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Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

Megan starts towards the beach away from the parking lot. She can see the bonfire and a group of people standing around it. This is going to be a fun night. You are going to interact with these people, not just sit in the corner away from everyone. Megan didn't necessarily enjoy spending time with people after work, mostly because where she worked proved how disgusting some men could be, but regardless she had to put on a smile and be fake to earn tips. So she came out here tonight to get away from her life and have some fun.

As Megan approaches the bonfire, she stops, lifts her left leg up behind her right and puts out her cigarette on the bottom of her shoe. She watches the tobacco fall out of the cigarette and steps on it. Then continues walking towards the group in hopes to find an open spot to sit in the sand by the fire. She quietly walks around the fire, listening to the conversations and observing the group. When she finds an open spot in the sand she plops down and starts playing with a small twig in the fire. But because everyone seemed to be in conversation, she sat and listened to what everybody had to say. She did this while watching the flames flicker, feeling the cool breeze on her back, and the sound of the ocean filling the air.
Anastasia had sat near the beach ,she couldn't move it talk ,she saw some it he people she ahead on her beach area,she didn't know why but didn't care anymore less .She got up and walked towards her spot ,there was a log which was her spot to sit and think about certain things she's going through ,she didn't say a word to the others .all different ages ,but why did she care ,she didn't .why are there people here ,this is my spot at the beach ,why is anyone even here to begin with ?,she though to herself as they all gathered around a little ,she didn't turn back to them ,if they are here for the same reason ,they all need to keep quiet.She looked ahead towards the beach as they made a fire.

Melani seemed much more approachable and easy to talk to than any of the others so far, so Nikita was thankful. He smiled at the girl and held out a hand to shake, trying to come off as friendly and harmless. "My name is Nikita, and I guess I'm doing okay. How are you tonight?"
Seeing the smaller boy giggle made Barry feel warm inside, despite the coldness of the air and his far proximity from the fire. Still, he was surprised to see not one, but both of the others waving him over, and he once again became hesitant. Did they know that he couldn't exactly speak to them? No, of course not. Barry had a slight sinking feeling that awkwardness would ensue, but his desire for company was far greater. Upon approaching the group, which had been made larger by the arrival of three young women, he gave another wave and smile, then paused, unsure of what else to do.

@Annabella @Tiny Dragon @Zatanna

Nikita was happy to see that someone was coming over. Another friend! He smiled brightly at the other boy and held out his hand for the boy to shake, as a gesture of kindness.

"Hello, my name is Nikita. What's yours?"

Lukas Fleischmann


The love of his life stared back at him, through cold eyes, taunting him to make the move. They first met at the back of a convenience store back in '09, and she had held him by the collar ever since. She played with him, controlled him, made him do all sorts of things he thought he'd never do, and say things he didn't know that can even pass from his lips. She wanted his attention (always), and he willingly gave it without even putting up a fight. It made his mother disappointed, and his father furious. Magnilde, his mother, once said, "Mein Sohn, sie werden dich töten. I know she will." But he never listened, even when Magnilde broke down in tears, and Dieter, his father, looked at him like he just set fire to the world. And now, she wants him again, and he'll he damned if he didn't admit that he wanted her too. With a sigh and a heavy heart, Lukas Fleischmann got up from his seat and grabbed her by neck, tilting her to his lips.

The Vodka sent a streak of heat running down his throat. It took almost the full bottle before the effects started to kick in, and when it did, he felt invincible. His problems disappeared, even for just a moment, and that felt good. Whatever will make him forget is good enough for him. When the bottle is completely drained, he went to his makeshift liquor cabinet to grab just one more, but there's nothing left. He completely forgot the fact that he drained his supply last night, and that he needed to go out and get some more. Muttering a string of curses beneath his breath, Lukas grabbed his jacket, his wallet, his keys and his pack of cigarettes from the counter and walked out the door.

