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Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

@NimbusTheCat Logan's eyes lit up a bit when he noticed the new male signing in ASL, it was rare that he met someone else who knew that form of communication. The nervousness that he had felt earlier began to simmer down now that he realized Barry and him shared something in common. Logan smiled and signed, "nice to meet you too, I'm Logan," in return. He looked up at Nikita and wondered if the taller man knew how to sign as well, though it was unlikely. He noticed him speaking Russian to another girl, though, so there could've been a slim chance that he knew more than just those languages. If he didn't, Logan knew he wouldn't have a problem translating...he wanted everyone to feel as comfortable as possible.

@Inritz In the corner of his eyes, Logan could see a few new people joining the spot on the beach. One was a man who seemed to be much older than everyone. He was smoking, yet as someone who smoked as well, Logan didn't mind it. @claryfawn Another girl had seemed as though she was crying, which made Logan's heart ache for her. He hated seeing people upset, even if he didn't know them well. @jmcknight08 As he scanned the area some more, he noticed another guy, dressed in a white shirt and some dark colored jeans. Though he appeared to be a bit awkward about the situation, he seemed like a friendly person as well...they all did. @AudreyElisabeth Another girl began to smoke, which seemed to be a common theme here. She sat beside everyone, as though to be looking for friends, which made her seem more approachable to Logan. He liked that, no one here seemed off-putting, and he found comfort in that. @R O S E N R O T The last person to catch Logan's eye was a male who had been, to no surprise, smoking. He put it out when others appeared to dislike it, though. He kept his glance on everyone else, too afraid to say anything to the new people, but wishing he could. He smiled in their direction, hoping that maybe someone would welcome him.
Elijah noticed a man looking over in the direction of the group with a warm smile. He looked down at the sand, practicing phrases and sentences in his head before just giving him a small, subtle wave, hopefully he understood that it was an invitation to join the group. He figured that the group of people he sat with would be friendly enough to let him join as well.

He bit his lip, his mind raced faster than it had ever before. He felt himself get warm, a blush perhaps, or maybe it was heat that radiated off the flickering fire in front of him. Maybe he'd come out of this situation with new friends, a step towards a new life, they all seemed to have their own ways of talking and handling themselves. He didn't see any negatives to the situation, in fact, he thought he might learn a thing or two from these people.

Logan saw someone wave him over and took it as an invitation to join the group. He hoped that Barry and Nikita would follow him as he walked over to the others and waved in return. He looked up a bit from his feet, though he had trouble keeping full eye contact. He wanted so badly to make friends, but it was difficult when he was fearing that everyone didn't like him or could be a threat. In the back of his mind, he tried to calm down and remind himself that they were all probably harmless. The thoughts of them not liking him were hard to dismiss, though. He gave a tiny grin and waved yet again before mentally slapping himself. "You're such an idiot, you can't even introduce yourself," he thought harshly. "Um, I'm Logan...hello," he then finally spoke shakily. He directed what he said to the whole group, but his glance made it's way to the male who waved him over in the first place.


"I'm doing alright, and yourself?" How could he respond to that honestly without being terrified for what could happen to him? He could never tell Melani the truth right away, but maybe with time he could trust her enough. She seemed kind enough.


[oh so I guess to hell with Nikita then]
"My name is Elijah." He said, gesturing to the spot on the log next to him, sliding over a little closer to the girl so that Logan could fit. He held his hand out for a formal handshake, mentally cursing himself for doing so realizing that no one was that formal at an event like this. He kept his smile on, trying his best to look friendly. He wanted friends, and he could tell this guy was nervous too.

He tried to force away the thoughts of thinking some of these men were good looking and pretty attractive. It was embarrassing for him, even after all these years of really understanding his interests, he still was worried about being treated differently or made fun of. Pretending to be straight was easier on him but he knew that in the long run it would only be harder and harder.

He looked into the fire, no one here knew him, and if chose, he'd probably never have to see them again. He dug his shoes into the sand, knowing that by the time he'd returned home he'd have sand in places sand shouldn't be anyways. He loosened his shoulders, he made it a goal to make this night better than any other.

