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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

'Right now?' He sent back. Whether it was now or not he definitely did not want to go to class anymore. He started down the hall, keeping his eyes on the ground. He was actually kind of depressed, a mood he can usually just wave off.


Lynne laughed a little bit after there hug. "Good." She smiled before adding, "Well, we better get to class. I'll text you, okay?" She started walking backwards casually and turned around.

Mari pretended to think for a moment. "Evil Maiden works for now. Maybe if you can figure my name out all on your own I'll give you a prize. " She winked, knowing he wouldn't guess it. She'd never even heard of anyone with her name before. "You can surprise me with the movie, however I expect m&ms in my popcorn." She added. She knew it was weird, but she liked the combo. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Right now. Unless you're chicken. Danni sent the message with a smile on her face, but her frustrations didn't go away. She knew if he ended up coming shed probably do something to mess up their friendship since she acted purely on emotion when she was angry, but she didn't want to be alone. @Alixx
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Dustin got the text as he was headed out the doors of the school. As he read it he smiled, 'On my way.' He called a taxi., he knew the beach was within walking distance, but he wasn't in the mood. 'Do I need to pick you up?' He texted Danni.

Danni thought for a moment. The beach was just a few minutes walk from the dorm. No, I'll be there when you get there. She began walking, hoping she could use the time to cool down. When she got to the beach she sat on a black rock stuck out of the sand, waiting for Dustin. There weren't many people around, and so she was sure he could spot her easily. @Alixx

As Dustin's taxi pulled up, he paid the driver and got out. He slipped his shoes and socks off and put them into his bag. He walked around for a few minutes before finding Danni on a rock "Hey." He said, smiling. He sat down his stuff and sat next to her, putting his hands behind him and leaned back, looking out at the water.

Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane started to chuckle at her response but inside he was cackling evilly. Really? She wanted him, him, out all people to find what her name was? That was easy, when it came to dancing, he just needed to switch certain names to come up with answers. "Let's see, M could be one of the letters and then the last letter could be Y or I." His mind started thinking up many names, it's what he did when it came to writing music. "M is the first letter, it either has 3 to 5 more letters before ending with the Y or I." He said loud not caring if she heard him. @McMajestic
Danni didn't say anything for a moment. She just sat there staring at the water before looking over at Dustin. He must have cared. He wouldn't skip class if he didn't. She felt the tears well up in her eyes, but was afraid of how he'd take her telling him what had happened. Danni bit her lip to hold back her turns until she couldn't take it anymore. She practically threw herself on him, hugging him tight and crying into his shoulder. "I'm... sorry," she sobbed, unable to control it anymore @Alixx

Mari watched with mild interest. "And what makes you think my name starts with an M?" She asked, watching him think. He was smart, which was something she could appreciate. Most guys that came around her weren't. Then again, most guys never asked her to go to a movie either. She began walking towards her locker which was just across the hall, and pulled her sketchbook out. "While you're thinking about that, don't move too much." She added, sitting on the tile floor and beginning to sketch him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Brandon stood, his hands now resting in his jeans pockets, watching Lynne's back approach her classroom door. "I'm looking forward to it, Lynne," he told her retreating back, before he turned himself to his class, shaking his head slightly.


Dustin was completely shocked when Danni threw herself on him. For a moment, he didn't even move. After realzing what was. happening he wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Danni..." He felt broken. How could he not tell she was hurting? He hated seeing her cry. "You don't have to be sorry. Okay, love?" He tried smiling, as he gently pet the back of her hair and brushing it out of her face.


Lynne couldn't stop thinking about Brandon the entire class. For some reason she couldn't get her mind off of their hug. Maybe it was just because she was a girl, but it felt perfect to her. She got out her phone in the middle of class and texted him 'Hey, it's Lynne. Wanna hangout after school?' She sent it and prayed his phone was on silent.

Of course, Brandon's phone wasn't on silent; but buried in his backpack and sandwiched between notebooks, he was the only one who heard it, except for possibly the girl sitting next to him. Thankfully, he sat in the back so his teacher couldn't see him. After he read Lynne's text, he quickly responded. Yeah, I'd love to. Anything you want, I'm up for it.

Danni cried harder, burying herself in Dustin. She felt broken. She couldn't believe that a single conversation had emotionally damaged her as much as it had. She held him as a tight as she could, feeling comfort in Dustin's arms. She looked up at him after what felt like forever, tears fresh on her face. "You shouldn't have to deal with me and my tears. I'm not good enough to be your friend." @Alixx
Shane Emil Reeze:

Why an M? That was actually a good question. He just got the idea from M&M, kinda funny but kinda seemed appropriate for her in some kinda way. "Mary, 'Da-Mari', Mari or Maria." Those were names he could think that had less than 6 letters, Mari came from Damaris, a girl who he used to know when little. He stood still when she told him not to move too much, wondering what she was doing. @McMajestic
Mari frowned playfully. "Aw, I was hoping it'd take you longer than that, Prince Charming. You're no fun." She said, tapping her pencil against her cheek as she looked up at him, before going back to her sketch. "I can't give you your prize in school. I'll give it to you tonight." She said, smirking to herself as she drew him. She could do realistic art when she was focused, and even though she seemed disconnected, she was definitely focused on Shane. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane laughed but stayed still. "That's fine with me." He told her. She didn't tell hI'm which one it was, but he really didn't care. He guessed on this and knew that her name was one of those. @McMajestic