He ended up at the beach because it's late and the stores he visited regularly are closed. After parking his motorbike, he lit a smoke, and took a long drag. Shoving one hand into the pocket of his jeans, Lukas turned on his heels and walked towards his favourite spot on the beach. When he got nearer, a look of confusion appeared on his face when he saw that a bonfire is lit, and there are people lounging around it. He was planning on spending some time with himself ,his cigarettes, and the beach; not with a bunch of strangers. But it's late, he has no liquor to keep him company, and his cigarette pack is almost empty. So with another long drag, and a moment's hesitation, Lukas walked over to the group and said "Hey, nice night huh?" to no one in particular.
Barry accepted Nikita's hand gratefully, put a bit more at ease by his kindness. His smile grew along with the taller boy's, but then faded into a contemplative look. The hard part came after the handshake. How to introduce himself? He decided that it was worth a try, on the off chance that Nikita or one of the others in their close vicinity understood ASL, and with a slight apologetic shrug, signed out: "My name is Barry. It's nice to meet you."

@R O S E N R O T

Megan watches a stranger walk up by himself with a cigarette in hand. "Hey, nice night huh?" he says out loud

"Sure is." Megan replies looking in his direction. "What brings you out here tonight?" Megan pulls her new red pack of Marlboro out of her purse, and smacks the end of it into the palm of her hand. She turns around to find where the wind is blowing so it doesn't blow smoke back into the crowd of people.

"Would you like to sit?" Megan looks up at the stranger and puts a cigarette to her lips and lights it.
"Anyone know a good joke?" Edward said finishing his first smoke and lighting another. "Saint Peter's talking to god and god says 'Only let in people who's had a bad day in today.' God walk off and poof first guy appears. Saint Peter says 'Before I let you in, I gottta know how your day was' the guy says 'Oh man it was awful. I got fired from my job and came home early. My wife's lying naked on the bed, I'm not due home for two more hours so I know she's cheating. I look all around the house but can't find anyone, so I rest near the window and see a guy hanging off of the window sill. I pound on his hands and he falls. He doesn't die though so I push the fridge out on top of him. I jump around cause I'm so excited, then I have a heart attack and die.' Saint Peter says 'Yeah that's a bad day, go inside.'

Poof! Next guy comes up Saint Peter says 'Before I let you in I gotta know how your day was.' 'It was terrible!' The man cries. 'I was on the fourth floor of my apartment working out on my treadmill and the belt snapped. I flew out the window and managed to catch the window below me and some psycho starts smashing my fingers and I fall and break every bone in my body. Then the guy drops a fridge on me and I die!' Saint Peter chuckles a bit and says 'Go on in.'

Poof! Third guy comes in, looking a little wild. Saint Peter says 'Before I let you in you gotta tell me how your day was.' The guy says 'Saint Peter you're not going to belive this! Ok, I'm sitting naked in a fridge....'"
Elijah looked around from the spot in the sand where he stood, a reasonable distance away from the larger group of people by the fire. He was much too shy to approach, afraid he'd make a fool of himself or come across too awkward. He was used to being the centre of attention in high school, people liked him, but that was only because he was fake.

He didn't want to be that made up person who was fearless and brave in everyway. He wanted to be real, really be himself, he wanted to be one of the proud men he looked up to, accepting who they were, embracing the fact that they were different. He didn't know why it was so hard for him.

He moved ahead, seeing a smaller group of people aside from the main one. Two or three people maybe. He decided that was where to start and so he approached. Looking at them with the best smile he could muster, "hey."

@R O S E N R O T @AudreyElisabeth @claryfawn
Felis sat back for a while more, still cautious to approach the group. As several more people drew closer to the fire, they noticed someone who was about the same height as them, if not a little taller. They felt strangely comforted by this, as if another short person wouldn't be able to hurt them. If they turned out to be wrong, well, at least they would be defeated by someone of a tiny stature. Taking a deep breath, Felis finally stepped forward and approached the girl with the massive curly hair. "Hey," they said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible. "I'm Felis."

Anastasia looked towards him ,she smiled tightly ,she was having bad thoughts at the moment ,and she needed a distraction for the time being "well..hi"if he heard her or noticed her small frame sitting on the log,no many said anything to her,or even looked .She was invisible .She could tell the looks and when she spoke felt like she didn't even say anything to anyone ,the thoughts to kill herself was getting easier to think about and the easier to go do ,she could care less about her life or the babies .She might as well go to hell already .



Melani clasped Nikita's hand, thankful that he was outright with his kindness. "A pleasure to meet you Nikita, I am doing alright today and how are you?" Melani released Nikita's hand before turning towards the other boy who had approached and nodding her head in acknowledgement. Today would possibly be a good day if she continued to hang around here for a while.

