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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy


It wasn't like Brooks to become so irate, even from a professional standpoint. "One at a time!" the man announced as he attempted to hush them. "Through your mumbles and terrible attempts to follow instructions, I heard about rumors spread about another student," Brooks said as he gave a glare at Andrew, who already appeared to be done. Yet, this was far from over. Just then, things got worse: another student, deciding to act like he was cool, departed from the conversation. With a firm grasp, Brooks latched onto the student's shoulder, and pulled him back. "You aren't leaving until I say so, clear? It's not like you are going to class right now, I've seen your grade reports."
"True or not it's none of your fucking business. You're lucky I have my own shit to deal with right now, or I'd risk putting you in a hospital," Brody huffed, shoving past Andrew and the teacher who was mildly distracted, not caring anymore. "I have more important matters to deal with," he called over his shoulder, storming out of the building. Once he was out of there, he leaned against the building taking a breath. "Jesus Christ, what's wrong with me?" he mumbled. It wasn't like Brody to get so angry, to be so cruel. He ran his fingers through his hair, hoping whatever was wrong with him would go away. He started towards the girls' dorm, wanting to see Jaz. She would make him smile. @JokerValentine @BasicallyMe
Mari grinned. "Oh come on, we both know it'll be worth it to come back here after a long day of lessons we're not going to pay attention to and see each other. What's the quote, 'distance makes the love grow stronger' or something like that?" She grinned. "Give me one of your shirts. This bikini top isn't exactly dress code." She added, pulling off the hoodie and heading towards his closet. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine was walking down the hall when she spotted Brody. Her feet began to move a little faster and she found herself speed walking. "Brody!" Her arms wrap around his neck and she hugs him tight. "Today has been such a long day already." She grabs his hand and directs Brody to her dorm. After they both step in, she closes the door and moves over to her couch. "I made a new friend though, thankfully."

Shane went through his drawers before pulling out a black t shirt and tossed it over at her. That was one shirt that wouldn't be seen on him, so he just gave it to her. "Take it, I don't really wear anymore, grew out of it a few months ago."

D raised his eyebrow before grinning. So the teacher knew his grades? What kind of stupid teacher was this guy? His grade were never below 90% and he barely caused any trouble. "You know my grades? You have the audacity to touch me and compare me to delinquents? Have you checked your eyesight Mr teacher man? Cause last time I heard my grades were always above 90% aka A and I have been on leave of absence until tomorrow, so I decided to come back and see if anything changed when I was absent from school a week ago." He told him while eyebrow twitched. He hated being touched and that always got him mad, even his teachers knew that. "Next time you try to compare me to them, think before you come up with decisions." He told him before walking away.




Typical preppy kid, talking about how good his grades are, yet here he is skipping class! "Firstly, kid, you are skipping class at the moment, secondly caught up in drama, thirdly not good at following instructions, fourthly dressed out of uniform, fifthly entering school grounds on a leave of absence is a violation of school policy," ranted the teacher, increasing his grip as he glared at the kid. " Your transcript is much more than your grades. It includes reprimands, detentions, leaves of absences, anything and everything Get back with the others before I have to make a phonecall home."

"And watch your mouth!" spoke Brooks as he turned his brief attention for a moment to the other delinquent. What a bunch of dramatic, hormonal teenagers.
Brody smiled, instantly relaxing. "Well why don't you tell me all about it, while I make us some lunch?" He said, stepping into the small kitchen area. He wasn't far away from Jaz so it didn't matter that she was on the couch. He started making some sandwiches with whatever he could find, adding barbecue chips inside of his before taking them both over and handing a plate to Jaz. "I have some things to tell you too when you're done," he added. @BasicallyMe

"Cool," Mari threw it on over her bikini top, tying her hair up in a messy bun and wiping some stray sand off her legs. She felt less like herself as she glanced in a mirror, and more like the average girl. It was almost nice. She smiled for a moment, before frowning. "Why didn't you tell me my makeup was messed up?" She practically shrieked, noticing it was smudged in various places. She moved to his bathroom quickly, giving up on fixing it and taking it all off instead. Now she looked like less than the average girl. "Ugh, this is a mess. How can I go to class looking like this?" She muttered. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
D turned back to look at the teacher. "So I'm out of dress code? Entering school? If your brain would have worked teacher man, I have permission from the headmaster of the school to come inside the school and prepare my things on the dorm." He said to him. "Firstly I am not skipping class, second I was passing by and was making sure this guy." Points at Brody. "Wouldn't get banged up by three students, so if I wanted to stop a fight, I would get in trouble." He said. "Thirdly I was told to walk outside the school not enter, which as you're seeing I'm by the dorms not inside the school." He continue. "Fourthly when exactly did the school start worrying about uniforms (there's no uniform as far as I know)? Isn't this an art school? How are we suppose to be artistic and show passion to this school when we can't dress how we like? Here's what I know, doesn't the first class start at 8:30, here on my watch it shows that it is 7:50am 10 minutes before class starts." He crossed his arm and titled his head at him. "Transcript, hmmm? My record? Do you know my name Mr. Teacher man? Tell me what my name is right here right now?" He questioned while keeping his tilted. "But here's what I seen so far, I have been meaning to head back to my dorm to prepare for school tomorrow but here comes upu, a teacher that stopped me just because I was found walking around here and because I conversed with one student? Isn't that right there being judgemental." His face lost any emotions once he said that.

