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Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

"I am currently struggling to make words." Elijah said, wrapping his own arm around Zayn, pulling himself closer. His mind raced, his eyes staring into the fire. He wondered what the other's thought, they all seemed pretty interested in their own lives but still. He felt like the spotlight was on him, this was a milestone for him as lame as it sounded, "That felt like my first real kiss."
"Chandler...?" Austin quietly whispered to her brother, who was sleeping on the couch. He slowly opened his eyes, meeting eyes with his sister. "Hi, Chandler. I'm gonna- I'm gonna step out for a bit, is that okay?" He sat up.

"You did your homework, right?" Chandler rubs his eyes, sitting up. He gripped his hair lightly. Austin, already aware of what his answer would be, took her mint-green sweater sitting on one of the bar stools at the mini-bar.

"Yeah, of course. I'm a straight-A student, right?" She slipped the sweater on, pulling the hood over her head. Walking over to the doorway, Austin slipped her black, slightly worn out pair of Converse, and opened the door to exit.

"Call me every couple hours, alright?" Chandler stood, walked over to her before she left, and tousled her hair. "See ya kiddo." Austin turned away from him, slightly blushing.

"Uh, bye." She puffed her left cheek a bit, and walked out the door. Austin sighed, and began to walk the direction of the beach. Luckily, she knew a short cut. It was a silent walk, the kind of silent she would be able to think to herself. Soon enough, she arrived at the beach. Slipping her shoes off her feet and her sweater off her shoulders, Austin sat in the sand, her legs in front of her, and her hands dug in the sand. She sighed. Every once in a while, she glanced at the group of people much farther away from her. Not wanting to get too involved with them, Austin decided it would be better to... Speak to them later. She didn't want to admit, even to herself that she never had a way with people.

(Uh, I'm new here. Sorry if I'm not that good. Also, I was a bit lazy to read ALL of what was written on here. I actually have to go too, so I'll look at replies ((if any)) the next day. ^-^')

Lukas kept his eyes closed even when a new voice invaded the silence. He didn't mind though; company is nice from time to time. "I don't mind," he replied, "sit anywhere you like. The sand, the sky, and the beach, is for everyone, darling." Darling, that's what his mother used to call him, until he became the addicted loser that he is. He missed hearing that word, and saying it. After a moment, he opened his eyes and looked up to the owner of the voice. She has ink-black hair, dark, olive skin, and eyes that matches the night sky. When she cursed, Lukas smiled and chuckled. "Finally, a fucking sane person around here," he said while looking up at her, "I thought I was the only one who finds that girl, die Zicke, annoying. Might be we'll get along just fine, honey." @lonecoyote

"It probably was your first kiss with a real man." Zayn chuckled at himself.

He bent in a little closer to Elijah.

"Oh and by the way... You're mine." He whispered in Elijahs ear. He then moved down to his neck and kissed his neck softly.

"Im proud of you darling." he said softly, looking at him.

( @jmcknight08 hehe. Im heading off! ttyl <3 Night all )
Elijah couldn't help but smile, his head cleared up, he felt less angry with himself. Things were better now. He wanted to thank Zayn, but still was having troubles speaking. He leaned into the man's single arm embrace, closing his arms for a moment, he never thought that the voices that made him feel ashamed of himself since the beginning of high school could be put to rest by a single kiss from someone he may not have known well at all. It was amazing how the world worked, how human emotions and lifestyles could be changed in a short window of time.

(@Zatanna night bbg)
Logan was easily one of the most sincerely selfless people that Barry had met in his entire life, and that, combined with how undeniably adorable the other boy looked in his oversized sweater gave Barry the sudden urge to hug him. However, he wasn't sure how that would go over and didn't want to scare him away by being overly friendly, and besides, Logan appeared to be a bit preoccupied watching two other males, one of them being the one who had waved them over in the first place, who were sitting not far away and had just pulled out of kiss that would have made most people blush just to watch. As a thought suddenly occurred to him, bringing a short burst of silent laughter to his lips, Barry decided to make conversation to get Logan's mind off of whatever was bothering him. "You know, you can always speak out loud to me if it's easier. The cancer hasn't spread to my ears yet, last time I checked." It was meant to be a joke, lighthearted in nature, and only a split-second after he'd said it did Barry realize that he'd used the word "cancer." He winced at the realization, resisting the urge to slap himself in the face. He hadn't wanted to burden anyone else with that knowledge, for fear that they would then feel obligated to act sympathetic, and here he'd gone and blown it sky high. At least Logan would know now why he couldn't just open his mouth and speak like a normal person, he tried in vain to console himself with an internal grimace. Still, he continued with another round of signs and a forced smile in hopes that Logan wouldn't notice his slip up if he kept on talking. "But if you want to use ASL, that's fine, too. It's nice to finally find someone outside of my family who actually knows it."