The first response he got was from a young woman with brown hair and sad eyes. @claryfawn He gave her a small smile before replying, "Yeah, I do. Apparently I'm not the only one who does." From the looks of her, and the strain in her voice, Lukas figured the girl might've been crying. But he had enough problems of his own, and he wasn't one to pry in to people's lives, so he let it go. "You alright? You can have my jacket if the cold is bothering you." He shrugged and dropped his cigarette on the sand, putting it out with the heel of his sneakers. "Probably the same thing as you," @AudreyElisabeth he answered to another young woman with a cigarette in hand. He walked over to her and took seat. "Mind if I have one?" he asked her, while gesturing to her cigarette. "I'm all out. I swear I'll get you a new pack in return, when I can." He watched her smoke for a while, his eyes following the cloud of smoke, toxins, and death, dispersing in the wind. Through the light of the bonfire, he caught a glimpse of one of the several tattoos that lined her arm. "Huh. You're a work of art. I didn't know I walked into a museum," he said with a small smile. "I never liked going to one. I was always afraid that I might damage the art and masterpieces." He rolled the sleeves of his jacket and showed her the ink that stained his wrist. "I only have one, but I'm thinking of adding some more." He shrugged. Just then, another person joined in their group. A guy with a grin on his face walked over to them. "Hey," Lukas answered, smiling back at him. @jmcknight08
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Megan smiled at the other strangers in the group, "Hi, I'm Megan" @jmcknight08 @claryfawn

She handed a cigarette to the mysterious guy sitting next to her, "No worries, about getting me a pack, I know what it's like to have to worry about that kind of stuff. And besides, it's not like you're taking my carton." Megan sticks her tongue at her new acquaintance. "Hmm, yeah my tattoos are something. I never get tired of looking at them. Yours are fantastic." Megan smiles as she looks at his ink. I've always enjoyed going to museums, all of the masters in one place. The local museum is kind of a dud but the MET in New York and the SAM in Seattle are amazing." Megan smiles and looks down at her shoes, flicking the ashes into the sand beside her."I don't think I caught your name." @R O S E N R O T
Anastasia looked at them both ,she had a few of her own ,she wasn't good at being a people person ,and she always thought her name was like a childhoods fairy tail name .but her stupid problems were useless to bug about at moment ,she gulped down being pity about herself for a, Little to be maybe happy ."those are cool tattoos ,I have a few of my own ."She was freaking out ,she didn't even know these people ,but she had no one else to talk too beside the guy and them two ."and my name is Anastasia by the way ..."She hated saying her full name. ,the look on her face made you think maybe someone told her it wasn't the prettiest or good name to have for the rest of your life .

She took off her gloves threw them to the sand ,they didn't even fit her anyways ,and she unzipped her jacket ,it didn't even keep her warm.She threw that to the sand ,she felt better being exposed to the cold like this ,her nose became red and her flushed .She kinda smiled to herself .

@R O S E N R O T @AudreyElisabeth
"I'm Elijah." He said with a small voice, the clearness in his words made up for the lack of confidence in his tone, "nice to meet you all."

His eyes lingered on the man after he gave a quick look at the women. It seemed that they all didn't know each other either, making things less awkward for Elijah himself. He wasn't sure what the occasion was, maybe there was simply just a party and he happened to walk into it.

The first girl, Megan, seemed to be the one most into conversation. He made himself comfortable, watching the smoke that came from the cigarette she'd shared with the man. It was a habit he never understood or been at all interested in, but he was intrigued by the way the end of cigarette burned bright as the user inhaled.

The other girl seemed hesitant to introduce herself. she seemed just as shy as he was, maybe even more. He cursed himself for lacking the social skills, but he hoped that the people he'd chosen to interact with would forgive his awkwardness in conversation.

@R O S E N R O T @AudreyElisabeth @claryfawn
Edward sat next to Megan and Lukas and smiled at Anastasia and Elijah. "Well if we're talking about ink..." He lifted the sleeves of his sweatshirt and showed them the soldier tattoos and the crow sleeve on his right side. "Got more, but we're not that close and I'm not drunk." he said with a somber laugh. He lit his third smoke and stowed his zippo in his jeans. It looked very old and beat up with Arabic writing on it. The smoke was finally starting to burn and that's the feeling Edward loved.