(D hasn't been introduced yet so Brook wouldn't know anything about him, only @McMajestic knows)

Shane laughed at her response. She was upset because her make up was ruined? Wow, he hadn't consider hed to be one of those that cared about their makeup. He shook his head before switching his shirt into a red t shirt that sowed off his muscle but it wasn't too tight or short.


Mari sighed, walking out of the bathroom. "Can you not be my boyfriend for two seconds and judge my looks? Like on a scale from one to ten where am I at right now?" She asked, feeling slightly insecure. It wasn't like to her to be like that, but she couldn't help feeling anxious every now and then. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine gasps rather dramatic and nods to food. "I forgot all about lunch, I mean I was hungry but I didn't think about eating." She grabs the plate from him when he's done and thanks him, "Thank you, I can fix my own food from now on though, I don't want to keep making you wait on me." Jaz takes a bite and looks at him a little worried. "Let's talk about it now. What is it?"

Brody smiled. "I like waiting on you." He told her, taking a bite of his sandwich. "And don't looked so worried, Beautiful, it's good news." He added. "The officer swung by my dorm today and told me that all the girls more or less confessed except one. And since there's only one I'm suspended from school for a month, but I have to keep an on-campus job, which means I can stay with you." He told her, taking another bite. "I guess there's bad news too, though," he added, not wanting to keep any secrets. "I went to the girl who wouldn't fess up, her name's Clara. And when I got there she kissed me- I pulled away fast. I didn't kiss her back or anything, but she got pictures and she must think she can use them against me somehow." He explained. "But I don't want you to worry, because you don't need anymore stress in your life." Brody set his plate down, slipping in behind her and rubbing her shoulders. @BasicallyMe
Shane actually didn't know how to answer that. Even without her makeup she looked beautiful to him but she made it hard for him to answer when she told him to not see her as her boyfriend but someone that didn't know her. "Well the moment I met you, I would have given you a 9 because if I gave you a 10, it would say you're perfect and for me I don't believe in perfection I just believe in beauty." He came closer and gave her a kiss. "Now that I see you, I would give you an 8, not as your boyfriend but as the random guy you met that was falling asleep while walking down the hallways." He told her. "I see a beautiful girl whom even if I became a stranger now, you would have my heart until I die." A cliche thing to say but completely true. @McMajestic
Jasmine nods as she is eating and listening to how he has to get a job. "That's good, we never discussed plans on how to pay for the baby's stuff." She smiles and leans her head on him, "I wish I could help financially." Jaz keeps listening when he explains Clara and how she kissed him. Her body tensed up, and she felt betrayed even though he claims it wasn't him. "It's ok, just don't go to her dorm anymore." Jasmine finishes the food and sets the plate down in front of her on the small coffee table.

Mari smiled softly. "I love you," She said, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him lovingly. "You make it so hard to leave your side." She held herself close to him for a moment, memorizing his sweet scent all over again and feeling the way they fit against each other. "But, unfortunately, education is important." Mari smiled rubbing their noses together cutely. "And we gotta put that first." @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Brody wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her shoulder. "What are we?" He asked quietly. "Are we friends, or are we a couple? I wouldn't push the subject, but I've been calling you my girlfriend, and I don't know if you want to be. I'd hate to put the label on you if you don't want it." He whispered in her ear, resting his chin on her shoulder. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine leaned into his arms more and closed her eyes at the touch of his kiss. She listened to his question and began to think about it herself. She had been wondering the same thing, but decided to answer, "Girlfriend, I guess. Just yesterday you were saying you weren't ready to handle a relationship, which makes me nervous because now we're having a kid."

Brody thought for a moment. He smiled to himself. Yesterday. It seems like a forever ago. He kissed her cheek, nuzzling her neck affectionately. "You changed my mind. You made me ready. This is what a relationship's supposed to feel like I think- it must be. Because I've never felt like this before with anyone." He said, pressing his lips against her neck. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiled to hear his comforting words. She leaned her head back so she could feel his kisses on her neck. "It's amazing." Jaz turns her head and kisses him back softly. "What jobs on campus are there to choose from? And which do you want?"