@claryfawn Taya opened her eyes when she heard a girl make a comment to her. She raised a brow at the brunette. "I didn't say they did. I think people could just care less." she simply stated, not trying to sound rude but it probably came out that way. By her stance, the girl looked like she was on the verge of a fight. Taya rolled her eyes yet again and shook her head. Then she looked at the girl up and down and by her out stretched stomach, Taya could tell that the girl was pregnant. Can't hit someone who's pregnant. She reminded herself and looked down at the guy when he responded to her. A smirk graced her lips when he said she could sit. Taya sat down beside the guy, not too close but close enough that she could hear him over the sound of the waves crashing over the sand. When he called her sane, Taya laughed.

"German?" she asked him when she noticed she didn't understand the foreign word in the sentence but since she had a World History class she had heard the language before. "And maybe we will, sweetheart. I can just tell by looking at her and listening to her that she's a total fake." she replied, moving her ponytail to the side as she leaned back on her arms. She put emphasis on the word sweetheart because if he wanted to play that game, she would play with him. She looked over at him and noted his curly brown hair, how his skin was pale but not too pale so it proved that he wasn't a vampire and did go outside, and something was written on his hand. She tilted her head to the side and read what it was and as soon as she did, she began to giggle.

"Pretty cool ink, dude." she said with a grin.

@R O S E N R O T
Logan looked down at his feet as an instinct. It was a bad habit of his, though, he found it hard to break. Even whilst a little bit calm, he continued to avoid eye contact; he just hoped that no one took it too personally. It was his problem, not anything that anyone had been doing. In fact, Barry made Logan feel the most at ease. He was so kind and not too overbearing, two qualities that Logan found comfort in. When he heard the other male mention cancer, his expression dropped quickly. He didn't want to freak out and make Barry uncomfortable, though, so he took a risk. He figured that his new friend probably had grown tired of hearing people offer sympathy. The last thing Logan wanted to be was insensitive, though, so he offered a sad smile to Barry, as though it were an invitation to vent a bit. "I don't mind signing at all, don't be silly," he chuckled softly, "I want you to feel welcome." The male grinned again, "Besides, I'm deaf, so it's easier to sign anyways." Logan pushed some of his thick, curled hair out of the way and revealed cochlear implants. @NimbusTheCat
"Yes, ma'am," Lukas replied to her question, as he continued watching the night sky. "We're sweethearts now? Damn. At least let me take you out to a date first," he smiled a small smile and imagined for a moment what it will be like if he actually dated someone. First, it'd be a trip to the liquor store. Then, it'd be over because there's no way in hell his date will be able to haul his ass out of there. Or they can always go to Alcoholics Anonymous for their first date to help Lukas with his problem. Now that'd be a super fun day. When she moved her ponytail aside, Lukas caught sight of her tattoo. He burst out in laughter when he read what was written at the nape of her neck. "Whoa, no way. I thought I was talking to a tiger," he said with a hint of faked surprise at his tone. "But who am I to make fun of you, especially when I have something cool stained on my skin." He pushed himself off of the ground and sat instead, not bothering to dust the sand that clung to the back of his shirt. "So what brought you out here tonight Tiger? Mind if I call you that? I'm still skeptical about you being human and all." @lonecoyote
Megan sat back quietly as she watched everyone move around and interact with one another. It was interesting for her to watch and learn everybody without actually getting to know somebody. You can really learn from a person, watching for what other people don't see. Megan stood up and brushed the sand off of her back side and headed towards the water. She could see Lukas and someone she hadn't been acquainted with yet, so she turned the other way. She lit her cigarette and took in all of the toxins, watching as the water beside her moved in and out. She began thinking about all of the people that she met tonight, all of the problems that they are facing that were so present to anybody that was paying attention. She inhaled another puff off of her smoke. It was like fate or something brought us all together to help each other out. Megan plopped herself down into the sand, far from the group, to finish her cigarette. She slipped her sandals off and stuck her toes just into the wet sand to feel the water rush over them. As she did this, the little blue specks of light from the little plankton that washed up on the shore, danced around the water. It was a magical sight, in a magical night.

“I think it’s the scenery, you know?” Nikita motioned out to the waves crashing along the shores and the steady bonfire. “It’s peaceful; it’s like an escape. Mini-vacation in a way.” Nikita, curious and beginning to warm up to his new friend then boldly decided to ask possibly one of the most sensitive questions he could ask, at least judging by personal experience. “So, why did you come to the beach?”