Barry quickly followed after Logan as he approached the larger group that was standing not so far way. He was thrilled to find someone here with whom he could communicate, and he sincerely hoped that he would be able to get to know him better over the course of the night. Logan appeared to be a genuinely interesting and kind-hearted person, although a bit troubled, but he was troubled, too. He didn't know of many people who weren't, come to think of it. In form of greeting, he simply offered yet another wave and smile to the assembly of people. Barry didn't bother to hope that he would be able to find anyone else who "spoke" his language.

@Inritz @jmcknight08
Anastasia had left the group ,the breeze of the ocean making it even colder ,she still could smell the cigarette smoke ,but it was a good smell to her in some way .She took a deep breath ,letting the water. Wash over her shoes a little ,making them wet she touched her stomach gently,she didn't know if ending her life would be worth all the struggle ,or wait till after the baby could live a good life then end it .buts that's nine months of trouble and being alone with no one's help .She shook her head ,she would love for the baby ,because in her heart she was already loving it .She whipped away a tear from her face before going back to the group .

@Inritz @jmcknight08 @R O S E N R O T @emdillon
"There're two reasons why people ain't talkin' 'bout things; either it don’t mean anythin' to 'em, or it means ev'rythin'." Wise words Lukas heard from a bum he was out drinking with, late out at night after work. The guy somehow managed to acquire a drink of his own, and was asking for company, so Lukas joined in. They had a nice time, and Lukas made the drunken, stupid mistake of giving the guy his address because he's a fun guy, and he could use a drinking buddy from time to time. Fortunately, the bum he met was a nice kind of bum, and he didn't try anything. He still meets him after work to drink with. Edward's words reminded him of that time, and from the look of his eyes, the guy seems to be suffering from something. @Inritz But then again, it wasn't his business, and he has enough problems of his own. If only there's some goddamn alcohol around here. Mensch, reiss dich zusammen, he thought, as he forced his hands to stop shaking. "Glad I'm not the only one," he replied to Megan. @AudreyElisabeth "Guess that's why hurricanes are named after people huh? On the bright side, we can be partners in crime. Wundervoll. " On the corner of his eye, he noticed Anastasia leaving the group. but she came back after a short while. "Hey, you okay?" he asked her casually. @claryfawn Pretty soon, new faces joined in the crowd. Lukas nodded to each of them, wondering when had the group gotten so big. "Well it looks like we're having a party here. Minus the drinks, the food, the lights, and the entertainment," he said to no one in particular. "Anyone want to start some fun, or something? Ein Spiel? A game or something to pass the time."


Melani shrugged in indifference, to be truthful she couldn't exactly pinpoint her emotions as of the moment. Everything seemed to be confusing and befuddled, as if looking through muddied water. She had simply left because she was trying to feel something clearly, if that made sense. She did not tell Nikita that, however, it seemed as if he possibly had troubles of his own. "I'm fine thank you, just wondering how we all came to be here..it's quite a comedic coincidence."

Anastasia gulped and shook her head no to him when he asked her nicely ,she ran her fingers through her hair ,as the cold felt warm now to her .her nose and cheeks ,she took another deep breath .She wasn't feel so good her face turned pale and felt like she was going to throw up ,she tried to keep it down ,she leaned back before herself lean forward she groaned .She didn't even eat anything and the pregnancy was already making her sick ,she looked up at Lukas .She didn't want anyone to know but it was getting worse .

@R O S E N R O T
Edward took a last drag and fumbled around for his pack. He saw that it was empty and grumbled. He reached into his backpack and got another pack. He threw the empty in the fire and took out his flask. "Old enough to die for your country, old enough to have a sip with me." he said with a grin. He offered the flask around. " 'Sides I was drinking at your ages anyway. It was legal to when I was stationed in Germany. "Careful though, that's 151. Look at me corrupting the youth of today, As if you kids didn't have enough problems."

Chanel was NOT used to being ignored. She almost lost her cool, and slapped him or something but she couldn't show herself as a bitch just yet. It was so fun.

She walked over to Lukas, he was cute enough. She grabbed his arm and looked at him with her sad puppy dog eyes.

"H-hi I'm sorry... I need some basic first aid... Could you help me or something?" she said softly.

She looked around, there were so many weird ass people here. It was like a haven for weird asses. She could probably make fun of everyone for something. It still wasn't time. Besides, this gave her time to come up with an arsenal of insults. Then when she was ready, she would shoot this insults at them ike bullets, poke holes in their ego and watch them crumble.