Dustin got mad when he heard what she said. "Who on Earth put that thought into your head?!" He sat up, and pulled her closer. He was mad, but he could feel his eyes starting to water. He looked up at he sky and shook his head. "I know no one is perfect..." He whispered gently. "But you're perfect to me." He said, looking in her eyes. He didn't want to 'take advantage' of Danni, but he wanted to kiss her so badly. He wanted to fix everything and make her happy forever.


Lynne smiled when she got the text and started tapping her foot. Now she couldn't wait for class to be over so they could be together. 'Maybe the beach? I'd have to go change after class though..' She texted him back.

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Brandon, who'd successfully turned his phone to vibrate, immediately read her text. Thankfully, classes only had fifteen minutes left; Brandon normally enjoyed school - he was known as the good egg of his friends, constantly checking his grade and spending free periods asking teachers for help. But today, no, he wanted the classes to be over. I need to put my bag in my room anyway. I can meet you outside the girls' dorms - it'll take me a while to get into my room and come over to the girls' dorm, he texted back, barely paying attention to his birdlike teacher lecture.

Danni gave him a watery smile, looking into his eyes. She felt something in that moment. She didn't care what happened after that minute. She just wanted to take a chance, and she prayed it would pay off. For all she knew Dustin could hate her after this, but it didn't stop her from pushing herself up and kissing him softly. @Alixx

Mari finished the sketch and closed her sketchbook, getting to her feet. "You have permission to move around now," she told him, walking back over to her locker and placing her sketchbook in it. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

'Okay.' Lynne texted back before adding 'Are you gonna change into a bathing-suit? If you're not, then I don't think I'll bother to.' She locked her phone and pretended to be paying attention to her teacher, although she couldn't get her mind off Brandon.


Dustin froze, before putting his hand on Danni's cheek lightly and kissing her back. He hugged her tighter, not wanting this moment to ever end. It was like one out of movies, he thought. After a little bit he slowly pulled away and wiped the tears of her face, he brushed her hair behind her ear before smiling and saying "You look absolutely beautiful."

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Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane stretched once he could move. "So my dorm now?" He chuckle a little bit remembering her reaction from earlier. He held his mouth shut, trying to stop himself from bursting out laughing. "World War Z?" He asked, that was one movie he loved to watch. @McMajestic
Danni smiled, resting her head on his chest, before frowning. "What does this mean?" She asked quietly, taking his hand in hers and intertwining their fingers together. They hadn't even known each other for an entire day. She pressed her lips against his knuckles before lowering their hands, closing her eyes and relaxing into him. She already felt better. @Alixx

"Sure." Mari slung her backpack over her shoulder, looking over at him. "I'm game." She walked over to him. "But you have to carry me, my Noble Steed." @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Of course I am! I'm going to fully utilize a nice day to go out, he texted back, not even caring to be discreet that he was on his phone. What where they going to do in the last ten minutes of class? Start a new topic with new notes? Setting his phone back on his desk he tried to focus on his work - anything to make the final ten minutes go a little bit quicker. A moment later, he texted her again. I haven't been to the beach in forever - I actually miss finding sand in my sock drawer.


Dustin leaned back on his backpack, with one arm around Danni and the other holding her hand. He sighed quietly. "Whatever you want it to, baby." He whispered to her. "If tomorrow you think about it, and you just want to be friends... I won't be mad." He watched as the waves broke onto the sand. "But if you think about it... and want to be more" He let his voice trail off. "I just want you to be happy, whatever that means you do. I'll be here for you." He squeezed her hand gently and kissed the top of her head.


Lynne smiled at his text. 'Same here. It's gonna be so much fun!' She sent. Finally the bell rung and she quickly gathered her stuff, putting it all into her backack. She waited in the hall, outside of her class for Brandon. She hoped she didn't seem clingy or anything, but she couldn't help it. She was so happy to be with him, whatever they were.

"I want to be more," Danni whispered. "and I want you to be happy." She stared down at their hands, thought about how comfortable she felt in his arms, as if she had known him for years. "Is this happening too fast?" She looked up at him, taking a breath. She didn't want him to say yes. She wanted to be with Dustin, but there was still her past, gnawing at her, threatening to hold her back. @Alixx
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Shane Emil Reeze:

Emil rolled his eyes before picking her up bridal styles. He walked through the hallways, heading toward his dorm. He wasn't embarrass to carry her and be seen, only stupid people would care about that. @McMajestic
Mari smirked, letting herself be carried off, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Well, I do love the view from here," she said, looking up at Shane's pretty face. She'd never been in a real relationship before, and therefore, had never had the option of picking and choosing ideal guy traits, but Shane was definitely making her think up a list, and he was certainly matching the criteria. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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