Nikita sighed sadly. He understood this boy was deaf, and knew he was using – what was it called, sign speaking? Sign language? Regardless, he couldn’t understand his hand movements. Because he didn’t want to be rude and wanted to try and make friends with the boy, he grabbed a stick and wrote into the sand, in big, bulky letters:



"I swim, but not very well." Nikita chuckles and looks down at his gazelle-esque legs. "These barely work on dry land, how well do you think they can work in water?"

[since y'all didn't reply to Nikita yesterday you jerk :c]
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@NimbusTheCat @Zatanna @emdillon

Yuliya discarded her wet shirt and donned the boy's clothes instead, hoping no one would be to angry with her for doing so outside her car. "Thank you!" She said to the girl, giving away food. "I am Yuliya. Nice to meet you." The girl gave a broad grin, by now snuggled up in a very large sweater and licking pizza grease off of her fingers. This part of America was nicer than any other place she'd been, with free food, generous people, and boys kissing in public. The generous boys, whose names she hadn't caught, were now talking to one another, sometimes in sign language. "What is 'cancer'?" She asked through a mouthful of pizza. She must have said it very quietly, and was glad they didn't hear her, as they both looked... sad, talking about it. Sad, and acting happy. She knew what 'deaf' was, though. At the very least, she knew by the context.

Maybe cancer was a disease. A disease that spread... Рак? There were a lot of words floating around that she didn't understand, and she found herself very content to sit back and listen. Warm body, warm food, cold night. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, after all.


Melani could agree with Nikita about the scenery, the waves crashing against charcoal rocks, the tranquil aura of the place, and the certain domesticity which arose from it. She had never been somewhere so mellow and yet intense, as if she were stuck in two differentiating worlds and could not choose which one. She considered Nikita's other question, she supposed she would give him an answer as he had been kind to her and answered her when she was slightly too inquisitive.
"My mother told me I would be unable to go to College due to some financial problems, I have to get a job which I'm not ungrateful for..just, I was looking forward to it so much and so, I decided to come here before I have to start working once more...just to relax and it's a nice change of scenery, you know?"

Logan gave a small chuckle as he glared at Nikita's legs; they were nice to him, but obviously, the other male disagreed. "Well, swimming isn't that important anyways," he added, "I mean, unless you're drowning or whatever." The male was nonchalant about dark subjects, it wasn't the first time he had thought about drowning. Why do you think he never learned how to swim? For a small, sweet looking boy, Logan was sinister beyond his years. Most kids his age were busy thinking about parties and dates, all while Logan was busy doodling ways to kill himself in his notebook. It was fun for him to contemplate what freedom would feel like. @opburning

Logan's mind boggled a bit at the Russian words that Nikita and Yuliya were speaking, though he eventually did hear some English. He grinned at the girl, "Hello, I'm Logan," he introduced softly, "It's nice to meet you as well." He offered another smile to seem friendly and approachable. Logan had never been around so many kind people before and he felt lucky that he was right now. He wanted to befriend as many of them as he could. @Tiny Dragon
"Logan," she repeated, nodding her head. Yuliya grinned like a child as she tapped her fingers to the boxes Chanel had put beside her. "Did you see? There's free pizza, here." It was doubtful she'd get over that novelty, for a while. She wished she had something to offer them in return, but the best she could come up with was a tight apartment, if anyone needed a place to spend the night. Sighing, she sat herself back down and spread her legs on either side of the fire, wiggling them slightly as the warmth spread. She looked up at the boy again, smiling. Finding a group of people in America to pull her out of her shell was rare, and, admittedly, she was enjoying herself. "Are you from here?"

Taya nodded when she found out she was right. "Hey, if you're offering." she said with a shrug and looked out at the ocean before them. Taya had been out on dates before but it was never anything serious after that. Not with what she did, it never lasted too long. Not many guys are exactly thrilled when they find out she's an MMA fighter. They then challenge her to a fight in to which she takes them up on. As for date number 2, there never really is one. When he made the comment about her tattoo on the back of her neck, she rolled her eyes and laughed. "Oh, that's original. But hey, maybe I'm a tiger. Or maybe I'm a a werwolf like the ones in Twilight." she told him, looking at him from the corner of her eye. When he asked what brought her to what she thought was "her spot", she let out a soft sigh. "Just have to get out of the house with the excuse of training." she simply stated, something not too complicated to explain and nothing too revealing. Simplicity was the best way to go for something like that. "What about you, darling?" she questioned back.

@R O S E N R O T
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Chanel turned around and smiled at Yuliya.