Chanel snapped back into reality and put her hand lightly on his chest.

Zayn looked on from the bushes, not wanting to be seen by whatever fucking freak show this was. They would probably steal his money and give him AIDS or something. There were some attractive people there however the probably had serious damage.

Then he saw a girl who wasn't like the others. She was in a cheerleading uniform and looked like she was hurt. She was not one of them he could tell. If he did decide to stay here, she would be someone who had his back.

He took a deep breathe and stepped out of the bushes making himself known. He looked dashing if he said so himself. He was wearing a button up, a blazer, and some nice blue jeans, and very expensive leather shoes.

He walked into the light and looked around wondering if anyone would try to approach him.

He smiled looking at a Elijah. He was wildly attractive.

Yes, that will be mine. I swear. He said to himself.

He walked over to where he was sitting and took a seat close to him, smiling at the male.

@R O S E N R O T @jmcknight08

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Lukas watched as Edward pulled a flask out of his bag. "Dank sei Gott," he muttered under his breath as he accepted a drink from him. @Inritz It took all of his self-control not to drain the entire thing, before passing it around. "Danke schön," he replied to the older guy, "Yeah, it is legal there, to drink at a young age." He shrugged, wondering if he would still be an alcoholic if his parents had stayed there, and were the ones to introduce alcohol to him, instead of his deadbeat, drug addicted friends. "I don't think you're corrupting something, if it's already been corrupted," he added. Lukas was about to ask him if he can have just one more drink, when Anastasia answered him with a shake of her head. @claryfawn She looked like a ghost as she turned pale, and started to lean backwards then forwards. "Hey, what the--" He stood up and walked over to her, pulling her over to him so she can lean on his shoulder. "Are you sick?" he asked, while feeling her forehead. Her skin was starting to feel hot against him. "Hey, what the hell's wrong with you? You better not throw up at me." Before he can do or say anything else however, another young woman pulled him aside and asked for some help. Do I look like a fucking doctor? Why is everyone suddenly hurt or sick tonight? All I wanted was a drink. Lukas thought as he watched the blonde make eyes at him. He stiffened a bit when she put a hand on him. "Help with what exactly, kleine mädchen?" @Zatanna he asked her, still afraid of Anastasia potentially vomiting on him. The last thing he wanted tonight is another person's vomit on him.
Anastasia ran away ,she ran to a tree and hurled on the side ,she hated her life ,she did that for about a ten minutes,before sliding down the tree and banging her head on the tree she wanted to cry and cry and die after.She has no one to watch after her ,if she gets sick or can't go to work one day.She just then walked back with water eyes "I'm sorry ,I'm not sick ,I'm...I'm..just "her eyes gave away tears ,she was happy then sad "I'm just pregnant"she was the first person to spill some beans tonight ,hopefully not the last either

@R O S E N R O T

She smirked a little as he called her 'Kleine Madchen'.

"Little girl? I'm no little girl. I just have like a bloody lip or something. You know what, you aren't a doctor, and neither am I. I'll be okay thank you. Im Chanel." she said kindly, smiling at him.

She smelled the liquor on his breath.


The word 'Pregnant' caught her attention and she sat down next to Anastasia.

"I'm sorry. I just over heard your problem. I'm so sorry.... Do you know who the father is? Oh! How rude of me. Im Chanel and Im here for you if you need anything. Liek to go to the doctors or anything. Im here." she said smiling.

Chanel was a brilliant actress. She could make the fakest smile seem genuine and the meanest words seem kind.

@claryfawn @R O S E N R O T
Elijah gave a smile to the other person who joined, he seemed to have followed Logan. He looked away for a moment, his attention turned to another figure approaching the group. He felt his jaw drop at the sight of the man, he definitely didn't fit the image of the other people he was surrounded by. He lacked the tattoos and cigarettes the others seemed oh so fond of. Instead, he was dressed like he was worth a million dollars, from the blazer to the shoes, and then his face. He was breathtaking. He realized he was staring when he caught the man's smile.

His heartbeat sped up, he looked away shyly before biting his lip and coming up with the courage to return the gorgeous smile plastered across the man's impressive jaw line. He wondered if he'd ever have a chance with someone like that, he felt silly for even thinking that he would ever be considered romantically by someone so far out of his league. He felt pathetic, hopelessly chasing boys while faking relationships with girls.