Shane nodded and stretched as he got ready to leave his dorm room toward his second period class. "That's true, or else I won't become a backup dancer and famous songwriter, heck I bet I could write a song for Eminem to use if I wanted to now." He said with a small joke in it. @McMajestic
"Well I think I wanna work at one of the restaurants. Probably the Chinese one so I can get discounts and bring you awesome Chinese food all the time. They have a couple waiter positions to fill. As long as it's okay with you, I'll apply there. And I'll keep my photography business running too, and you can be there for the shoots," he added, knowing it might be uncomfortable for her to just trust him alone with some crazy girl. Not all of his clients were bad, but there were a handful who liked to point out his looks and made it uncomfortable. "Oh! I have an idea," He said suddenly. "Let's take a picture together, once every month, so we can see our progress, you know? It'll be cute." He said, resting a hand on her stomach and kissing her neck once more. @BasicallyMe

Mari laughed, taking a step away from him. He didn't say 'I love you'. She thought, but tried to get her mind off that fact. She didn't want to get stuck on the little details. After all, Mari and Shane had only been together a few days, nothing significant. She almost panicked, until she remembered. But he said I have his heart which is basically the same thing. She assured herself. "Alright, I'll see you at the end of the day," She kissed him one last time before heading towards the door. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

(Imma go to bed early tonight, because I've been way too tired lately. Good night xD )
(Lol i was loterally about to say the same thing night!)

Jasmine listened and nodded, "Ofcourse you can work anywhere you want, but the chineze place is a good idea!" She smiles and continues to comment on his suggestions, "It's ok, I would like to watch some of your sessions just for fun. And yes, the progress idea is good! I can't wait for her to start growing."

I finished my homework, and I heard my stomach growl. Shut up stomach! I said not noticing how stupid and loud I was saying this. The girls gossiping in the hallway glanced at me and gave me a stink eye. Oh well, I am pretty stupid matter a fact, so I don't feel mad about it....I sigh and go to my desk and look threw the drawers.Yes! I shout once again seeming like I belong in a mental hospital. I blush and start eating the skittles I found in my desk. I jump onto my bed and lay down. I think to myself I finally feel like myself again..I'm glad I made a friend! I lay there thinking of how bored I am. I jump up and walk to my desk and grab my phone and earbuds and listen to some graceful music. Oh how much I love this music so peaceful and calming! I soon find myself opening a book and reading it.*typical me.* After a nice long book session I head down the hall to find something to do, and I find myself lost.. I walk down a random hall and see the one guy I saw that one day. He noticed me real quick. I didn't really know what to do, so I just glanced back at him and stood in place as he walked towards me.

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Brody smiled. This was going way better than he ever expected it to. "Great. I'm going to hide away from the boys' dorm for awhile because of a little... altercation. Mind if I use your laptop?" He asked, continuing to rub her shoulders. He'd never wanted to take care of someone so much before. It almost scared him. @BasicallyMe
McMajestic said:
"Well I think I wanna work at one of the restaurants. Probably the Chinese one so I can get discounts and bring you awesome Chinese food all the time. They have a couple waiter positions to fill. As long as it's okay with you, I'll apply there. And I'll keep my photography business running too, and you can be there for the shoots," he added, knowing it might be uncomfortable for her to just trust him alone with some crazy girl. Not all of his clients were bad, but there were a handful who liked to point out his looks and made it uncomfortable. "Oh! I have an idea," He said suddenly. "Let's take a picture together, once every month, so we can see our progress, you know? It'll be cute." He said, resting a hand on her stomach and kissing her neck once more. @BasicallyMe
Mari laughed, taking a step away from him. He didn't say 'I love you'. She thought, but tried to get her mind off that fact. She didn't want to get stuck on the little details. After all, Mari and Shane had only been together a few days, nothing significant. She almost panicked, until she remembered. But he said I have his heart which is basically the same thing. She assured herself. "Alright, I'll see you at the end of the day," She kissed him one last time before heading towards the door. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

(Imma go to bed early tonight, because I've been way too tired lately. Good night xD )
Trent walks up to Mari just before she enters the door and says" wait! I know I'm an asshole, I know I'm not liked or welcome here, just hear me out, after I thought about what I read in that journal, I felt evil! Knowing what I've done to that kid makes me feel like and ass, so I've decided, I'm no longer going to be that guy people want to run from, I want to be the opposite, I want to make friends, ask Ronnie, I helped him this morning, it looked like he was about to get into a fight and i stopped it....i guess what I'm really trying to say is I'm sorry..." Trent looked sincere and true.
Mari looked down at Trent, unsure if she should believe him or not. After a few moments she decided he sounded honest enough, but he had lied once before. She sighed, leaning against the door frame. "Okay, kid, I'll believe you for now. But don't lie to me, or I'll cripple you." She warned, walking past him and starting for the school to get to class. @SomaFel
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Jasmine nods and walks over to her desk. She had tons of furniture in here leaving little space for other activities, but she wasn't complaining. "I have no idea if it's charged." Jaz grabbed the charger and handed them both to him. "I hope this kid doesn't give me a whole bunch of morning sickness. I am going to call and make an appointment so we can get an ultrasound. Not too long before we know who our baby cakes is." A smile forms on her face and she takes out her cell phone.


Andrew walks towards Crystal and grins. "Hey sweet cheeks how's it going? Anything new since I seen you last?"

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