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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane continue walking while sometimes spinning her, hoping to make her laugh. He liked when people laughed and he hadn't heard her laugh yet. "So where ya came from Sexy evil Maiden?" He asked her, heading toward the male dorms. @McMajestic
Mari only grinned when he spun her. "I come from a town that has less people than this school. Somewhere deep in the heart of Illinois, just outside Chicago," she spoke over-dramatically in a Chicago accent, motioning with one of her hands for effect. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

"Interesting." He liked the way she said it to him. He himself had been close to there once so he knew that it was her accent. "Well I'm from Tucson, Arizona. The second largest city in Arizona but I'm a proud born country guy from Texas." Shane said while letting his country accent come out. @McMajestic
Mari looked at Shane, and struggled to contain her laughter. "Please. Never do that again." She begged jokingly. It sounded so silly to her ear, especially since she was coming from a Northern state where it was a totally different type of accent that was much faster. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Emil laughed when he saw her reaction to his country accent so he decided to keep it. "Ya got a problem with that dearie? I'm a proud redneck city guy, so if I speak like this it's cause I can." He told her jokingly whike mixing in a European accent. He loved messing with people, he spoke without an accent but he liked to mix in his home town accent whenever he could. @McMajestic
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Mari buried her face in his chest. "Okay, now I'm just embarrassed to know you." She muttered, groaning at the sound of it. "If you don't stop this insulting behavior right now I'm going to have to report you," she said, looking up at him with a satisfied grin, as if that would make him stop. She doubted it would, but it was worth a try. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane looked at her with a smirk. He could had stopped when she first told him to stop but he just wanted to have fun. "Give yo country city guy a kiss and he will stop." He told speaking in third person. He liked messing with people but if he got a reward for it, that would be even better. @McMajestic
Mari looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "You don't deserve my kiss with those disgusting country lips of yours," she spoke jokingly, turning away from him although she didn't have much of choice in movement since she was still in his arms. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

"Guess that means I won't stop talking like this." Shane said as he held her with one hand and opened the door to his dorm room with his free hand. "Okay okay I will stop." He said laughing before leaning and giving her a light kiss. He pulled back and put her down as he went to the tv and searched through the movies to find his favorite zombie movie. @McMajestic ( xD surprise surprise)
(Lol, wow. Why did I see this coming?)

Mari blinked, then laughed. It wasn't her usual laugh though. It was something mocking. It was her Chicago laugh when someone tried to rob her and she knocked them out. "You call that a kiss? We obviously have a lot of work to do with you." She said, laying down on his bed and kicking her short boots off, making herself comfortable as she glanced around the dorm. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane shook his head as he pressed play for the movie to begin and laid down on his bed. "That was just the beginning of many to come." He smirked when he said that, taking his jacket off and placing it on the chair beside and taking his boots off. "Wouldn't want to spoil the fun of watching a movie? Now would I?" @McMajestic (cause it looked like it was set up from the beginning xD I mean come on, it would cone to that with all that flirting)
(True, true)

Mari rolled her eyes, propping her feet up on top of his legs. "I guess not," she turned towards the TV, watching as the movie began. "Where's my m&m popcorn?" She demanded, suddenly turning to Shane with false anger. "Why has Prince Charming failed to provide? Oh the humanity!" She exclaimed as over dramatically as possible, throwing a hand over her face. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane chuckled as he passed over a pop corn bag of chips that was to the side of his bed and m&m from one of his cabinets. "That's all I have, gotta buy the groceries later this week if you want popcorn." He told her as he grabbed her closer, forcing her to place her head on his shoulder. @McMajestic
She groaned, munching on the m&ms. "Why are boys so bad at grocery shopping?" She thought back to a time when she had sent her little brothers out just to get a few things from the store, and they had both come back within a three hours difference from each other, covered in mud and equipped with a Nintendo DS and two games. Mari had yelled at both of them for thirty minutes each, then grounded them from their Nintendo, claiming she was going to sell it. She ended up wrapping it up as a Christmas gift. She smiled at the memory, but it quickly faded away. She hadn't talked to her family in a week. The landline had probably been shut off again.
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Shane Emil Reeze:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/9c6294af955138d9d02ec6b86d468120.jpg.d37fd5d43ba172d59e778ee31e793d1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/9c6294af955138d9d02ec6b86d468120.jpg.d37fd5d43ba172d59e778ee31e793d1e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shane stood up and held open the refrigerator. It was organized with mostly healthy food and water. He wasn't one for junkfood so he always bought certain items when he cooked. @McMajestic



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Mari blinked. "You've surprised me two times in one day, and considering the last time I was surprised was when I was knifed four years ago, that's saying a lot." Holy Hell, what did I just say! It had just come out. There was no warning to it. "I mean uh... it was a joke thing. It wasn't a real knife." She added, hoping the lie would prove sufficient for the time being. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane closed the refrigerator and went back to laid down on his bed and again placed her head on his shoulder. He closed his eyes but opened them quickly. "I guess I'm not the only who has been on accidents." He chuckled. Last time he was shot because of some guy he had defeated in a fight and dancing, but those were old times and it didn't mattered to him now. "I'm a person who eats healthy, the only type of chips I like are Tostitos, as you saw the sauce up on top. I can cook but I'm not a five star or four star cooking expert but in know my things." He told her. @McMajestic (surprise surprise xD someone{Emil} who eats healthy)
"Maybe you can make me dinner next time I come over. I'll handle dessert," Mari winked, glad he had blown past her little slip-up, and turned back to the TV, relaxing against him as she began to watch the movie. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
When the bell rang, Brandon packed up his bag, stuffing his notebook into into it without much care. When he finally emerged from his classroom, he was talking to the girl who sat next to him in class, talking very animatedly with his hands. When they got to Lynne, he said his good-byes to the girl (something along the lines of "I'm going to kick your ass in the debates next Tuesday"), and let his easy smile flash across his face. "Hey, you. Long time no see."

Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane happily wrapped one arm around her waist while watching the movie. He wasn't one to offer dancing lessons at all, but something just made him want to teach her. He didn't know why his instinct told him to do this, but ignored it and pulled her into a deep kiss. He didn't know why he did it but he liked it. @McMajestic
"Only the weak ones." Mari rested her head on his chest, looking back at the screen. She closed her eyes, relaxing against him. "Let's just watch the movie for now. " @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane nodded at that. He stare at the movie showing with a smirk. "So you don't like it when I used my accent?" He asked as he watched his favorite scene in the movie show. @McMajestic

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