The man had completely taken his attention away from the rest of the group.

Anastasia looked at the girl ,and was surprised"yes I know who the father is"she snapped at her lightly ,she didn't know why this stranger cared ,she thought to herself ..is she joking ,no seriously ,either she actually cares or am I actually dead ?..the voice in her head confused ,"no reason to care ,the baby is not your problem"she looked at the fire in anger .

@Zatanna ,@R O S E N R O T

He caught the boys stares, he smirked. Of course he was interested in him. Zayn was perfect, he was basically a God.

"Hi there. Im Zayn." he said smoothly, offering a bright smile.

"What's your name?" he asked, licking his lips looking at the male.

Chanel almost shot Anastasia a look of evil, however she kept it under wraps.

"Oh... Im sorry. It doesn't matter if the babys not my problem. No one should go through Mother hood alone." she said softy, putting her hand on the girls back lightly.

"So what have you done so far? How far along are you? Have you been to the doctor?" Chanel changed a little. Her mother made her take nursing for 3 years.

She stood up looking at the girl and pulling her hair up into a high pony.

@claryfawn @jmcknight08
"Its only been a month ,and no I can't go ,because I ran away ,my parents didn't except it so I just left trying my best to live before the babies Born,I'm so I snapped at you ,I'm just stressed out all about this ,alone cause no one or my parents seem to car I left home "she smiled at the girl "my name is Anastasia nice to meet you chanel "she tried calming down a bit .if someone was caring take it while it's open even if they didn't mean it .


Wasted hard

When you left me, you left me with no choice

I'm looking for a boy to fill this empty void

Kiss the old me goodbye she's dead and gone, dead and gone, oh

Wasted hard

You took the last bit of love I've ever had

You took a good girl and you turned me oh so bad

Kiss the old me goodbye she's dead and gone, dead and gone, oh

The lyrics screamed in Taya's ears as she pulled her long black hair up into a highs and neat ponytail. She hummed along to the chorus, looking at herself in the mirror. It was nearing three o'clock and that meant it was thirty more minutes until her father came home from work. Her mother was currently in the kitchen cooking dinner for her father and herself since she had to go in for work in a couple of hours. Taya decided now was the perfect time to go running and by running she meant to the beach spot she had found a couple days prior when she went for her usual run. She jugged down the stairs in her tank top and sports bra and running pants. She made sure her shoes were tied before she tripped and made an idiot of herself. Taya walked to where the smell of food came from. She found her mother in the kitchen with the tv on as she cooked.

"I'm going for my run now. I'll be back later." she told her as she opened the door. Her mother waved her hand and told her daughter to be careful and not to talk to anyone strange. Taya smirked and waved back before allo

wing the cool autumn breeze to hit her smack dab in the face. Taya took a deep breath and stretched her arms and legs, shook her hands, and popped her neck before starting off with a light jog. Her day so far was just like any other. She had two classes earlier that morning at the local community college and was done after that. Of course she did her homework and texted a few friends she had made. While she made her way to the spot she had found, she thought about the fight she had this weekend. Someone was challenging her for her featherweight title and she wasn't going to stand by and let the person take it from her. She wouldn't have it and neither would her father. But then again if he could he would have Taya locked in a little glass box. For the fight, her father put her on a special diet to help her become faster and stronger. He also woke her up at 4 a.m. every morning to start her morning workout before school. He was also pushing her harder since apparently her challenger was actually pretty good herself. With all this commotion about the fight plus the stress of school, it took everything that Taya had to not rip her hair out and throw herself in front of a car.

Taya's thoughts were pulled away when the beginning of another song began to play. This song was more heavy metal and with the new rhythm and style, her jogging increased. She could see the familiar trail that began to form from her running back and forth to the spot. It was a faint trail and she knew better than to think that she was the only one who knew of it but she liked to believe that she was the only one who came to it to get away from the real world. She could see a faint glow from the spot and slowed herself down. She pulled her headphones out of her ears and looked at the group of people that were at the spot and gathered around a fire. Some were talking in groups and others were talking amongst themselves.