"I was 18 when I got this one." He said pointing to the 1st Armored Division Unit Patch on his left arm. "In case I bought it and they could only find my arm. I got a smaller one on my ankle. I'm Edward by the way."

@R O S E N R O T @AudreyElisabeth @claryfawn @jmcknight08
Anastasia was actually amazed a bit by Edwards tattoos ,she smirked a little bit her quirky said coming out a bit .She padded the log next to her for Elijah,he seemed really shy so she thought it would be good to be a little nice to someone who is uncomfortable with this whole .She smiled at him before looking back at the others ,she rolled her sleeves up a bit ,letting the cold air hit her body ,she was feeling a little better now ,with her thoughts .it isn't that bad ,but the smoke it's going to kill before I do myself ..She wrinkled her nose cutely,she looked like the red nose reindeer ,on how cold and red her nose was .She then started throwing her gloves into the fire and her jacket she let stay on the sand. .

Megan was overwhelmed with the amount of people that was starting to crowd her. Anastasia seemed very nervous, but like she wanted to be apart of the conversation. She watched the girl as she stripped her clothes off to show her ink. "Anastasia, that is a gorgeous name, you don't hear it very often." She smiles at the girl, admiring her tattoos. @Inritz
Elijah moved and sat down next to the girl, letting his legs straighten and crossing his ankles over each other after he sat down on the log. The girl seemed friendly enough, he gave her a small smile before focusing on the others. He a nod to Megan who'd offered him the chance to join them.

He figured that he must have stuck out like a sore thumb, they were all decked out in tattoos, he had to admit that they looked really cool. The way the ink stuck out on their skin, stories told on their own bodies. He could never bring himself to get one, he was scared to have something permanent on his body, the scar behind his ear enough.

He looked carefully at the other man, Edward while taking a shaky breath, the smell of cigarette smoke filling his nostrils. He leaned forwards to get a better look at the tattoo he was showing. He wasn't an expert, but he could tell it was well done.

"The name's Lukas," @Inritz The mention of being drunk made Lukas remember about the drink he was supposed to have, and the anticipation of tomorrow's promise of liquor made his hands start shaking. He quickly shoved them into the pockets of his jeans.
"Same to you, though I was expecting to be spending the night alone. Then again the last time I was alone for too long, well...It wasn't so good." Edward said with a wry grin, but there was a flash of pain in his eyes. He shook the offered hand. He took another drag. "That doesn't matter though."

@R O S E N R O T @AudreyElisabeth @claryfawn @jmcknight08
Being told her name was pretty from all ,it was okay .it didn't boost her confidence or anything like that .but when he put of his cigarette she was utterly a little shocked ,she didn't want to see her not like it ,but her baby wasn't going to be sick because of second hand smoking .baring the cold without anything to wear she didn't like wearing things that where useless to her .She looked around the group as they talked ,ans when Edward mentioned him being alone ,he looked sad .She knew that face ,it's what she gives most of the time ,the conversation being spoken place she felt a little out of it .She looked at her hands for a little while ,before getting up from the log and going to the sore for the beach ,her head was swarming in thoughts ,and she was feeling a little sick also .

@Inritz @R O S E N R O T
@Inritz "Well, Edward, I am glad you could be here tonight with us. Hopefully it will be a good night for you" Megan smiles back at Edward, watching as he inhales his cigarette.

@R O S E N R O T Megan turns to Lukas to get her smokes back. "Hey now." She playfully grabs at the pack but moves back into her spot in the sand. Finishes her cig and flicks the butt into the fire. "I can understand your wanting to view things from afar, I am pretty good at destroying things." Megan goes quiet as she thinks about the night she left her parents, the night that she completely destroyed any chance of family she could have had. She now tends to keep herself at a safe distance from people to not ruin and potential relationships that may form.

@jmcknight08 Megan is torn from her thoughts when the waves begin to crash loudly against the shore. "So Elijah, you're very quiet. What brings you down here?" She admires the way that he leans in to get a closer look at Edward's ink, looking at him it would appear that he has none but Megan is not one to assume, "Do you have any art?" She smiles at him.

@claryfawn Anastasia was very quiet, but she loved admiring her and watching all of her little expressions. However, when she noticed her nose wrinkle and Lukas put his cigarette out she realized that this may not be the best place to smoke, regardless how hard she tried to avoid sitting in the wind.

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