mean seeing the baby in my arms, although that is an exciting thought too. I mean on the sonogram tomorrow." She smiles then thinks about the stuff they'd have to go out and buy, which makes her even more excited. Of course Jasmine had always pictured who future child and picking out things, especially clothes. "Picking out cute little booties will be fun. Except the fact that money has to be blown on it. You don't need to take out of your college fund. I'll get a job also if I need to."

"No. Absolutely not. It's my job to support my family." Brody said quickly, shaking his head. "I want it to be my job. I want to take care of you and my child." Brody told her. It was true. He wanted to provide for Jasmine so she'd never have to work a day in her life. He wanted her to be able to sleep soundly and as long as she wanted. He didn't care what he had to do as long as she was happy. He pulled her closer, dropping on his knees and wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her stomach before looking up at her and smiling. "I wanna make you two happy." @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiled and rubbed his hair while he was kissing her belly. "I know you do." In that split second, she felt nauseous again. "Hold on." She runs over to her bathroom and throws up. "This is so disgusting." He body flops over to lean against this tub and her finger stabs her belly. "You better be worth it little stinker." Jaz stands and leans over the sink to wash out her mouth.

Brody watches in concern. "Do you need some medicine?" He asked, getting to his feet. "I can go get you some if you don't have any," he told her, abandoning his resume and his applications as he stepped into the bathroom. "You look a little pale. You should lay down for a bit." He suggested. @BasicallyMe
"No, no medicine it's just natural morning sickness." She smiles and walks into the living area/ bed area. "I'll cuddle up to you while you continue your job search." Jasmine sits on the couch and and lays her head back hoping that it wouldn't happen again today. "I can't wait to find out the gender then we can come up with a name." She smiles.

Brody grinned, sitting next to her and kissing her cheek. "Me neither." He had never thought much about names because he had originally planned on adopting his children. He knew what the system was like, and would love to get a few kiddos out of it and take care of them if he could. He held her hand with one of his while he continued searching for a job with his free hand. "Jaz," he said suddenly, thinking to himself. "I know I mentioned marriage earlier and I was kinda joking, but I know some people like tradition. I guess it doesn't matter much since we're both so young, but it's still a thought." He said, hoping he wasn't scaring her with everything he was bringing up. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiles then listens to his proposal on marriage. "Yes, it's a good thought. Maybe we should wait until the baby is born though." She kisses his neck and watches Brody type the form. "I need to hangout with that Crystal girl more. Once we get to know each other she could be my bridesmaid or something if we decide on marriage." Jasmine fiddles with her ring finger as if there were actually jewelry there, imagining what it would be like.

"Oh yeah, you're new friend? That'd be nice. Maybe I should meet her too, pick up a new client." He added jokingly, finishing off his resume and emailing it to the manager of the Chinese restaurant. "Alright, hopefully I can get a quick response," he said, laying back and resting his head in her lap. "But until then what should we do? Maybe I should go back to my dorm and get a few things since I'm obviously going to sleep with you." He thought out loud. "I mean, not sleep with you, like sex, unless you're up for that. Is that like a socially acceptable thing to do?" He asked, looking up at her. "Or nah? I meant just sleeping with you anyways, like actual sleep." He added. He wondered if she could tell he was nervous. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine grins and jumps on top of his lap. "Well I'm over my angry pact of saying no sex, so." She stops talking and kisses his lips. Her arms wrap around his neck while her hands rub his head. Jaz slowly moves her way down to his neck. "It feels like forever huh?" She grins, "Better get more now before it gets hard to do as much as hug you."

Brody grins. "I like the way you think, Babe," He kisses her, wrapping his arms around her waist and picking her up, getting to his feet and carrying her over to the bed, laying her down on it. He begins to kiss her neck sweetly, hoping he could make her feel how much he cares about her. Fades to Black. @BasicallyMe

(So when's her dad coming in?)
((I was trying to think about that lol. I want to make stuff happen fast but I hate when it seems so unrealistic xD idk why it bothers me so much but uhm I guess he can come in now.))

Jasmine cuddles close to him on the couch and kisses his chest. "I miss that." She trails her fingers across his abdomen then a sudden burst through the door causes her to jump and cover herself with her hands.

"Jazz? Oh God, sorry, I, uhm aren't you a little too young?" He looks away and stares at the wall.

Jasmine hops up and throws her clothes back on. "Let's not talk about it." She throws Brody his clothes and when Brody is dressed, she gives her dad the ok to look.

"I'm sorry, your mother instructed me here and they gave me permission to head up here since your mother called the school and told them I would be coming." Her dad rubs the back of his head awkwardly.

"I just didn't know you'd be coming so soon." Jaz keeps her eyes on the never before seen guy before. He had her dark hair and the same color eyes.

"I was wanting to take you out to dinner, tonight?"

(It could be realistic, if he lived on the island somewhere, which is totally plausible)

Brody groaned quietly to himself. He just wanted to have a special moment with Jaz, and then her so-called father ruined it. He sighed, pulling his jacket on over his shirt. 'That'd be great. Where will we be going?" Brody asked, automatically including himself as he walked over to Jasmine, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Even around her father Brody was slightly territorial. He wanted everyone to know not to mess with Jasmine, because if they did he'd come for them. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine's father looked to Brody with a puzzled look. "We? I'm sorry, not to be rude, but I was hoping it could just be Jasmine and I. We really needed to talk about some things and I know it's weird to you Jazz. I just want to make things right."

Jasmine listens to her father's explanation and then to Brody. "It won't hurt to let him come along, we'll all be fine and get along. Quite frankly I'm not going somewhere alone with a man I just met."

Jasmine's father nods approvingly. "Ok, I understand. I don't want to get off on the wrong foot." He opens the door for Jasmine and Brody to come along. "I'll be taking us all to a cute little restaurant down the street."


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