"What the actual hell?" she said aloud, putting her headphones around her neck and looking around at the people. She was confused at what they were doing but she wasn't about to make them leave. There was more of the beach to go around but Taya wasn't going to shoo people away and she sure as hell wasn't about to walk away. She had every right to be there just like everyone else.
"Whatever," he muttered under his breath as Chanel excused herself and moved to Anastasia. @Zatanna The girl was just really busting his balls because he didn't see any blood coming from her lip. Besides, who need first aid for something like that? Anastasia seems to have taken a liking to the blonde though, so he left them alone and made his way back near the fire. Something about what happened made him tick, making his mood change to a slightly sour one. "Scheiss drauf," he muttered as he turned on his heels and headed towards the water instead. He kicked off his sneakers, and lied down on the sand, inches from the water creeping up on the shore. Lukas let the back of his head rest on his palms as he watched the night sky for a while, before closing his eyes.
Elijah forced himself to look away, the temptation was overwhelming. He knew it would have been impossible to keep up the act if there were men like this in his highschool or university. Even his name was attractive, the way he licked his lips put Elijah on edge. He pulled his feet closer to the log he sat on, adjusting his position so he could better face Zayn.

"Elijah." he said, the shyness creeping back to him. He wondered how long he could keep it together before he turned into a babbling mess or the more likely opposite, couldn't speak at all. He ran a hand through his well groomed blonde hair before scratching behind his ear, a nervous habit he'd grown so used to he didn't even realize he was doing it. The spot next to him was now empty, he hoped that the newcomer would sit next to him. Another part of him hoped that he just left, he was still struggling on whether he should finally come out or not, the same reasons that have always stopped him were still relevant.

Zayn watched Elijah. Thats what he did. He watched people very closely and found out things just by watching. He was VERY observant.

"Nice to meet you Elijah." He said smirking at the seat next to Elijah being open. Zayn stood up and took the seat next to him.

"Mind if I sit here?" Zayn asked watching Elijah. He was pretty close, their legs were touching.

He's attracted to me obviousy however he is fighting something... I bet he's not out yet... How cute.

Zayn smirked leaning over.

"I like your jeans." Zayn whispered into the boys ear and placing his hand on Elijah's upper thigh.

"Only a month okay... You still need to go to the doctor. Yes, you can go to the doctor. I will take care of that dont worry. Dont worry about me. This is an emotional time." she smiled softly. She whipped out her phone and dialed some numbers stepping away.

"Hello I'd like to make an appointment with Doctor Lauri... For tomorrow at 4;30... Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay thank you." She said hanging up the phone and stepping back towards Anastasia.

"You and me have an appointment with Doctor Lauri tomorrow at 4;30. She is an amazing Obstetrician, and will let me pay with cash." she smiled at the girl.

"You might want to get some rest." she said nodding.

@jmcknight08 @claryfawn

The man's confidence and mysteriousness intimidated Elijah more than anything. He felt his face flush, his heartbeat picking up, his blood circulating faster through his entire body to the point where the cool breeze and decently cold temperature was completly irrelevant. He hoped it wasn't all that noticable, that the blush would blend in to the orange-yellow tones that the fire gave off. He didn't want to seem so childish and small compared to him, but it wasn't hard to see that he was new to the same sex romance, that his fake girlfriends hadn't taught him a thing about talking to boys.

When Zayn sat next to him, he could feel his breath become even more shaky and uneven. It was a pinch me moment, as if he was in some sort of wonderful dream where people accepted him for who he was, where he could find love in the form of a dreamy man and spent time with him on a beautiful beach where'd they'd venture off from the group hand in hand and walked along the shoreline. His blush deepened at the scenario in his head, he shook his head.

"I-I, Uh, thanks." Elijah said awkwardly after being whispered to, the touch on his thigh startled him, sending a tingling feeling through his body that he definitely enjoyed. He shied away from the touch, it was too much to process. He tried to move his legs just enough to hint that he didn't want the other man's hand there. He tried to focus on the others in the circle instead of Zayn.

Anastasia was shocked as she made the appointment already "that's sweet of you chanel ,I really don't know what to say ,but will you excuse me for just a moment "she smiled going towards lukas before sitting near him on the sand "you know ,your the only who actually cared unless I didn't say anything about my condition,I know I barely know you ,but you remind me of someone I used to you ,the way you act and all "she felt weird saying all l these things to someone who probably doesn't care "I just have to say thank you "she sighed letting it out before standing up

@R O S E N R O T @Zatanna

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