"Yuliya? Wow! How unique. Where are you from? And no problem. SO do you mind if I call you Yuli? Its easier for me to remember?" she said occassionally giggling.

Zayn smiled at the boy.

"So Elijah how are you going to repay me for helping you out of your shell? And for the wonderful kiss of course." He said with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

He slipped his hand in Elijah's back pocket and smiled, all his attention pretty much focused on Elijah. No one else really interested him. Or approached him.

@jmcknight08 @Tiny Dragon
(Sorry the site didn't alert me so I've been Awol for a bit. Poor Edward was just sitting there slack jawed for about 10 min game time I guess.)

Edward looked at the others. "Jaysis I thought I had problems trying to kill myself two weeks ago." He said looking at the others. "When I was your age the worst thing that could happen was breaking up with my then girlfriend. Now I know there's a hell and it's hot. No Brimstone, but sand everywhere." A loud timer went off and Edward sighed. He reached into his backpack and took out a pouch. Inside were about 20 multicolored pills. He popped open a soda from his pack and took them. "Urg I swear that gets worse every time." he said with a sad chuckle.
@Tiny Dragon Logan smiled at Yuliya's excitement towards everything that was just normal to him. It was nice to see someone so happy and thankful for the little things in life. Besides, Logan simply enjoyed other people's happiness. He found it hard to make himself cheerful, so seeing others be able to do that was like the same thing to him. He'd revel in their joy to dismiss his lack of it. The male then shook his head, "I'm from Belgium, actually. I just moved here a few years ago." He grinned at Yuliya, "are you from Russia? I heard you speaking it earlier, I think...it sounded like Russian, at least," he chuckled softly.

Logan glanced around at the rest of the group, feeling a little less lonely for the first time in a while. Although he wasn't immersed in everyone else's conversations, he still felt as though he had a little group of people surrounding him, and he loved that. It gave him a metaphorical sense of warmth as he watched their actions. Chanel had been speaking with Yuliya as well, people were sat by the fire introducing themselves, and of course, there were two men who had been making him a little uncomfortable this whole time. He dismissed that, though, or at least, dismissed it as best as he could. Logan noticed the oldest one in the circle taking out a plethora of pills and felt a bit upset for him. He could only imagine how dreadful it must have been to have to down those through out the day. He didn't stare for too long, though, not wanting to be rude or invasive to his privacy. He probably didn't want a crowd while taking his medication.
Elijah simply blushed, looking at the boy with a small smile, he really just didn't know what to do or say. He leaned towards him and spoke in a tone that expressed his lack of knowledge when it came to flirting with boys, "We'll see."

"So are there beds in this place? Because if so... I would love the company." he said kissing Elijahs neck.

"We could cuddle... Then I'll have my way with you." he said with a smirk.

"Have you ever been with a guy before? I dont think you have... Which means I'll be your first..." Zayn said a with a grin on his face.

"I should also go get some new clothes at some point. These will be pretty uncomfortable if I plan on staying here for a while..." he said looking down at his clothing.

Elijah looked around, "It's a beach." he then realized how stupid his response was, he got even more nervous thinking of what Zayn must have had in mind. He was right when he said he hadn't been with another guy, he lost his virginity to a girl. He wondered if that really counted, either way he never had been with a guy ever, nothing past the kiss that had happened literally minutes ago,

"Why are you dressed like a very expensive commercial retail dealer?"

"I mean I have always wanted to try it on the beach..." Zayn said grinning, still kissing Elijah's neck.

"Hmm...? Well this is just how I dress at my school, and how I ussually like to dress. When you're rich and handsome you shoud look good at all time. I mean I look hot right?" He asked, he knew the answer but wanted to hear it from Elijah's soft lips.

"But If I want to stay here for a while, I should find something a little more comfortable." he said softly.

"God you're so handsome." he said looking at him, kissing his cheek.

"It's not like you're not hot." elijah said quietly, "Cause you are, like really hot. Not that I'm desperate or anything. I mean, cause I-" He took a breath, finding himself rambling on nervously as he always did at some point in most conversations. He reached for the man's face, pulling him from his cheek and pecking him on the lips just because he could. The same sparks he realized he was missing out on his entire life were there, he smiled, "More comfortable, you said?"

"No. No. Im very attractive. I know that." He said smiling.

Zayn was a little surprised when Elijah kissed him. Zayn smirked and kissed him, not a peck though a longer kiss. More passionate kiss, with a little tongue.

"You're so cute." He said smiling.

He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Im getting pretty tired." he said looking down at the fire.

"i might go sleep on the beach or something."


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